Within a Budding Grove

Stéphane Heuet is adapting Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past (a.k.a. In Search of Lost Time) into a twelve-volume graphic novel. (A definition: graphic novel == comic book with pretensions of greatness.) He has completed three of the volumes, adapting the first two parts of the novel, Swann’s Way and Within a Budding Grove.

[page showing narrator's trouble sleeping]  &nbsp[page showing the famous madeleine]
Click a thumbnail to view a larger image

The early reviews for Heuet’s adaptation were poor. The consensus seemed to be that it was insanity to attempt such a feat: how could Proust possibly be conveyed in a comic book? And what of the art? How dare Heuet iconify Marcel and Swann and Françoise and Albertine; his art — so-called — is nothing more than pastiche of Hergé‘s Tintin. Tintin and Proust? Bah!

Regardless the opinion of the professional critics, Heuet’s aims are admirable. Moreover, he succeeds in distilling a certain essence from Proust’s prose. He does not capture everything, to be sure, nor would I expect that of him. Instead, he’s managed to effectively dramatize the central narrative while touching — but only touching — upon some of Proust’s philosophical digressions.

[page showing narrator at Balbec]  &nbsp[page showing faces at the window]
Click a thumbnail to view a larger image

I wish that more classic literature was given this sort of attention. Heuet’s project might be reminiscent of Classics Illustrated (which, no surprise, I enjoy), but it takes the formula to another level. Certainly other classics cry out for similar treatment.

I’ve been pleased with what little Proust I’ve managed to read so far (which comprises only the first hundred pages of Swann’s Way, the first of seven volumes in his mammoth novel). Yet nothing I’ve yet read matches the promise present in the final part of Heuet’s adaptation of Within a Budding Grove.

[page showing game of ferret with Albertine]  &nbsp[page showing outcome of flirtations]
Click a thumbnail to view a larger image

It is here that the narrator becomes obsessed with, and pursues the attentions of, a little band of girls, most particularly the glowing Albertine, she of the “brilliant, laughing eyes and plump, matt cheeks”.

Heuet does a marvelous job at conveying the adolescent games that the narrator plays with these girls (and they with him), at drawing the growing affection between Marcel and Albertine, affection which alternates with (seemingly) arbitrary dismissal. How true their actions feel, so much like a similar boyhood romance of my own, one which also failed to reach fruition due to inopportune resistance on the part of both myself and the object of my affection, many times, over the course of many years. (One should not read this bit of nostalgia as regret, however; it is simply nostalgia.)

And surely the original Proust is even better, yes? I am eager to discover.

Here is the relevant portion of the text: Seascape, with frieze of girls, though the odds that anyone will follow this link, and read from the text, are slim indeed. Perhaps a quote is in order (emphasis is mine):

No doubt, all their faces had assumed quite new meanings for me since the manner in which they were to be read had been to some extent indicated to me by their talk, talk to which I could ascribe a value all the greater in that, by questioning them, I could prompt it whenever I chose, could vary it like an experimenter who seeks by corroborative proofs to establish the truth of his theory. And it is, after all, as good a way as any of solving the problem of existence to approach near enough to the things that have appeared to us from a distance to be beautiful and mysterious, to be able to satisfy ourselves that they have neither mystery nor beauty. It is one of the systems of hygiene among which we are at liberty to choose our own, a system which is perhaps not to be recommended too strongly, but it gives us a certain tranquility with which to spend what remains of life, and also — since it enables us to regret nothing, by assuring us that we have attained to the best, and that the best was nothing out of the common — with which to resign ourselves to death.

I had now substituted, in the brains of these girls, for their supposed contempt for chastity, their memories of daily ‘incidents,’ honest principles, liable, it might be, to relaxation, but principles which had hitherto kept unscathed the children who had acquired them in their own respectable homes. And yet, when one has been mistaken from the start, even in trifling details, when an error of assumption or recollection makes one seek for the author of a malicious slander, or for the place where one has lost something, in the wrong direction, it frequently happens that one discovers one’s error only to substitute for it not the truth but a fresh error. I drew, so far as their manner of life and the proper way to behave with them went, all the possible conclusions from the word ‘Innocence’ which I had read, in talking familiarly with them, upon their faces. But perhaps I had been reading carelessly, with the inaccuracy born of a too rapid deciphering, and it was no more written there than was the name of Jules Ferry on the program of the performance at which I had heard Berma for the first time, an omission which had not prevented me from maintaining to M. de Norpois that Jules Ferry, beyond any possibility of doubt, was a person who wrote curtain-raisers.

No matter which it might be of my friends of the little band, was not inevitably the face that I had last seen the only face that I could recall, since, of our memories with respect to a person, the mind eliminates everything that does not agree with our immediate purpose of our daily relations (especially if those relations are quickened with an element of love which, ever unsatisfied, lives always in the moment that is about to come)? That purpose allows the chain of spent days to slip away, holding on only to the very end of it, often of a quite different metal from the links that have vanished in the night, and in the journey which we make through life, counts as real only in the place in which we at any given moment are. But all those earliest impressions, already so remote, could not find, against the blunting process that assailed them day after day, any remedy in my memory; during the long hours which I spent in talking, eating, playing with these girls, I did not remember even that they were the same ruthless, sensual virgins whom I had seen, as in a fresco, file past between me and the sea.

If I dote on Proust, it’s only because he has, in the small portion I’ve read of him and about him, impressed with me with his artistry, his sensitivity, his perception. I feel — and this itself is a Proustian observation — that he is able to articulate certain feelings, certain emotions, in language that I could never hope to achieve.

Proust is not for everyone. His writing, though elegant, is dense, and requires patience to parse. Yet for those willing to persevere, the rewards are great.

Regarding my road to recovery:

At present these are the doctor’s orders: no driving, weight-bearing activities (such as walking) only with the brace locked at full extension, brace unlocked to allow flexion when seated, and physical therapy three times a week.

How am I coping with these requirements?

I’m driving, but only about town. I’m performing weight-bearing activities with the brace open to ninety degrees (though I’m quite careful), and will occasionally walk short distances on the knee without a brace. I’m going to physical therapy three times a week (and performing the assigned exercises three times per day).

I feel great. (Mostly.)

The physical therapists seem to think I’m making good progress, too. They said they don’t generally see ACL patients until the fifth or sixth week after the surgery, and that I’m actually ahead of most recoveries (I’ve been worried that I’m behind.) They warned me again that I’m at high risk of reinjury because the quick healing makes me prone to overconfidence. They’re right.

Best of all, tonight will be my last session in the continuous passive motion machine (a.k.a. The Rack). It gets taken away tomorrow.

I worked a full day yesterday, and will work close to a full day today. I have a tendency to bump into things, or to twist my leg/brace a bit, which caused a bit of trouble, but the experience is mostly a positive one. I’m less content today than yesterday; my knee is sore, and I have the chills.


On 10 June 2003 (02:42 PM),
tammy said:

And what makes you so sure that no one will follow the link. I follow almost everyone of your links if they have to do with a book. now if it has something to do with music or computer programs I don’t. But this link Iwould have definitly clicked on.

On 10 June 2003 (03:01 PM),
Dana said:


Exhibit A
these are the doctor’s orders: no driving, weight-bearing activities (such as walking) only with the brace locked at full extension, brace unlocked to allow flexion when seated, and physical therapy three times a week.

Exhibit B
The physical therapists… warned me again that I’m at high risk of reinjury because the quick healing makes me prone to overconfidence. They’re right.

Exhibit C
I’m driving…
I’m performing weight-bearing activities with the brace open to ninety degrees…
[I] will… walk short distances on the knee without a brace.
I’m going to physical therapy three times a week

Exhibit D
I’m less content today than yesterday; my knee is sore

So, you’re following one of your doctors four orders and your knee is sore. Just how dumb are you intent on being? :/

Remember the root canal. This is far more serious.

On 10 June 2003 (03:04 PM),
dowingba said:

Bah, I say live now, you can always afford a wheelchair later on (I’m being sarcastic, of course).

On 10 June 2003 (03:25 PM),
Joelah said:

I think Heuet’s graphic novel is a noble failure. The question of whether a visual medium can equal or better print in depicting mental states is certainly a live one, but Proust is, at times, so deeply abstract that he makes the limitations of the comic form pretty glaring. E.g. the panel wherein the narrator is sampling the tea and madeleine. Somehow the big ‘ole question mark hovering next to his somewhat quizzical face doesn’t make me want to return my library copies.

Physical Therapy

I had my first physical therapy session today.

The physical therapist is located in downtown Canby, about half a mile from our house. As a treat to myself, I walked to the appointment (cane in hand, of course). Kris was afraid I was going to do this — she knows me well.

It’s a gorgeous day, and the sun was shining, but not yet too hot.

As I started my walk, I passed an older gentleman, also with a cane, out for a stroll. We paused briefly to chat — how often do two men with canes pass each other on the street? — and he asked about my surgery. He wished me luck, and we hobbled our separate ways.

From down the street I could hear the strains of Mexican music, oom-pahing from somebody’s home. A high school boy walked past, skateboard in hand, looking over his shoulder toward the school. Presumably he was ditching class, probably ditching a final.

I came upon the source of the loud Mexican music: a house under construction, all the workers Hispanic. (Remind me to post the track list for my Mexican mix sometime. Mexican music has a bad rep, but some of it is quite good.) On the next corner I came upon Skateboard Boy again, his arms draped around his girlfriend, his skateboard still in his hand. Apparently they had other plans than to take their final exams.

I hobbled down Third street, looking at the lawns and gardens, sweating in the sun.

I passed the gas station, revelled in the smell of cyclobutanes and stale nicotine. (All strong odors smell fantastic after having lived in a confined space for two weeks.)

At Highway 99E I faced a bit of a challenge. The highway was wide, and my pace quite slow. Could I make it across the highway within the time span of the signal? Yes, barely.

I said hello to the mailwoman. I stopped at the frame shop to look at the art in the window. The donut shop was tempting, and reminded me how hungry I was, but my wallet was empty, and Kris had my debit card. Passing the bicycle shop, I felt a pang of jealousy for those able to ride a bike on such a beautiful day.

In all, it took me 32 minutes to make a walk that I could normally make in less than ten. And my knee was sore, too.

My physical therapist, Tyler, measured my current recovery. My unassisted leg extension is -2 degrees, which he says is very good. My unassisted flexion, though, is only 50 degrees, which is below average. I’m having difficulty flexing my quad, especially the interior muscle on the group. He stressed that I need to work on developing strength in this muscle in order to accelerate the recovery process.

Tyler walked me through several exercises intended to begin building strength in the leg. We did leg lifts during which I rested on my back, leg lifts in which I rested on my left side, and leg lifts in which I rested on my right side. We flexed my knee. We did quad contractions, which he wants me to do several hundred times per day. (Basically, I imagine that I need to do one every time that it occurs to me that I ought to do one. Like now.) We did a funny little exercise in which I simply moved my knee cap with my hand.

Tyler stressed that cases like mine are the most dangerous, most at risk for reinjury. I have no pain in the knee presently, and might be inclined to take unnecessary risks, to do more than the knee can handle. For example: I might try to walk half a mile to a physical therapy appointment.

Tyler made me call a friend for a ride home.

I’m glad I walked that distance, though. It made a world of difference to my mental well-being.

Now it’s time for me to enter the CPM machine for six hours. Ugh.


On 05 June 2003 (10:49 AM),
Dana said:

I’ll only say this once.

Listen to your doctors. Remember your root canal?

On 05 June 2003 (12:00 PM),
Joelah said:

Yeah! Remember your… Hmm. Okay, Dana, what happened with the root canal

On 05 June 2003 (12:10 PM),
Dana said:

Well, he had this persistant pain in his tooth, but after a day or so it would go away. Since it always goes away, it can’t possibly be serious. He’d just take some asprin or whatever and be fine!

This went on for, oh, a year? Finally, it got bad enough that he went to the dentist, who said he needed a root canal.

So he had a root canal. And they told him to set up an appointment to get it capped like in a week or so. But you know what? The pain was gone! And the tooth seemed fine! And besides, that sort of thing is expensive, and seems unnecessary, since everything feels fine now!

So, a couple more years pass, and he’s eating something with peanuts in it, and SNAP the tooth disintegrates.

Moral of the story: follow doctors orders! Meh!

On 05 June 2003 (03:01 PM),
dowingba said:

I have a permenant limp in my left leg because of not following doctor’s orders for a knee problem I had. Actually, perhaps I could have mentioned this earlier, it was pretty much the same problem you had before your surgery.

Nintety-Five Degrees

We were sprawled on the back lawn, in the shade of the neighbor’s towering pine tree, the only tree they’d left standing after they moved in. Their yard had been filled with five or six other pine trees, but for one reason or other, they’d all been felled. For a time we feared the neighbors would take down our pine tree, as well.

(I say our pine tree simply because the tree stands just feet from the fence, and it casts its shade completely in our yard, cooling it on summer afternoons. We know the tree belongs to Valbino and Maria, but the only use they derive from the tree is as an end to their clothesline; there are many other things that could serve this purpose.)

Ultimately our pine stayed. I’ve been curious why its life was spared. I suspect it may be because Valbino recognizes the pleasure we derive from the tree, but I’ve never brought myself to ask him. My Spanish is rudimentary (donde esta el bano), and coarse (pendejo, cabron). Valbino’s English suffers from similar limitations. When we collaborated to repair the back fence, the result was a meandering mess.

As I say, we were sprawled on the back lawn, in the shade of the neighbor’s towering pine tree. The thermometer on the shed read ninety-five degrees, and I had no reason to doubt its accuracy. Fortunately, the shade was much cooler.

Kris sat with the cats, scritching Toto’s ears, watching Simon loll in the grass.

I lay on my back, leg braces off — hallelujah! — performing my physical therapy exercises: leg lifts from the left side, leg lifts from the right side, leg lifts from my back.

Between sets of exercises, I spread my arms and let myself sink into my surroundings. I felt the grass on my arms and legs, an ant crawling across my foot, felt the warm sun where it peeked through the screen of the pine. I smelled the freshly mowed lawn (thanks, Mac!), listened to the birds, the sirens, the passing cars.

I soaked it all up. After two weeks spent inside the house, it was something of a sensory overload. I loved it.

This was a moment to relish.

Toto stretched and yawned and squeaked a little meow. Simon pounced on a moth and devoured it.

“This is a pretty meaningless existence,” I said to Kris, meaning life as an invalid, recovering from knee surgery. “I cannot imagine living like this for an extended period of time.”

Kris smiled, touched my hand.

I continued. “There’s nothing in the life I’m currently living to give it any meaning. There’s only the bed and the television and the computer. I may have derived my meaning from these things once, but now I obtain meaning from photography class, from soccer practice (“Not anymore,” Kris said), from, believe it or not, work, from spending time with friends, from going out with you.”

We sat in the shade a while longer.

“Come with me,” Kris said, and she gave me a garden tour, showed me the green strawberries, the vaulting foxglove. She showed me her first cucumber and our bumper crop of peas. She pointed out her new clematis vine.

Typically I’d wilt on a ninety-five degree day. Not today. Today ninety-five degrees was perfect.


On 06 June 2003 (11:26 AM),
Tammy said:

JD this may sound like a wierd comment but I love how you wrote this up. It reads like a novel. What fun! And the funny thing is that I just finished posting in a similar style on the Roth Site. Do you think we could be related?

On 06 June 2003 (12:06 PM),
Drew said:

is the garden a metaphor for sex?

On 06 June 2003 (12:50 PM),
J.D. Roth said:

No, no, meatball — guess again. The garden is a metaphor for the garden. I only wish it were a metaphor for sex.

On 06 June 2003 (12:59 PM),
mac said:

sex would probably hurt right now j.d. I would advise against it :)

On 06 June 2003 (01:36 PM),
tammy said:

I had wondered too if there was any thing more happening then what you wrote. You said, ‘Kris reached out and touched your hand.’ The thought crossed my mind that a little more might have happened there!

On 06 June 2003 (01:57 PM),
Rich said:

The question, Mac, is who would be hurt more – J.D., or the cucumber? I’d advise against it, J.D., as you may develop clematis. (I crack myself up).

Just checking in with you, J.D. Hope all is going well with your recovery. Will you be at the next game on Monday? My 18 month old daughter may get to stay up late (read: after 7 p.m.) and come to watch our buffoonery. If she can make it, so can you. I’ll buy you a beer after the game if you show.

On 06 June 2003 (02:06 PM),
Tiffany said:

I have a question for all you cat people out there: I have two cats that get along wonderfully, but I am tempted to get a third cat. Should I take the risk of screwing up the balance I have with my two cats?

On 06 June 2003 (02:17 PM),
Warren said:

Suggestion: Plant a couple of native pine trees on your side of the fence. ‘Lone Pine’ may be encouraged to live a little longer, besides cucumber, strawberry and foxglove you will share space with new residences through out the year.

On 06 June 2003 (03:44 PM),
dowingba said:

Plant some tree with huge roots right beside your neighbours’ house. The trees deserve revenge.

On 08 June 2003 (08:30 AM),
Kris said:

Jd’s version slightly makes it sound as though we are mad at our back neighbors for cutting down their trees. Au contraire! Before they bought the house, the yard was packed with untended trees, overgrown grass and weeds, weeds, weeds. Some of the trees had dead limbs or were dead entirely. The new neighbors, Maria and Valbino, have converted the area to a nice backyard, albeit almost treeless. They pulled out the stumps, redid the grass and at times have chickens running about.

Now, if only our SIDE neighbors would chop down their #*@$^! cherry tree! This monster is so tall that the birds get all the cherries, it shades the area in which I would love to grow more vegetables and sends cherry-root runners everywhere into out yard, giving us an invading army of cherry saplings every spring. Jd is convinced these neighbors are in the CIA, however, leaving them little time for yardwork.

Sexy Songs

One thing that helped pull me out of my recent funk is Kylie Minogue’s Can’t Get You Out of My Head. I hadn’t even heard this song until Monday night, but now I can’t get enough of it. It’s an example of perfectly-crafted pop music (see also: George Michael’s “Faith”).

And it’s sexy to boot.

Via findvideos.com, I was able to watch a video of the song, albeit in crummy Realvideo format. While I watched, I began to wonder: how many other sexy songs can I name?

My favorite sexy song is Cyndi Lauper’s version of I Drove All Night (also great, but less sexy, when performed by Roy Orbison, Celine Dion, or Pinmonkey).

Other sexy songs I like include: “I Feel Love” by Donna Summer, “Sex” by Berlin, “Welcome to the Pleasure Dome” and “The Ballad of 69” by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, “Feeling Love” by Paula Cole, “Haunted (When the Minutes Drag)” by Love and Rockets, “Right Hand Man” by Joan Osborne, “Every Breath You Take” by The Police, “Haunt Me” by Sade, “Turn Me On” by Norah Jones, and “Wicked Game” by Chris Isaak. (And, Kris notes: “I Need a Man” by Eurythmics.)

Most of these are not songs about love, but songs about passion. Most have slow tempos, and the artists sing with conviction. That’s a pretty short list of sexy songs, though; there must be many others.

What are your favorite sexy songs?

Pre-Crash Comments

On 04 June 2003 (07:12 AM),
dowingba said:

This may not count, but I’ve always thought Beethoven’s Tempest Sonata (3rd movement) is downright the sexiest song ever made. Just the third movement, remember. I swear to God it’s an orgasm.

On 04 June 2003 (11:43 AM),
Craig said:

Many early Prince songs come to mind, but “Little Red Corvette” is especially sexy. Also, “Work It” by Missy Elliot. Oooh, baby.

On 04 June 2003 (11:51 AM),
J.D. said:

Good one.

“Little Red Corvette” is awesome, and I’d forgotten it. I’ll have to download the Missy Elliot song (andt he Beethoven sonata) and give it a listen.

Also, I just remembered that Jimmy Sommerville has some sexy stuff, especially with the Communards.

On 04 June 2003 (01:32 PM),
Paul said:

My dear sweet wife hears Dave Matthews voice sing ANYTHING and she thinks it’s sexy. I don’t get it.

On 04 June 2003 (01:57 PM),
Dana said:

I’m with Paul’s wife. Yum! Ditto for Peter Gabriel… :)

On 04 June 2003 (02:03 PM),
Tiffany said:

Just about anything by Nina Simone, and the slower songs by Dave Matthews Band.

On 04 June 2003 (07:03 PM),
kaibutsu said:

Check out “Rippin’ Kittin,” by Miss Kittin and Golden Boy. It’s like Kylie, but darker and better, IMHO.

Also about half of the Depeche Mode catalogue is unstoppably sexy… ‘Enjoy the Silence,’ ‘Black Celebration,’ ‘Taking a Ride With My Best Friend,’ ‘Lie to Me,’ the list goes on and on.

On 04 June 2003 (07:15 PM),
kaibutsu said:

Also check out “Low Down Man,’ by the Squirell Nut Zippers, ‘The Great Escape,’ by Moby, ‘Because the Night,’ by Patti Smith, ‘Glory Box,’ by Portishead, pretty much anything off of Massive Attack’s Mezzanine album, and any of a number of Ella and Louis duets.

My nomination for best anti-sexy song is Type O Negative’s ‘Unsucessfully Coping With the Natural Beauty of Infidelity:’
‘I know you’re fuckin’ someone else!
[band yells:] He knows you’re fuckin’ someone else!’

On 12 June 2003 (07:48 PM),
Littlelawbear said:

My hands-down favourite sexy songs:

“What Would Happen” by Meredith Brooks
“The Beautiful Ones” by Mariah Carey & Dru Hill (it’s a remake of the original Prince song)

Trust me, just loop these two and you’re set.

Happy “listening”!

On 11 July 2003 (09:06 PM),
MC said:

I’ve got a few…
Posession by Sarah McLachlin
Stupid Girl by Garbage
Move by Dujeous
Criminal by Fiona Apple
Wicked Game by Chris Isaak
Father Figure by George Michael
Kiss and Tell by Bryan Ferry
Boyz by Britney Spears

These are not necessarily “love songs” but I think they are very sexy!!

On 11 July 2003 (09:08 PM),
MC said:

I forgot 2 of my favorites…

Sweet Jane by Cowboy Junkies
Fade into You by Mazzy Star

On 20 July 2003 (12:43 PM),
Didi said:

My favorites sexy songs are:
-Break me shake me and Truly madly deeply by Savage Garden
-I get lonely and When we oooo by Janet Jackson
-Insatiable by Darren Hayes
-Let’s make a night to remember by Bryan Adams

Bye ;-)

On 22 July 2003 (02:57 PM),
SingedEffigy said:

I know not many people share my taste in music, but I must say that:

Deftones – Change
Jay Gordon – Slept So Long
Static-X – Cold
VAST – Pretty When You Cry
Lamb – Lusty
Hooverphonic – Inhaler
Delerium – Underwater
London After Midnight – Spider and the Fly

are among the sexiest songs ever….

On 23 July 2003 (05:04 PM),
Krista said:

Drive by Melissa Ferrick is pretty hot
and pretty much almost anything by Macy Gray especially Sexomatic Venus Freak

On 23 July 2003 (05:32 PM),
Suzy said:

How about “I Belong To You” by Brian McKnight?

On 24 July 2003 (11:19 AM),
Nicole said:

How could you forget Marvin Gaye like “Let’s Get it On” and my absolute favorite “Sexual Healing” and not to mention “Cry to Me” by Solomon Burke and “Hungry Eyes” both from the movie Dirty Dancing. Also many Janet Jackson songs too like “Anytime, Any place” and don’t forget a new one, “Your Body is a Wonderland” by John Mayer. Good luck… I love sexy songs

On 26 July 2003 (11:09 PM),
Ryan said:

Anyone heard the song “The Distance” by Cake? That sure as hell isn’t about a race.*wink* That one is just subliminally sexy. Crash by Dave Matthews Band is incredible. It would be kinda nice to know what exact genre you’re looking for. Because I mean, you want bass and smooth type sexy just pick up a pop/r&b cd (for example 112). But I find Carlos Santana’s guitar styling to just be so hot. Also, I don’t think any girl can resist “Everlong” by Foo Fighters. Also, you tryin’ to make a “get some action” mix, or “romantic” mix. If it’s more romantic stuff you’re looking for then go for some Lifehouse; like Everything, and Breathing. Oh, plus, how old are you? Some may not appreciate “Closer” by NIN, but the younger kids (I’m 16)like it, at least my girlfriend does. Try “The Hollow” by A Perfect Circle. That’s it, see ya.

On 27 July 2003 (03:05 PM),
Nicole said:

My favorite sexy songs are Moments in Love, by Art of Noise, and Sleepwalker, by Santo and Johnny.

On 27 July 2003 (10:47 PM),
erin said:

work me slowly by xscape
your my little secret-xscape
underneath your clothes -shakira
i melt-rascal flats
reallive woman-trisha yearwood

On 28 July 2003 (02:41 PM),
katie said:

these are two total opposites…but very hot! – wild horses by the sundays, and fuck you like an animal, nine inch nails.

On 31 July 2003 (04:43 PM),
Reuben said:

Monique and I just can’t go past “Touch It” by Monifan. The rhythm just gets you moving. Everything about this song is so slow and deliberate . It just screams sex. We DJ at weddings and parties and often we play this song just to watch the crowd’s response. As soon as we play it you start seeing single people looking around for partners to dance with. What a great song!

On 03 August 2003 (10:24 AM),
Holli said:

Sexuality by k.d. lang and The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson are good ones too.

On 03 August 2003 (10:26 AM),
Holli said:

Oh yeah…I forgot Red Light Special by TLC

On 03 August 2003 (07:18 PM),
okcomputergirl said:

Some of my favorites-
“What Do I have to Do” by Stabbing Westward
“I Want You” and “1,000 Julys” by Third Eye Blind
“Alien” and “Glycerine” by Bush
“February Stars” by the Foo Fighters
“Echo” by Incubus
“Under You” by Better than Ezra
“Six Underground” by the Sneaker Pimps

On 06 August 2003 (08:23 PM),
Ian said:

Here are some of my favorites that have steamed things up…
“Ropeburn” -Janet Jackson
“Fever” – Madonna or K.D. Lang
“anytime, anyplace” -Janet Jackson
“moments in love” -Art of Noise
“feeling love’ Paula Cole
“I can’t stand the rain” – Tina Turner
“Breakdown” – Mariah Carey
“Secretly” -Jennifer Lopez
“Sadness (1)” -Enigma
“Closer” Nine Inch Nails
“Spin, Spin Sugar” Sneaker Pimps
Really anything by Sade, Sarah McLaughlin, Janet, Al Green, Marvin gaye, George Michael, etc..
have fun :)

On 09 August 2003 (05:52 PM),
tiffany said:

playground love, by air…

On 10 August 2003 (08:54 AM),
fiona said:

anything by cherry bikini

for reference: http://www.cherrybikini.com

On 11 August 2003 (12:11 AM),
Jo said:

My friend and I have been trying to think of all the best “in the mood songs” and here are some that we have found to be good.

Witness- Sarah McLachlin
Life in Mono- Mono…I love this one!!!!
BIZZY BONE- Riding on the Highway (good r&b)

* let me know what you think of these!

On 24 August 2003 (01:58 PM),
citizeninsane said:

Songs to bumb ‘n grind to:
R. Kelly – Bumb ‘n Grind
Chris DeBurgh – Lady in Red
Deftones – No ordinary love (Sade cover original good too)
Otis Redding – Sitting on the dock of the bay
Radiohead – True love waits and Nude (aka Big Ideas)
Journey almost any song works…

On 28 August 2003 (03:37 PM),
J.D. said:

You know, at some point I’m going to actually download — er, purchase — all of these songs. I’ll listen to them all and then select the best for a truly sexy mix. I can’t believe how many suggestions there are here!

I can’t believe I forgot two songs by Berlin: “You Take My Breath Away” (which is mainly sexy because of its placement in Top Gun) and “Sex (I’m a Girl…)”.

On 06 September 2003 (08:32 AM),
Kelly said:

“Show Me Heaven” by Jessica Andrews…. hmmmm.

On 17 September 2003 (01:06 PM),
kellyterry22 said:

….not my usual genre, but “Pony” by Ginuwine

On 24 September 2003 (09:44 PM),
timi said:

Feelin’ Love – Paula Cole
Definitely Sensual!

On 26 September 2003 (10:02 PM),
leanne said:

TLC, red light special, is the ultimate sexy song

On 27 September 2003 (10:32 AM),
donaa said:

you can leave your hat on – joe cocker
because the night – 10 000 maniacs
after tonight – mariah carey
sexy thing – marvin gaye

On 28 September 2003 (09:52 PM),
Shapeal said:

Doing Well by LL CooL J
I Can Tell by 504 Boyz
B R Right by Trina
Def some fun

On 29 September 2003 (02:01 PM),
J.D. said:

Fiona Apple’s “The First Taste”:

“Give me the first taste. Let it begin, heaven can not wait forever. Darling, just start the chase. I’ll let you win, but you must make the endeavor.”

On 30 September 2003 (09:52 AM),
Mig said:

I dont know if you know this one but “Concierto de Aranjuez” is F*kin hot!! Spanish guitar!! hmm…
“jammin” by Bob Marley, “flaca” by Jarabe de Palo is sexy too (tho in spanish) hmm…”girl from Ipanema”, “caminito” which is a tango…!
I cant think of any other one. Perhaps “Vivir sin aire” by Man�.
You should try it out :) thanks

On 30 September 2003 (01:34 PM),
Miami said:

I have made many a sexy songs mix here are a few that i have collected.

Red Light Special- TLC
Call Me- Tweet
If- Janet Jackson
Let’s Ride- Montell Jordan
Get Mine, Get Yours- Christina Aguilera
This Is How It Works- TLC
Would You Mind?- Janet Jackson (FREAK NASTY)
You’re Making Me High- Toni Braxton
Best of Me- Mya
Rock The Boat- Aaliyah
How Do You Want It?- Tupac

On 05 October 2003 (01:18 PM),
blackdove said:

– barry white: “i�m gonna love you just a little more baby”
– doors: “roadhouse blues” (not about sex, but VERY sexy rhythm and, of course, jim�s voice!)
– madonna: “justify my love”
– tori amos: “raspberry swirl” (DAMN HOT, really!)
– pj harvey: “this is love”

On 06 October 2003 (11:37 PM),
Kim said:

PoUr SoMe SuGaR oN mE by Def Leopard is hot and Twisted (sexual healing remix) by Keith Sweat is amazing :)

On 07 October 2003 (08:08 AM),
Drea said:

Hey guys!!
Definitely Richard Marx….”Right Here Waiting” and “Now and Forever”.
Also anything by Musiq Soulchild……..particularly “Love” and “Don’t Change”.

On 08 October 2003 (05:12 PM),
Stacy said:

Taste by Lorna Vallings, Behind Blue Eyes by Limp Bizkit (cover), 3 Libra’s by A Perfect Circle, Orestes by A Perfect Circle, Ready for Love by India Aire, Dirty Diana by Michael Jackson, Baby Boy by Beyonce and Sean Paul, Pain by JaRule (2Pac cover), maybe some Nirvana, anything by Cold which is a lot like A Perfect Circle, Aint No Sunshine by *I don’t remember, Can’t Let You Go by Fabolous, anything by Madonna (Spanish Eyes, Playground), Comin’ From Where I’m From by Anthony Hamilton, The Game Don’t Wait by Warren G and Nate Dogg, Guantanamera by *I can’t remember, Dig by Mudvayne and Not Falling by Mudvayne (these are kind of heavy metal songs with a killer beat), Androgny by Garbage.

That is all I can remember for now, sorry my list is so short, I’ll try to update it sometime else. The ones I added are really really good songs and I recommend them all! Try them out. Good luck and rock on!

On 09 October 2003 (01:55 PM),
Puck said:

Most sexy song ever:

Serge Gainsbourg – Je`taime moi non plus

On 11 October 2003 (01:54 PM),
Lao said:

MAnnnN How about The Cranberries – Pretty(WOWWW!!)

On 11 October 2003 (04:43 PM),
jayelyn said:

i can tell – 504 boys (that song is SO hot)
and lick – joi

On 12 October 2003 (07:02 PM),
musicbox said:

1. Portishead – Glory Box (5:05)
2. Prince – Cream (4:13)
3. Radiohead – Creep (3:54)
4. Thomas Crown Affair- Wasis Diop – Everything (Is Never Quite Enough) (4:32)
5. Turtles – You Showed Me (3:16)
6. Zombies – Time of the Season (3:33)
7. Air – Sexy Boy (4:58)
8. Britney Spears- 01 – I’m A Slave For You- (3:36)
9. Britney Spears – Boys (Co-Ed Remix ft. Pharrell (3:52)
10. Chris Issack–Wicked Game (2:52)
11. Christina Aguilera – Walk Away (5:47)
12. Dave Matthews Band – Seek Up (acoustic)(1) (7:42)
13. Delerium & Sarah McLachlan – Silence (6:33)
14. Donna Summer – Love To Love You Baby (3:24)
15. Donovan – Mellow Yellow (3:43)
16. Etta James – At Last (3:00)
17. George Michael – Freedom (6:31)
18. Madonna – Justify My Love (5:00)
19. Madonna & Massic Attack – I Want You (6:23)
20. Mazzy Star – Fade Into You (4:55)
21. NIN – Closer (6:12)
22. Paula Cole – Feelin’ Love (City of Angels Soundtrack) (5:36)

On 14 October 2003 (01:14 AM),
Jamie said:

Some of my favorite sexy songs…
usher: nice and slow
tyrese: sweet lady
d’angelo: lady
Boys II Men: the color of love
seal: kiss from a rose
Musiq Soulchild: Love

On 15 October 2003 (10:16 PM),
gabrielle said:

do not doubt me…seriously download “body parts” by Jump, Little Children. they are a great band known around north and south carolina and georgia. check them out…it is almost the sexiest song ever.

email me if you listen to this song. its worth it.

On 15 October 2003 (10:23 PM),
gabrielle said:

oh yeah…and jason mraz’s live version of “on love, in sadness” but make sure that it’s the acoustic version. definitely orgasmic.

On 22 October 2003 (03:46 PM),
aurora said:

Anything by Moby is absolutely amazing, also Sexy Boy by air, i know someone mentioned that already. The Air cd is Moon Safari…check it out. Oh and Californication by Red Hot chili peppers, such a good sex song.

On 23 October 2003 (06:23 PM),
Bond girl (I wish!) said:

I definetly will be putting here songs that have already been suggested, but anyway…

1. Etta James – At last
2. Elvis Presley – Heartbreak Hotel
3. Tracy Chapman – Gimme one reason
4. Portishead – Glorybox
5. Prince – Kiss
6. Sarah McLachlan and Delirium – Silence
7. Joe Cocker – You can leave your hat on
8. Peggy Lee (or Madonna) – Fever
9. Terence Trent D’arby – Sign your name
10. John Mayer – Your body is a wonderland
11. Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald – They can�t take that away from me
12. Marvin Gaye – Let’s get it on
13. Lou Reed – Take a walk on the wild side
14. Madonna – Justify my love
15. Paula Cole – Feelin’ love
16. Chicane – No ordinary morning

On 23 October 2003 (09:11 PM),
mart said:

ok. this thread is now the 3rd entry on google for “sexy songs”. dammit jd. yr a genius!

On 24 October 2003 (08:23 PM),
leelee said:

okay…for a sexual time I suggest, “underwear” by sugarcult…it’s super slow, with a jazz sound, and the lyrics kill! Just try and hold him back. Also, “sexual healing” by Ben Harper. Grr…good luck.

On 25 October 2003 (10:41 AM),
J.D. Roth said:

Kylie Minogue has got it going on! Her new song, “Slow”, is also crazycoolsexy. Not as good as “I Can’t Get You Out of My Head” maybe, but very very good.

With all of your suggestions, I’m almost ready to compile the definitive mix of Sex Songs.

On 25 October 2003 (12:09 PM),
illinichick said:

1. “magic” by ben folds
2. “tangerine” by led zeppelin
3. “crazy on you” by heart
4. how can you forget eric clapton’s “wonderful tonight”
5. “more than words” by extreme
6. “kiss the rain” by billy myers
7. “dangerously in love” by beyonce (i dont like pop music usually but this song is SOO sexy!!)

good luck!! ;)

On 25 October 2003 (12:09 PM),
illinichick said:

1. “magic” by ben folds
2. “tangerine” by led zeppelin
3. “crazy on you” by heart
4. how can you forget eric clapton’s “wonderful tonight”
5. “more than words” by extreme
6. “kiss the rain” by billy myers
7. “dangerously in love” by beyonce (i dont like pop music usually but this song is SOO sexy!!)

good luck!! ;)

On 26 October 2003 (04:39 PM),
lovelypanda said:

tlc “red light special”
112 “anywhere”
genuwine “pony” and “sex”
R. Kelly “Bump N Grind”
Madonna “justify my love”
Deftones or sades “no ordinary love”
chris isaac “wicked game”
En Vogue “givin him something he can feel”
LL Cool J “doing it well”

have fun!

On 26 October 2003 (04:40 PM),
lovely panda said:

tlc “red light special”
112 “anywhere”
genuwine “pony” and “sex”
R. Kelly “Bump N Grind”
Madonna “justify my love”
Deftones or sades “no ordinary love”
chris isaac “wicked game”
En Vogue “givin him something he can feel”
LL Cool J “doing it well”

have fun!

On 26 October 2003 (07:00 PM),
Nev said:

Prision Sex by Tool, Suck My Kiss by the Red Hot Chillie Peppers, Closer by NIN, Abused by J. Englishman and Weak and Powerless by A Perfect Circle are all very sexy songs (actually anything by A Perfect Circle is really sexy)!

On 01 November 2003 (03:35 AM),
badgirl said:

Of course there are Marvin Gaye, Barry White and Chris Isaak on here. BUT…Holy Hell. Trust me, trust me, trust me on this one:
The Cult – Painted On My Heart

On 01 November 2003 (07:12 AM),
ANGIE said:


On 01 November 2003 (11:56 AM),
charlierock said:

Having just stumbled into this:
1. Etta James-Let’s Burn Down the Cornfield
2. Nina Simone-I Want a Little Sugar In My Bowl
3. Grace Jones-Pull Up to the Bumper
4. Elvis-Fever (I don’t get it, but it’s made a coupla women I know wiggle)

On 01 November 2003 (06:41 PM),
Alex said:

Jeff Buckley – Everybody Here Wants You.. very sexy song, you have to get it. mmm

On 02 November 2003 (09:33 PM),
kat said:

Madonna- Like a Virgin
Divynals- I touch myself
The Cure – Just like Heaven & Love Song
Forgotten Rebels – Fuck Me Dead

On 02 November 2003 (09:33 PM),
kat said:

Madonna- Like a Virgin
Divinyls- I touch myself
The Cure – Just like Heaven & Love Song
Forgotten Rebels – Fuck Me Dead

On 03 November 2003 (05:31 PM),
danny said:

It�s in spanish, but i think it�s really hot!!!
sexy dance- paulina rubio
and this one is in english
principles of lust(everlasting lust)- enigma

really good!!!

On 04 November 2003 (03:07 AM),
lacey said:

here are a couple, i didnt see some of them on here but you guys got a lot.

Eminem – Superman
jay z – can i get a fuk you
beyonce – baby boy
baby bash – suga suga
504 boys – i can tell
busta rhymes – i know what you want
bone thugs and harmony – ecstacy
bone thugs and harmony – smokin buddah
trina – b r right
ludacris – whats your fantacy
lil kim – how many licks
busta rhymes – whats it gonna be
en vogue – whats it gonna be
silk e fyne – romeo and juliet
lil troy – shockala (wanna be a balla)
dru hill – how deep is your love
fiona apple – across the universe
audioslave – like a stone(sexy voice mmm)
shakira – whenever where ever(maybe)
incubus – drive
lil kim ft twista – thug love
twista – dreams

On 07 November 2003 (04:18 AM),
lacey said:

got some more, hope they helped out! also, most of these if any at all are NOT love songs..mostly just “in the mood to get some songs”

Jessica Simpson – sweetest sin
Britney Spears – let me be
Missy Elliott – one minute man
Fabolous – damn
Dr. Dre ft. Mimi – put it on me
Dr. Dre – Bang Bang
Dr. Dre – I just wanna fuk you
Easy E – I’d rather fuk you
Easy E – Gimme Dat Nut
Do or Die – Pimpology
Toya – I do
Willa Ford – I wanna be bad
Next – too close
JayZ ft Beyonce – ’03 bonnie and clyde
Missy Elliott – make it hot
Missy Elliott – I cant stand the rain
Biggy Smalls – hypnotize
Ja Rule ft Ashanti – mezmerise
Nelly – hot in herre
Nelly – pimp juice
Tupac ft Bone Thugs – Thug Love
Limp Bizkit – no sex
Justin Timberlake – cry me a river

thats about it, have fun ;)

On 08 November 2003 (12:07 AM),
Tina said:

These are the 5 BEST songs to have sex to:

1.) i can tell, 504 boys
2.) red light special, tlc
3.) nice and slow, Usher
4.) Anywhere,112
5.) sex and candy

or if you want romantic songs, UNCHAINED MELODY, take my breath away, or any love song by shania twain is perfect

On 08 November 2003 (01:11 PM),
Duckie said:

Um. Anything by the Donnas, if that’s what you’re looking for.

Eau d’Bedroom Dancing by Le Tigre, Find Myself by Rooney (I like it), Girl from Ipanema by Frank Sinatra, and I’ve Got You Under my Skin by Frank Sinatra.

On 08 November 2003 (02:13 PM),
KnightD12 said:

I`ve been reading the lists, found some great songs by the way. I even ran out and “bought” a few that were mentioned. Ahem :)
Anyway, here is a few that sets the stage for what comes later….

1. Marvin Gaye – Sexual Healing
2. Enigma – Sadness
3. Al Green – Love and Happiness
4. Prince – Pussy Control
5. Monifah – Touch It (Dirty Mix)
6. Juvenile – Back That Ass Up
7. Rick James – Give It To Me Baby
8. Sisqo – Thong Song
9. Barry White – Don`t Play Games & Staying Power
10. Teddy Pendergrass – Turn Off The Lights

On 08 November 2003 (06:37 PM),
inlovewithewan said:

you mean nobody’s going to mention “sex me 1 & 2”

On 08 November 2003 (09:47 PM),
ami said:

Here’s some more songs that havn’t been listed yet.. Lenny Kravitz songs are good & an unusual one by Velvet Underground. Come to think of it, there’s too many to write about. Here’s a list

1. Damn I wish I was your Lover -Sophie B Hawkins
2. Listen -Sophie B Hawkins
3. I Belong to You -Lenny Kravitz
4. Thinking of You -Lenny Kravits
5. Take Time -Lenny Kavitz (wow)
6. Brass in Pocket -Pretenders
7. Your love has got a Handle on my Mind -Vanessa Paradis
8. Waiting -Madonna
9. Secret Garden -Madonna
10. 2 Wicky -Hoover (find it in Stealing Beauty soundtrack w/ previously listed Glory Box song-actually-the whole album is good)
11. Venus in Furs -Velvet Underground

Thanks for the great ideas so far!

On 09 November 2003 (09:40 PM),
Sarah said:

Paula Cole – Feelin Love
TuPac – How Do You Want It
Christina Aguleira – Dirrty
Fur Patrol – Precious
P!nk – You Make Me Sick
Troi Amos – She’s Your Cocaine, Iieee
Almost any songs by Garbage
Melissa Etheridge – They Don’t Know Me
Billie Myers – Tell Me

On 11 November 2003 (03:03 PM),
Me! said:

i don’t know if you like britney spears but her song “Breathe On Me” on her new album In The Zone Is definitely sexy. It’s a cross between “Skin” and “Erotica” (both by Madonna”. Give it a listen sometime.

On 12 November 2003 (02:45 PM),
Tammy said:

Good list…I don’t bevieve I saw the two following songs…which are scorching hot!!!

Ali Farka Toure with Ry Cooder- Ai Du

The Secret Garden by Barry White and various other artists


On 12 November 2003 (03:18 PM),
Tink said:

Maroon 5 has a song called SECRET that is silky and smooth..just right for feeling sexy.
And for the getting dirty gonna “do it” songs I
usually use:
After Dark by Tito & Tarantula
Drive by Mellisa Ferrick
Oil by Moby (lots of moaning going on)
My favorite..Feelin’ Love by Paula Cole

There is a song called Sensual Woman by The Herbaliser that sounds like it came straight out of a porn. LMFAO and if you like the techno try French Kiss by Lil’ Louis


On 13 November 2003 (10:27 PM),
SilentRealm said:

Lily Was Here by Candy Dulfer and David A Stewart

On 14 November 2003 (08:32 AM),
Dioji said:

A few that have probably been overlooked:

Nothing Compares 2 U – Sinead O’ Connor
Moonchild – King Crimson
It Ain’t Over ‘Till it’s Over – Lenny Kravitz
Summertime – Janis Joplin

All I can think of right now…

On 15 November 2003 (09:34 PM),
steve said:


On 15 November 2003 (09:34 PM),
steve said:


On 15 November 2003 (09:35 PM),
steve said:


On 25 November 2003 (01:03 AM),
trychoco said:

Bush- Mouth
Fiona Apple- Slow Like Honey
Sarah McLachlan- I Love You
Busta Rymes with Janet- What’s It Gonna Be
Nelly- Hot In Herre
Madonna- Don’t Tell Me

Just to add a few to the awesome list you have going. I was wondering if I could get some feedback on good songs to strip to- I’m doing a project of my own. Thanks!

On 26 November 2003 (08:24 PM),
ami said:

Hey I’ve got another one… “I feel you” by Depeche Mode

On 26 November 2003 (11:41 PM),
jenna said:

No sappy songs here. Just audio heat. Mmmm…

Painted On My Heart – The cult
#1 Crush – Garbage (How is that not on here?)
Wicked Game – Chris Isaak

On 27 November 2003 (06:35 PM),
kuhsatar said:

joi- lick…. just AWESOME
garbage- #1 crush (actually, the romeo and juliet soundtrack rules)
red hot chili peppers- dont forget me

On 30 November 2003 (12:29 AM),
Allison said:

“That’s the Way Love Goes” by Janet Jackson…and I know some people would disagree, but if you listen to the beat and the WORDS, it’s really a VERY sexy song: “Invisible” by Clay Aiken.

On 01 December 2003 (08:30 PM),
Sarah said:

Some of my all time favorite “sexy” songs include …

You Look So Fine – Garbage
Santa Maria (Del Buen Ayre)- Gotan Project (it’s Latin, very HOT!)
Glory Box – Portishead
Gravity of Love – Enigma
Lover’s Spit – Broken Social Scene
Human Behavior – Bjork
I Ain’t Missing You – Tina Turner
Rendezvous – Basement Jaxx
Follow Me – Pnau
From Rusholme With Love – Mint Royale
Mea Culpa – Enigma
The Promise – Tracy Chapman
At Last – Etta James
I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) – The Proclaimers
(for the holidays)– Santa Baby
Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend – Marilyn Monroe

On 04 December 2003 (07:46 PM),
jenn said:

These have already been said,but seriously cannot get enough of Crash or Say Goodbye by the Dave Matthews Band.

On 06 December 2003 (10:19 AM),
musicbox said:

Cibo Matto – Sugar Water

On 09 December 2003 (10:47 AM),
toono said:

Funny what discussions you can come across when looking for something completely different.. This all depends on how you define sexy songs i guess. Chillout stuff (cafe del mar, afterlife etc) are always good, also a selection of these tend to do it for me and the missus…

Ash – I’m Gonna Fall
Counting Crows – Colorblind
Dave Matthews – Crash Into Me
Donell Jones – U Know What’s Up
Drill – What You Are
Evanescence – My Immortal
Eve 6 – Here’s To The Night
Everything But The Girl – Driving (Underdog Remix)
Foo Fighters – Walking After You
Fun Lovin’ Criminals – All My Time Is Gone
Garbage – You Look So Fine
George Michael – Fast Love
Gomez – We Haven’t Turned Around
Goo Goo Dolls – Black Balloon
Heather Nova – Maybe An Angel
Incubus – Are You In?
Ja Rule feat Ashanti – Always On Time
John Mayer – Your Body Is A Wonderland
Jamiroquai – Space Cowboy
Lenny Kravitz – I Belong To You
Lifehouse – Everything
Mariah Carey – Sweetheart
Massive Attack – Protection
Nine Days – Wanna Be
The Police – Every Breath You Take
Robbie Robertson – Unbound
Smashing Pumpkins – Stand Inside Your Love
Sheryl Crow – I Shall Believe
The Calling – Could It Be Any Harder
U2 – With Or Without You

Or if in doubt… Barry White

On 09 December 2003 (09:36 PM),
iisan7 said:

AUTHOR: iisan7
EMAIL: iisan7@hotmail.com
DATE: 12/09/2003 09:36:12 PM

On 09 December 2003 (10:18 PM),
iisan7 said:

First comment didn’t appear?

My favorite for a frisky mood:
INOJ – Ring My Bell (from the Anita Ward original)

Duke Ellington, Passion Flower
Beatles, Something
Al Green – Let’s Stay Together
112, Peaches & Cream

On 12 December 2003 (06:42 PM),
0cEaNuS said:

A list in random order :)
1. David Usher – Black Black Heart [Yep it is sexy]
2. B2k feat P.Diddy – Bump bump bump [suggestive song]
3. Busta Rhymes feat Mariah Carey – I know what you want [The tune is s0 so sexy. And the voice..mmm]
4. Darren Hayes – Insatiable [this song is like WOAh..his voice is such a turn on..and it is about sex..]
5. Eminem – Superman [Yeahyeah..you have to listen to this song. Really. Really. a little crude though]
6. Diana Krall – The look of love [Jazzy and sexy. Yes. Perfect for evenings and nights]
7. Nelly – Hot in here [Hip hop! Very good for dance parties and flirtation! It’s gettin hot in here..so take off all your clothes..]
8. Kylie Minogue – Please stay [Dancy tune. Quite sexy. Very nice tune too!]
9. Britney Spears – Boys [OooOh] especially the Co-ed remix with Pharrell.
10. 112 – Peaches and Cream [Another good song. To make love to. haha]

On 27 December 2003 (08:30 PM),
B said:

Erotica by madonna

On 28 December 2003 (03:14 PM),
Lilbear said:

I just discovered my hidden freaky side to the tune of these songs:

Gotta Get You Home (Blackstreet w/ Foxy Brown)
Too Lost In You (Sugababes – from Love Actually)
Butterflies – Drumline remix (Alicia Keys)

Check these ones out. The beats are steady (great for getting a good, um…rhythm going) and the vocals are incredible. Have fun!

On 28 December 2003 (03:18 PM),
Lilbear said:

Oh, sorry – one more. This one is incredible.

Breathe On Me (Britney Spears – from her new album)

I’m not a Britney fan myself, but this song lit me up. Honestly.

On 28 December 2003 (03:44 PM),
Amandie said:

I have to agree – “Take Time” by Lenny Kravitz is one of the sexiest songs I’ve ever heard. Whoever suggested that one is a genius!

On 03 January 2004 (04:27 PM),
Jason said:

Okay, I accidentally stumbled in here looking for ideas of my own, but here are a couple I would add:

Dusty Springfield – Son Of A Preacher Man (or the Look of Love or hell, just throw on the whole Dusty in Memphis album and take the phone of the hook)

* Gerry Rafferty – Right Down The Line
* Walter Egan – Magnet And Steel
* Neville Brothers – Healing Chant
* J.D. Souther – You’re Only Lonely
* Jennifer Chase – Les Femmes De La Lune (I think I found this on MP3.com so good luck tracking it down but if you can, oh my god it’s like Enigma multiplied by ten…)
* Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin – Je t’Aime, Moi Non Plus
* No Doubt – Underneath it All
* Lots of P-Funk but especially Going All the Way Off
* Lots of Fleetwood Mac but from the Tusk album alone you have Brown Eyes, Honey Hi and Never Forget
* Billy Joel – Until the Night or This Night or An Innocent Man

Why did I think I needed to find more? Oh, and most of the list above is nice too, by the way.

On 06 January 2004 (09:03 AM),
Alana said:

I was so happy to find this list… I’m a stripper (exotic dancer) and I wanted to make to a cd for my dj to play of some really sexy songs… and I definatly found some.

Here’s a list of a bunch of songs that are played at the club that I think are the best for me to move to (I know some are already listed):

Anything on the G String riddim (Bounty Killer – Fitness, Wayne Wonder – Kick It With You)
Madd Anju – Want You Now (Martial Arts riddim)
Cecile – Murda Tonight
Lady Saw – No Long Talking
Baby Cham – Man A Man
Damn… just about any reggae song would do for me… it’s all in the hips ;)

D’Angelo – Lady (Real Version or Remix)
– Cruisin
– Higher
– and anything else by him
Davina – So Good
Eve – No No No
Kelly Rowland – Make You Wanna Stay
Ray J feat Lil Kim – Wait A Minute
Aaliyah – Hot Like Fire
Method Man – Sweet Love
Beatnuts – Hood Thang
Monifah – T-Shirt and Panties
En Vogue – Desire
Ginuwine – Tell Me Do You Wanna
– So Anxious
Salt N Pepa – Sexy Noises
Novel – Peach

Chevelle – The Red
Bush – Mouth
Disturbed – The Game
Saliva – Always
System of a Down – Aerials
Jack Off Jill – I Touch Myself
Deftones – Change
Adema – The Way You Like It

Just to name a few that I didn’t think were posted yet….

On 06 January 2004 (03:55 PM),
My DiCc Up Yo MouTh said:

biitch ass dis fawkin place fawkin succ nayguh!!!

On 09 January 2004 (07:12 AM),
Carrie said:

My list of Sexy/Romantic/Love Song list: No specific order (old/New songs)

You’re Making Me High- Toni Braxton
Wonderful tonight- Eric Clapton
Marvin Gaye- Lets get it on & Sexual Healing
Sarah McLachlan- I Love You & Do What you Have to
Prince-Little Red Corvette
Deftones- Ordinary Love (Re-Make) & Change
Janet Jackson � Lonely & What�s it gonna be
Pretenders- I�ll stand by you
Rolling Stones- Wild Horses
En Vogue- Don�t Let Go
Extreme- More than Words
Van Morrison w Chieftains – Have I Told You Lately
Fleetwood Mac � Dreams & Landslide
Peter Gabriel – In Your Eyes
Next- Too Close & Wifey
Brian Mcknight � Anytime
KC and Jojo – All My Life & Crazy
Genuwine- in those jeans
chris isaac “wicked game”
Dave Matthews – Crash Into Me
Boyz II Men – On Bended Knee (almost any of their old stuff)

On 09 January 2004 (07:21 AM),
Carrie said:

I actually meant Dave mathews band- Crush! Not crash into me!

On 13 January 2004 (11:29 AM),
Alex said:

4 of my favorite sexy songs are:
Too Close by Next
I’ll Make Love to you by Boys 2 Men
I Can Tell by 504 Boys
All My Life by Kci and Jo Jo

On 17 January 2004 (01:50 PM),
nadina said:

Porcelain – Moby
Come Undone – Duran Duran
Sadeness – Enigma
When the world ends – Dave Matthews Band
Summer overture – Requiem for a Dream Soundtrack

On 31 January 2004 (02:14 PM),
DaemonWyrm said:

I’m trying to make a CD for valentines day and this place has been a big help ;P

my contributions are…
(even though a couple might be repeats)

Between the Sheets – Isley Brothers
Oops – Tweet
Cream – Prince
Hey Lover – LL Cool J
Lets Do it Again – TLC

On 31 January 2004 (08:01 PM),
Holly said:

yeah i came across this lokin for good songs for a valentines cd!!! this is what i came up with….

Freak me– by silk (excellent!!)
Fade into you– by Mazzy Star
Turn me on– by Nora Jones
Sweet Love– by 112
Lets get it on…of course
Sexual Healing– by Ben Harper
Painted on my heart– by The cure
Chris Isaak– I wanna fall in love

well thats all i have now But ill be lookin for more!!!

On 01 February 2004 (12:41 PM),
Abbey said:

What a great list! Here’s a few I would add…

Just about anything by Aerosmith, but…
-Sweet Emotion
-Love in the Elevator
-Falling in Love is Hard on the Knees

By U2
-Mysterious Ways
-Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me

Possum Kingdom, by the Toadies
Crooked Crown, by Anniversary
Space Lord, by Monster Magnet
and Guns and Roses does a cover of “Sympathy for The Devil” that I’m fond of (Interview with the Vampire Soundtrack)

These are all more “down and dirty” sexy songs, rather than “slow and romantic” sexy songs. It really all depends on what you’re looking for.

On 02 February 2004 (01:41 PM),
Nina said:

PEOPLE trust me when it comes about TURN ON&SEXY SONGS listen to Filur-“I want you…” it turns me on just by thinking of it.. ..”don’t misunderstand me cause I wan’t u ,I see u on the floor baby I want u ,don’t misundertand me cause I want u ,I want u to want me to like I want u..”


On 02 February 2004 (06:09 PM),
Sexie Swan said:


“OH MY GOD” – PINK ft peaches (“let me feel u baby”)

maxwell “this woman’s work” (cant believe no one mention this!)
pink “love song”

i also recommend (already listed):

jeff buckley “everybody here wants you” (“even now you’re undressed in yor dreams with me”)
paula cole “feelin love” (“u make me feel like the amazon’s running between my thighs….”)

PLUS there is the hottest of hot songs ever but it is very hard to get ahold of. it is called “dame suave papi” by i dont know (sum girl name magdalena or sumthin) and its available on winmx every blue moon. it is the hottest of hot … imagine a spanish chick bawling “ayyyyyy!!!” with a rel sexy beat and the lyrics translate as “un bicho por las nalgas = a dick up my ass” so u can imagine what she singing.

i have endless, i am tryin to make a sex cd myself, but this list relly helped me thanks everyone

On 02 February 2004 (06:10 PM),
Sexie Swan said:


“OH MY GOD” – PINK ft peaches (“let me feel u baby”)

maxwell “this woman’s work” (cant believe no one mention this!)
pink “love song”

i also recommend (already listed):

jeff buckley “everybody here wants you” (“even now you’re undressed in yor dreams with me”)
paula cole “feelin love” (“u make me feel like the amazon’s running between my thighs….”)

PLUS there is the hottest of hot songs ever but it is very hard to get ahold of. it is called “dame suave papi” by i dont know (sum girl name magdalena or sumthin) and its available on winmx every blue moon. it is the hottest of hot … imagine a spanish chick bawling “ayyyyyy!!!” with a rel sexy beat and the lyrics translate as “un bicho por las nalgas = a dick up my ass” so u can imagine what she singing.

i have endless, i am tryin to make a sex cd myself, but this list relly helped me thanks everyone

On 02 February 2004 (11:16 PM),
kris said:

I’m making a ‘Lets get it on’ CD right now.. heres my playlist! (all pretty easy on the ears.. if you like one you’re bound to like them all)

Joi – Lick
Paula Cole – Feeling Love
R. Kelly – Bump N Grind
Christina Aguilera – Get Mine, Get Yours
Britney Spears – Breathe On Me
Morcheeba – Dont Stop (We’ve Got the World Looking in)
Janet Jackson – Would You Mind
Mya – All About Me
Beyonce – Speechless
Genuwine – In Those Jeans
Keith Sweat – My Body
Toni Braxton – I get so High
Mariah Carey – My All
Silk – Freak Me
Marvin Gaye – Sexual Healing
Marvin Gaye – Lets Get it On

ALSO- theres this techno song thats really orgasmic.. called ‘Southern Sun’ I forgot who its by…

Thats where I’m at right now- I’ll probably add some once I get thinking about it more.. ;D

On 05 February 2004 (08:11 AM),
CyNNa said:

Lots of good songs mentioned.. however these are my favorite sexy songs.

Deftones ~ Digital Bath
Deftones ~ Change (Acoustic)
Deftones ~ Be Quiet and Drive (Acoustic)
Deftones ~ Lucky You

Can ya tell I like Deftones?

504 Boys ~ I can Tell
Joi ~ Lick
Madonna ~ Justify My Love
NiN ~ Closer
Ginuine ~ Pony
Britney Spears ~ Breathe on Me or I’m a Slave 4 U
These are just a few… but Great songs!

On 05 February 2004 (04:33 PM),
MEL said:

Try any album by Crowbar. It’s really slow, hard metal but sooooo perfect!

On 05 February 2004 (07:06 PM),
Meggles said:

For anyone who likes it a little freaky; hellooo!!??
NIN- I Wanna F*ck You Like an Animal

On 07 February 2004 (10:33 PM),
RockitMan said:

Remember the song that Jamie Lee Curtis stripped to in True Lies? “Alone In The Dark” by John Hiatt. Doesn’t get any better than that…

On 09 February 2004 (12:11 AM),
Kristi said:

The one song I always think of when thinking SEXY is….Baby Did A Bad Thing by Chris Issack you can’t go wrong with his voice!!!

On 10 February 2004 (03:41 PM),
telly said:

People, if you want a song to make you REALLY hot… go Canadian
New Messiah – by the Philosopher Kings
National Steel – by Colin James
Trust me… trust me

On 13 February 2004 (09:55 AM),
Cass said:

I absolutely love Norah Jones’ “Turn Me On”…amazing. I also really like “Turn your lights down low” by Bob Marley and Lauren Hill. They are slow and good for a more ‘romantic setting.’

On 14 February 2004 (09:06 AM),
B. said:

If you want some serious music then check out:
International Lover and Do Me Baby by Prince.

On 14 February 2004 (07:13 PM),
Mika said:

this is what gets me wet:

You Make Me Feel Good – Zombies
Lets Get It On – Jack Black
Double Team – Tenacious D
Venus In Furs – Velvet Underground
Creep – Radiohead
Lover – Van Morrison
Temptation – Tea Party
No More Good Guys – Skindive

On 15 February 2004 (10:12 PM),
talax said:

HOW has everyone forgotten Bump N Grind by R Kelly????? What about Freak’n You by Jodeci?

Other fantastic but unmentioned songs:
Govinda – move me slow
Govinda – falling from grace
LSG – My Body (ummmmm…yeah)
Tupac – Temptations

Other good choices:
Timberland & Magoo – Indecent Proposal
Metallica – Nothing else matters
Everlast – Put your lights on (it’s a nice, not too fast rhthym)
Gomez – Get Miles
Morcheeba – Big Calm
En Vogue – Giving him something he can feel

Truly Dirty Songs that still serve a purpose:
DJ Screw – Pussy, Weed & Alcohol
Twista – Get it wet
Too Short & Little Kim – Call Me
Akinyele – Put it in my mouth
Khia – My neck, my back
Lil Jon – Nothings Free (no purpose b/c it’s about prostitution, but it still has a really nice beat)

On 18 February 2004 (06:08 PM),
val_lilstar said:

well nine inch nails fuck you like an animal is super antisexy (yack!)
britney spears i’m a slave for u is sexy altough
kumbala bar by maldita vecindad (try it)
britney spears boys
baby boy by beyonce

that’s all =(^ ^)=

On 21 February 2004 (09:13 AM),
Bullworth said:

If this hasn’t been mentioned, if you like R&B at all, there is no song you will EVER hear that can top Maxwell’s “Til the Cops Come Knockin’.” Nothing else comes close.

On 21 February 2004 (09:52 AM),
Bullworth said:

I forgot to add to the stripper gals that “Tip the Cops Come Knockin'” is perfect for that purpose. I’ve done it for my ladies, and it KILLS. Also, R. Kelly has a song called “Strip for You” that is pretty steamy. Go for yours!

On 22 February 2004 (07:17 PM),
karla said:

Ludacris has some hot songs to get down to, a few are “Keep it on the Hush,” “Splash Waterfalls” and “Whats your Fantasy.” Other favorites are “Doin’ It” By LL Cool J and “Fucking you Tonite” by Notorious B.I.G

On 24 February 2004 (09:10 PM),
some girl said:

“Girl you really got me now”~ Van Halen
it’s not bad…but “Pour some sugar on me” by Def Leopard is great.

On 25 February 2004 (03:09 AM),
sassyone said:

sweet songs:
Angel Eyes – Jeff Healey Band
Anytime – Bryan McKnight
Baby It’s You – Jesse Powell
Crazy Love – aaron Neville
In Your Eyes – Peter Gabriel
My Valentine – Martina McBride
The One – Gary Allan (country)
When You Say Nothing at all – allison krauss

sexy songs:
colorblind – counting crows (duh)
Damn I wish I was your lover – sophie b hawkins
Don’t Cry Tonight – Guns n Roses
Fortunate – Maxwell
Girl, You’ll Be A Woman Soon – pulp fiction soundtrack
Just Let Me Be In Love – Tracy Byrd (country)
Kiss the Rain – Billie Myers
Kissing You – Desree (Romeo & Juliet ST)
Lately – Tyrese
So Anxious, In those Jeans (remix) – Genuwine
Suga Suga – Baby Bash
Sweetest Sin – Jessica Simpson
This Womans Work – Maxwell
Wild Horses – ?
Bryan Adams anything

Sexy Alternative Songs
Hemorrhage – Fuel
Hear You Me – Jimmy Eat World
Ever See You Again – Lenny Kravitz
Little Heaven – Toad the Wet Sproaket (Buffy the Vampire Slayer – THE MOVIE)
Letting the Cables Sleep – Bush
Six Underground – Sneaker Pimps
Somewhere Out There – Our Lady Peace
Superman – Eminem

On 25 February 2004 (02:50 PM),
codejess said:

Marivin Gaye “Let’s Get It On”
Rufus Wainwright “Instant Pleasure”
Norah Jones “Turn Me On”
Solomon Burke “Cry to Me”
Tito and Tarantula “After Dark”
Ravel “Bolero”
Elvis “Little Sister”
Elvis “I Got Stung”
Elvis “Burnin’ Love”
Jonny Cash “Ring of Fire”
George Strait “One Night at a Time”
George Strait “The Fireman”
George Strait “Overnight Male”

Those are the top sex songs that I can think off.

On 26 February 2004 (10:36 PM),
emily said:

if your looking for a song that makes you feel sexy and powerful(women)… these two do it for me.

Shocking Blue – Venus
Tom Jones – Shes a Lady

On 26 February 2004 (10:36 PM),
emily said:

if your looking for a song that makes you feel sexy and powerful(women)… these two do it for me.

Shocking Blue – Venus
Tom Jones – Shes a Lady

On 26 February 2004 (10:37 PM),
emily said:

if your looking for a song that makes you feel sexy and powerful(women)… these two do it for me.

Shocking Blue – Venus
Tom Jones – Shes a Lady

On 26 February 2004 (10:37 PM),
emily said:

if your looking for a song that makes you feel sexy and powerful(women)… these two do it for me.

Shocking Blue – Venus
Tom Jones – Shes a Lady

On 27 February 2004 (02:00 AM),
Miranda said:

I am currently compiling a “sexy cd” and the first to go on it was the cover of “Wonderwall” by Ryan Adams…acoustic, completely beautiful and sensual- an already wonderful song but made especially sexy by Adams. Please check it out.

On 28 February 2004 (02:54 PM),
Megan said:

the hunter gets captured by the game – Massive attack ft. Tracy Thorn ( batman forever sndtrk)
talk dirty to me – poison
milk – garbage
comedown – bush
hungry like the wolf ( i like the reel big fish live version for a little sexual comedy)
candy- presidents of the USA
the sun – maroon 5
home – dream theater (turn it up loudly at 8:00 min exactly…now that’s an orgasm.)
whatever lola wants – sarah vaughan
since i fell for you (1962 version) – dinah washington
short skirt, long jacket – cake …maybe
berekeke – woman on top soundtrack
let’s do it all over again – stroke 9

On 29 February 2004 (02:29 PM),
Melissa said:

two super good sexual songs are “chocolate” and “Is this real” by lisa hall. “Is this real” is from the soundtrack to practical magic. Its such a good song. Another good one is “Glory Box” by portishead, which i think was already mentioned, same with Colorblind by counting crows. One by ben harper called “excuse me mr” has really good rhythm that makes your body move. Lastly there is a song by sublime, called “waiting for my ruca” really slow with awesome bass. Enjoy!

On 01 March 2004 (04:09 PM),
Denise said:

Sorry if this is a repeat – but ‘Sharing the Night Together’ by Dr. Hook is a great one.

On 01 March 2004 (05:59 PM),
kax said:

toxic– britney… a definate
temptation– tes party… this song seems to have an amazing effect on some
push it– garbage… mm mm mm
alive– pod…

if you want some good ideas watch queer as folk.. gays have the best taste in “sexy”

On 05 March 2004 (10:00 AM),
emma said:

lil luis- french kiss
lil kim- how many licks
michael jackson- dirty diana
any my bloody valentine
pixies- tame
the johnny cash and depeche mode versions of “own personal jesus”
missy elliot’s pass the dutch
them- gloria and mystic eyes
beatles- come together

On 05 March 2004 (10:00 AM),
emma said:

lil luis- french kiss
lil kim- how many licks
michael jackson- dirty diana
any my bloody valentine
pixies- tame
the johnny cash and depeche mode versions of “own personal jesus”
missy elliot’s pass the dutch
them- gloria and mystic eyes
beatles- come together

On 05 March 2004 (10:21 AM),
Nala said:

Here is my list. Some songs are just sweet, these, IMHO, are SEXY

Maxwell – Till the Cops Come Knockin’ & This Woman’s Work
D’Angelo – Untitled (How Does it Feel?)
Janet – Anytime, Anyplace
Shai – Yours (not to be confused with Baby, I’m Yours also by Shai)
Jodeci – Freakin’ U
Counting Crows – Colorblind
Goo Goo Dolls – Iris
Faith Evans – Kissing You (from “Waiting to Exhale Sdtk”)
Boyz II Men – I’ll Make Love to You
Usher – Nice and Slow
Lauryn Hill – Nothing Even Matters (w/D’Angelo) and Ex-Factor (sexiest break up song ever)
Chris Isaak – Wicked Game and Baby did a bad, bad thing (of course)
Aaliyah – Rock the Boat
LL Cool J – Doin’ It
R. Kelly – the entire 12 Play CD!
Almost anything sung by Prince or Sade

On 06 March 2004 (03:22 PM),
Shannon said:

This site has been so helpful!
By contributions:
*Cheap Trick- “I Want You to Want Me”
*Damien Rice- “Cannonball”
*The Darkness- “I Believe in a Thing Called Love”
*Better Than Ezra- “Desparately Wanting”
*N.E.R.D.- “She Wants to Move”
*The Steve Miller Band- “The Joker”

On 10 March 2004 (06:33 AM),
Zizi (Brazil) said:

NIN – Closer
Pixies – Where is my mind
Portishead – Glory Box
Korn – Adidas
Pj Harvey – Down by the Water

On 10 March 2004 (03:14 PM),
Lamia said:

Somehow, you ALL managed to miss Godsmack’s “Voodooo”…God, the bass alone…

On 10 March 2004 (04:24 PM),
J.D. Roth said:

Another good one, found while searching for 80s songs: “So Alive” by Love and Rockets. This song is lustful.

On 11 March 2004 (10:31 AM),
Naftey said:

ok, I’m building a sexy cd and heres my list for your viewing pleasure
[some songs taken from suggestions from here, thanks dudes]
not in proper order yet:
-Ani DiFranco-Both Hands
-Benny Benassi-I love my Sex
-Bright Eyes-Lover I dont have to Love
-DMB-Tonight Lets Be Lovers
-Drill-What You Are
-The Cult-Painted On My Heart
-Hawksley Workman-Striptease
-Kylie Minogue-Slow
-Metric-Love is a Place
-Placebo-Pure Morning
-Britney Spears-Touch Of My Hand or Breath On Me
-Deftones-no ordinary love
-chris isaak-wicked game

On 12 March 2004 (08:26 AM),
alyse said:

danzig-she rides
silverchair-satin sheets
rob zombie-feel so numb
rob zombie-living dead girl
the doors-five to one
jack off jill-angels fuck
led zeppelin-i cant quit you baby
led zeppelin-black dog
fiona apple-criminal
marylin manson-sweet dreams

On 12 March 2004 (01:23 PM),
Jackie said:

“Butta Love” by Next on Rated Next album

On 14 March 2004 (04:11 PM),
tania said:

a few of these will be repeats, i am sure.
1. you give me fever. i forgot who sings this, though.
2. foo fighters – everlong
3. peaches – fuck the pain away (of course!)
4. incubus – stellar
5. soft cell – tainted love
6. massive attack – risingson
7. kevin shields – city girl
8. radiohead – there there
9. the international noise conspiracy – smash it up [the rhythm!!!]
10. arab strap – love detective [ohhh the voice!]

On 14 March 2004 (05:28 PM),
Sexie Swan said:

alrite ppls thanks keep it coming… thanks to everyone i am gettin the best sexy music on the planet, keep up the good work… and add these to your list:

“goodnight moon” – shivaree
“who makes u feel” – dido
“i need to know” – marc antony
“stop falling” – pink
“i shall believe” – sheryl crow
“love song”, “fallen” and “bread and water” – sheila nicholls
“take me with you” – kylie minogue
“anything for you” – snow, beenie man, buju banton
“what’s it gonna be” – en vogue
“she will be loved” and “shiver” – maroon 5
“milkshake” – kelis
“nookie” – jackie-o
“marathon” – kelis (WOW)
“moist vagina” – nirvana
“yeah” – usher, ludacris, lil jon
“hot and wet” – 112, ludacris
“splash waterfalls” – ludacris
“naughty girl” – beyonce
“come get some” – tlc, lil jon, youngbloodz
“if u want it to be good girl” – bsb (sorry if i stickin in boy bands but this is good)

if u wanna hear sum spanish reggae check out “para la chica” and “seduceme” (one word) by big boy, anything relly but those r de 2 best

check out ANYTHING by billy ocean (btw he is from my country trinidad and tobago) esp “suddenly”

ANYTHING by chantal kreviazuk esp “surrounded” and “in this life”

xavier naidoo my faves are “bevor du gehst” and “wo willst du hin”… he is german but he has sum english songs… such as “i’d be waiting”… his voice is amazing

anything by TIZIANO FERRO (he’s italian but there are also french, spanish and english versions of many of his songs) esp “rosso relativo”, “perdono” (particularly the remixes), “perverso”, “boom boom” (rel hot – italian song but english chorus)

and if anyone doubts that rock music can be sexy, get the highly-recommened nine inch nails – closer (aka fuck u like an animal)…

and if u want an ANTI-sexy song… get nirvana’s “where did u sleep last nite” (ouch)

i’m jus an 18yr old girl so i dont know if your taste will vary but i’m sure everyone has GOT to find something they like in this ensemble. anyone who appreciates my advice lemme know, email me at divadevida@hotmail.com

peace luv & “other indoor sports” :)

On 14 March 2004 (08:00 PM),
Betsy said:

OK, I think these are all new to the list:

Bonnie Raitt – Gnawin’ On It
Bonnie Raitt – Monkey Business
John Lee Hooker – In The Mood
Solomon Burke – Fast Train
Elvis Costello – I Want You
Chaka Khan – Tell Me Something Good
Barry White – Can’t Get Enough of Your Love Baby
The Roots – The Seed
Lucinda Williams – Essence

On 15 March 2004 (08:24 AM),
J.D. said:

This is a test. I just installed a new spam filter on this site. I’d hate to have it disallow comments to my most popular thread!


This thread is about sexy songs. It features words such as sex, fuck, booty, kiss, lick, sexy, and more.

On 16 March 2004 (12:17 AM),
SeXy_LiPs said:

Come on everyone do u really want ur partner to get SEXXY on u… I DO. Well try and seduce em by playing this song, its R&B… Avant – Makin good love & Avant – Read ur mind.. U hav to get em.. At the sound of it i go crazy it drives me wild.. TUrNs Me ON, too much!!! I start to crave for SEX.. Its that GOOD!

On 16 March 2004 (06:20 PM),
krys said:

I don’t think anyone has mentioned these yet:

Yellow and Clocks by Coldplay
I Miss You by Incubus
It’s Been Awhile by Staind
For You by Duncan Sheik
SpottieOttieDopaliscious by Outkast
I’m With You by Avril Lavigne
Cupid by Babyface ft. 112
One Call Away by Chingy
Come Close to Me by Common ft. Mary J. Blige
He is by Heather Headley
Irresistible by Jessica Simpson
Why Can’t I? by Liz Phair
Figured You Out and Someday by Nickelback
Smooth by Santana ft. Rob Thomas
Until by Sting
I Want You by Thalia ft. Fat Joe
Are You Strong Enough to Be My Man? by Sheryl Crow
No Better Love by Young Gunz
Breathe by Blu Cantrell ft. Sean Paul

anything by Dashboard Confessional especially Hands Down, Screaming Infidelities, and So Beautiful
anything by Norah Jones especially Don’t Know Why, Come Away With Me, and Day is Done
anything by Dave Matthews especially #41, Crash, Say Goodbye, and Stay

On 20 March 2004 (01:17 PM),
~Cherry~ said:

these are also good !!!

“Chocolate”, “Slow” and really any song from Kylie Minogue’s album “body language”.
“Blow my mind”- Robyn
“Here in my room”- Incubus (from their new CD)
“Purple (Sasha V)”- Gus Gus ( if you like techno, this has a good beat)

On 21 March 2004 (01:05 PM),
Cait said:

I’ve taken a lot of suggestions from this thread and I was not disappointed. Thanks :)

My contributions:

Tears for Fears – Woman in Chains
Enigma – Mea Culpa
Mighty Bop – Sex, Sea and Fleurs
Jesse Cook – Virtue
Delerium – Firefly
Damien Rice – Delicate
Damien Rice – Blowers Daughter
Damien Rice – Cold Water
just about anything by Depeche Mode
Mediaeval Baebes – the Sour Grove (check out what the lyrics tranlate to)
Bjork – Generous Palmstroke
Led Zeppelin – Black Dog
Led Zeppelin – Dazed and Confused (both Zep songs are very good to strip to also)
Afterlife – Cry (Brown Bear Remix)

a lot more, but those are just to start with

On 21 March 2004 (07:07 PM),
mary said:

Two that I can’t believe haven’t made the lists…

Lucinda Williams — Essence (anyone who is turned on by chris isaak’s wicked games or mazzy star’s fade into you really needs to check this one out)

Peter Gabriel — Blood of Eden

On 21 March 2004 (07:07 PM),
mary said:

Two that I can’t believe haven’t made the lists…

Lucinda Williams — Essence (anyone who is turned on by chris isaak’s wicked games or mazzy star’s fade into you really needs to check this one out)

Peter Gabriel — Blood of Eden

On 26 March 2004 (07:27 PM),
ashley said:

hey, i’m not a micheal jackson fan cause he’s weird, but you CAN NOT TELL ME “DIRTY DIANA” does not make you just filled with passion!!!

On 27 March 2004 (04:24 PM),
Lauren said:

Hey guys this song is unbelievable……

R Kelly- Naked

it’s a gentle song so if your in a dirty mood this won’t work

On 28 March 2004 (01:01 AM),
Danna said:

black velvet- Alannah Myles
against all odds- Mariah Carey
natural woman
come away with me- Norah Jones
you belong to me-Lifehouse
she’s got the look-Roxette
1000 oceans-Tori Amos
Love bites-Def leppard
I’ll stand by you- Pretenders
Romeo and juliet- Dire Straits
Iris- GooGooDolls
Angel-Fiona apple
Hey pretty-Poe
Sad eyes-Bruce springstean

On 29 March 2004 (12:16 AM),
ILoveJD said:

i fu*king love BILLY IDOL’s song “Cradle of Love”. It makes me so hot!

ps. great songs everyone

On 04 April 2004 (01:13 PM),
jelly said:

Reactor – Feeling The Love is really really really hottt!!! CHECK IT OUT . Believe me!!

On 05 April 2004 (07:18 AM),
J.D. said:

I recently found what is, to me, the sexiest song in the world. This is from Jem’s new album, Finally Woken. This album is an outstanding mix of pop, trip-hop, and even a bit of jazz. And this song is so damn sexy. Just look at the lyrics!

Come on Closer
by Jem

Come on closer
I wanna show you
What I’d like to do
You sit back now
Just relax now
I’ll take care of you

Hot temptations
Sweet sensations
Infiltrating through
Sweet sensations
Hot temptations
Coming over you

Gonna take it slow babe
Do it my way
Keep your eyes on me
Your reaction
To my action
Is what I want to see

Rhythmic motion
Raw emotion
Infiltrating through
Sweet sensations
Hot temptations
Coming over you

And now you’re satisfied
A twinkle in your eye
Go to sleep for ten
And anticipating
I will be waiting
For you to wake again

Hot temptations
Sweet sensations
Infiltrating through
Sweet sensations
Hot temptations
Coming over you

[When you wake up we’ll
do it all again]
[When you wake up]
[When you wake up we’ll
do it all again]
[When you wake up]

Hour after hour
of sweet pleasure
After this I guarantee
you’ll never wanna leave
Shut your eyes and think about
what I’m about to do
Sit back relax I’ll take my time
this lovin’s all for you

Zowie! That song works like magic.

Also check out “Breathe” by Telepopmusik…

On 06 April 2004 (06:55 PM),
scrappypickles said:

dave matthews… some devil
rolling stones… wild horses
dispatch… out loud

good stuff… very good… if you like that laid back, romantic kinda thing…

On 10 April 2004 (07:01 AM),
t-dot-trini said:

Not sure if this one was mentioned….but “Angel” from Massive Attack is definitely one of the sexiest songs I’ve ever heard. Had the great pleasure of several perform to this song in Blue Rose in Ibiza….will NEVER forget that…..

On 10 April 2004 (09:15 AM),
candngrl said:

Sorry if any of these songs are repeats, but I’m sure some of them will be…
Joe~peep show
Janet Jackson~Would you mind–>this song will have you naked before it’s done ;)
Keith Sweat~I’m not ready
Dave Matthews Band~lover lay down
Avant~read your mind
Usher~nice and slow
Tupac~thug n u thug n me
DJ Alligator Project~suck on your lollipop–>if you haven’t heard this song before, then I highly recommend listening to it…we’ll just say, that the song is not talking about candy…very hot lyrics!!
Glenn Lewis ft Kardinal Official~Back for more–> *sings* I feel your legs trembling, wrapped around me…wrapped around meeeeeeee!!

On 10 April 2004 (04:31 PM),
pssycat said:

Man oh man! what an awesome list of songs posted!! So many of my favs; ones that make me absolutely melt!
Thought I’d add in a few of my own, some that I don’t see on the list (or maybe I just missed them):
**Note-some of these songs I just listed b/c they have a nice slow groove to them, to…well… you know…set the tempo a bit ;)

Stereophonics-A Minute Longer
Jack Johnson-Fortunate Fool
Madonna-Human Nature
Keith Sweat-Come Into My Bedroom
The Flys-Got You Where I Want You
Prince-Purple Rain
Bob Marley & The Wailers-Waiting In Vain

and for a really dirty song with GREAT lyrics, and very different from my other suggestions:
KISS-Lick It Up

On 11 April 2004 (03:28 PM),
AlexDJ said:

I actually made a cd whit the most sexiest songs i found… and works great, u know if u want to get lucky whit someone (if u know what i mean) the track list is… some of them have been listed before, but all are really good stuff ;)

01.- Glen Lewis – Fall Again – Very romantic to start whit the kisses and touchin’
02.- B2K – Gots Ta Be – Kinda sweet and sexy
03.- Christina Aguilera – Loving Me 4 Me – Damn Hot Voice!!! and very nice lyrics
04.- Isyss – Single For The Rest Of My Life – so its kinda heartbreaking, but its nice and slow, very sexy to show true feelings
05.- Tyrese – What Am I Gonna Do – If u whisper this song to your girl… well try it and u’ll see
06.- Moby – Porcelain – I wasnt sure of this at first… mainly for the lyrics, but… the music is so sexy and its kinda a bridge
07.- Dru Hill – I Should Be Your Boyfriend (Steps) – Well the music is kinda bassy very sexy
08.- Craig David – Seven Days – kinda pop, but the guitar sounds exciting…
09.- Ginuwine – In Those Jeans – HOT HOT HOT
10.- Isyss – No Na Na – its about waiting… but i bet u it wont
11.- Alicia Keys – Slow Down – Well those songs are about waiting, but the waiting only makes want it more, dont ya think?
12.- Monica – Down 4 Whatever – And finally we got when everybody are down 4 whatever ;)
13.- Destiny’s Child – Temptation – Should u fall into temptations?
14.- Britney Spears – Breath On Me – well… shes hot, and the song has a little more beat than the other songs… but its sexy
15.- Toni Braxton – Maybe – DAMN HOT
16.- Avant – Making Good Love – Well the title says all
17.- Usher – Nice And Slow – Just take it nice and slow
18.- Toni Braxton – Makin’ Me High – we are almost there ;P
19.- Janet Jackson – Would You Mind – Orgasmic!

thats it… and remember the music its just a complement, the most important thing is the attitude… if you feel sexy, everything around u will be SEXY! ;)

On 17 April 2004 (10:14 PM),
Laura said:

Depeche Mode all the way!!! Stripped—I Feel You–World in my Eyes—Enjoy the Silence–Hell, the whole Violator album. So many others…not enought time…. Also, the soundtrack to Lost Highway……

On 25 April 2004 (09:07 PM),
mary said:

This list inspired me to make an “in the mood” cd: here’s my list

I’m on fire (Springsteen — how is this not on anyone’s list?)
essence (lucinda williams)
secret world (peter gabriel)
crush (dmb)
when doves cry (prince)
criminal (fiona apple)
sweet surrender (sarah mclaughlan)
blood of eden (peter gabriel)
porcelain (moby)
justify my love (madonna)
breathe on me (britney)

On 01 May 2004 (01:12 AM),
Jina said:

I Like the Way She Moves – Chris Isaak
Stuck in the Middle with You – Steeler Wheel
Sea of Love – Tom Waits (how is he not on here?)
Eau D’Bedroom Dancing – Le Tigre
Let’s Get Flat – Jimmie’s Chicken Shack
Aquaneous Transmission – Incubus
I Want You – Third Eye Blind
Colorblind – Counting Crows
Seven Nation Army – White Stripes
Pink – Aerosmith
I’m on Fire – Bruce Springsteen
Baby I Love Your Ways – Peter Frampton
I Think I’m Paranoid – Garbage

okay, most of these aren’t necissarily lovey type songs or have great lyrics, but the beats are insanely hot.

On 02 May 2004 (07:34 PM),
Kris said:

Just a few I didn’t notice but are soooooooo HOT!!!!!!
Twork it out-Usher
Sweet love-112
Lick u up and down-silk
My body- Keith Sweat
How do I say- Usher (his voice is soo sexy wooo)

On 16 May 2004 (05:12 PM),
Zulu said:

These songs either haven’t been mentioned or haven’t been mentioned enough.

Serge Gainsbourg -Je t’aime
Justin Timberlake – Cry me a River
Barry White – Practice what you preach
Boyz II Men – I’ll make love to you
Spice Girls (Don’t laugh) – 2 become 1
Dru Hill – How deep is your love
Freddie Jackson – Rock me tonight
Ginuwine – Pony And In those Jeans
LL Cool J – Doin It, Hey Lover and Who do you love
Prince – Purple Rain, Little Red Corvette, The most Beautiful girl in the world and Nothing compares to you
R Kelly – Bumb and Grind, Ignition (not the remix), 12 play and Your Body’s calling me
TLC – Red light Special

On 18 May 2004 (09:26 PM),
Darryl said:

I have not seen anyone post one of the all-time classics “Come and Get Your Love” by Native American 70’s band Redbone. Caution: Not for use by those who have been told they have a heart condition or high blood pressure. Use at your own risk.

On 20 May 2004 (01:37 AM),
J. said:

Some new ones that belong to the “how’s that those aren’t here” list:

Rolling Stones – Paint It Black
Leonard Cohen – I’m Your Man
Lenny Kravitz – Beyond the 7th Sky
Edwyn Collins – A Girl Like You
Roots – The Seed 2.0
Nancy Sinatra – These Boots Are Made For Walking
Boy George – The Crying Game (!!)
WASP – Wild Child ;-)

some not-so-famous ones:
Morphine – You Look Like Rain
Spike – Be Here Now
Dalbello – Gonna Get Close To You

surprise bonus – ever heard Sammy Hagar sing “Back Into You”?

On 21 May 2004 (07:01 PM),
delta said:

Edwin McCain – The promise of you

On 22 May 2004 (04:15 PM),
Emily said:

Another great one is ‘Time of the Seasons’ by The Zombies. just the beat gives me chills.

On 24 May 2004 (06:24 AM),
Yoda said:

Afternoon Delight
by The Starland Vocal Band

Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight
gonna grab some afternoon delight.
My motto’s always been; when it’s right, it’s right.
Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night.
When everything’s a little clearer in the light of day.
And you know the night is always gonna be there any way.

Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight.

Thinkin’ of you’s workin’ up my appetite
looking forward to a little afternoon delight.
Rubbin’ sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite
and the thought of rubbin’ you is getting so exciting.

Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight.

Started out this morning feeling so polite
I always though a fish could not be caught who wouldn’t bite
But you’ve got some bait a waitin’ and I think I might try nibbling
a little afternoon delight.

Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight.

Please be waiting for me baby when I come around.
We could make a lot of lovin’ ‘for the sun goes down.

Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight.

On 04 June 2004 (10:26 PM),
Wingsofhope said:

well i have a few sexy songs..

What would happen- Meredith Brooks
Is this real?- Lisahall
#1 crush- Garbage
Dont let go- En Vogue
Oops oh my- Tweet

On 08 June 2004 (09:02 PM),
Mandy said:

This is a sexy Combo of songs, Just use this and everyone will be in the mood.
2.Changing Faces, He’s Mine
4.Joe-Love Scence
5.Please Don’t Go-Immature
6.EnVogue-Giving Him Something He can Feel
8.Usher-Can You handle it
9.Giunuwine-I’ll do anything/I’m Sorry
10.Don’t say no-Avant

On 18 June 2004 (05:49 AM),
Michael said:

Do Me Baby, by Prince

On 23 June 2004 (11:39 AM),
Valerie Peterson said:

Oh so hot songs*

Bjork- Army of Me
(this song will make you want to take your clothes off and get dirty!!)
Led Zeppelin- Dazed and Confused
Van Morrison- Moondance
Bush- When it all comes down
Nine Inch Nails (NIN)- closer
NIN- theperfect drug
Brittany Spears- Everytime
Fiona Apple- Criminal
Deftones- Change
Damien Rice- Volcano
N.E.R.D- SHe wants to move
Deftones- No Ordinary Love

On 06 July 2004 (02:01 PM),
Lady Jayne said:

Here is my CD of sexy songs that makes me melt:

Hey Sexy Lady – Shaggy
#1 Crush – Garbage
Crimson & Clover – The Pretenders (best version)
Aerosmith – Pink
Cream – Prince
Say Goodbye – Dave Matthews Band
Sugar Sugar – Frankie J
Peaches & Cream – P Diddy
Ecstasy – Rusted Root
Return to Innocence – Enigma
Darling Nikki – Foo Fighters
Bump N Grind – R Kelly
Baby did a bad, bad thing – Chris Isaak
Fallin – Alicia Keys

Anything by Enigma or Evanescence.

On 30 July 2004 (10:40 AM),
Miss Tina said:

These are just a few of what I consider to be some of the sexiest, mostly unheard music out there…

The Way We Met – Morphine
I Got It Bad (And That Ain’t good) – Nina Simone
Whipping Boy – Ben Harper
All Blues – Miles Davis
I’m Blue – The Ikettes
Fuck The Pain Away – Peaches
Phone Went West – Morphine
You’ve Got Cum In Your Hair and Your Dick Is Sticking Out – Palace Music
Lovely Head – Goldfrapp
Reaction – Bob Marley
I Got It Bad and That Ain’t Good – Nina Simone
Mezzanine – Massive Attack
Wild Woman Have The Blues – Ida Cox

On 30 July 2004 (10:41 AM),
Miss Tina said:

These are just a few of what I consider to be some of the sexiest, mostly unheard music out there…

The Way We Met – Morphine
I Got It Bad (And That Ain’t good) – Nina Simone
Whipping Boy – Ben Harper
All Blues – Miles Davis
I’m Blue – The Ikettes
Fuck The Pain Away – Peaches
Phone Went West – My Morning Jacket
You’ve Got Cum In Your Hair and Your Dick Is Sticking Out – Palace Music
Lovely Head – Goldfrapp
Reaction – Bob Marley
I Got It Bad and That Ain’t Good – Nina Simone
Mezzanine – Massive Attack
Wild Woman Have The Blues – Ida Cox

On 21 August 2004 (12:48 PM),
elle said:

Good ones so for. Here are some more that nobody has said yet:

N.E.R.D – Lapdance (how has nobody mentioned this?)
Mase feat. Total – Tell me What you Want
Missy Elliot – Hot Boyz
Janet Jackson – Don’t Stop (All Nite)
Justin Timberlake and Timberland – What You Got (Oh no)
Dido – Here with me

and a little techno:
Mousse T. vs Hot N Juicy – Horny
Kristine W. – Some lovin’

On 27 August 2004 (06:12 AM),
Lereaux said:

What a fucking awesome list! Mostof these have been mentioned but I feel the need to reiterate…

Cry to Me – Solomon Burke (oh yeah….)
Son of a Preacher man – oldie but a fucking goodie
MArvin Gaye – get it on
Turn me on – Norah Jones
Je `Taime moi non plus – serge et al

Actually anything by Solomon Burke ;)

On 24 September 2004 (04:07 PM),
GOD said:

Air “Sexy Boy”
Peaches “Fuck the pain away”
Herbalizer “Sensual Woman”
Mandalay “Insensible”
Massive Attack “Dissolved girl”
Marvin Gaye “Sexual healing”
Don’t know the artist “All in your hands”
Barry White “i’m gonna love you just a little more”
Kings of convenience ” I don’t know what i can save Y”
Joy Division “Love will tear us apart”
Avril Lavigne “I’m with you”
David Gray “Sail Away”
Air “Venus”
Mandaly “Enough love”

On 02 October 2004 (04:12 AM),
Insomnia said:

Garbage – #1 Crush
Madonna – Erotica
Madonna – Justify My Love
Toni Braxton – You’re Making Me High
Jennifer Lopez – Come Over
Britney Spears – Breath On Me
Britney Spears – I’m A Slave 4 U
Janet Jackson – All Night
Janet Jackson – Anytime, Anyplace

On 13 October 2004 (08:10 PM),
Leslie said:

i haven”t seen anyone mention Adina Howards NASTY GRIND,gotta check it out ppl!!!!!

On 17 October 2004 (11:37 PM),
Guava said:

“Confession” by Supafuzz is the sexiest song ever (I get goosepimples thinking about it…)

On 18 October 2004 (08:45 AM),
J.D. said:

I don’t get it. What’s so sexy about #1 Crush by Garbage?

On 27 October 2004 (02:47 AM),
kbilly said:

Theres been a few Maxwell songs listed but if your after slow smooth sounds then look no further than:

Maxwell – “Ascension (Don’t ever wonder)”

Don’t doubt me… just get it.

On 02 December 2004 (05:00 PM),
Michael said:

Here are some extremely sexy songs,
I hope you enjoy the list, although some songs have already been mentioned, there it goes:
1. Marvin Gaye – Let’s Get It On
2. Marvin Gaye – Sexual Healing
3. Brian Ferry – Slave to Love
4. Huey Lewis and Gwyneth Paltrow – Cruisin’
5. The Temptations – Just My Imagination

what do you think about them?


On 02 December 2004 (05:00 PM),
Michael said:

Here are some extremely sexy songs,
I hope you enjoy the list, although some songs have already been mentioned, there it goes:
1. Marvin Gaye – Let’s Get It On
2. Marvin Gaye – Sexual Healing
3. Brian Ferry – Slave to Love
4. Huey Lewis and Gwyneth Paltrow – Cruisin’
5. The Temptations – Just My Imagination

what do you think about them?


On 07 December 2004 (05:02 PM),
Christie said:

I can’t believe I’m halfway through this and no one’s mentioned “Mad About You” by Sting…it’s so hot!!!! and as much as I can’t stand Britney, “I’m a Slave for You” is yummy.

On 07 December 2004 (05:11 PM),
Christie said:

Oh, and “Kasmir” by Zepplin would get anyone hot

On 13 December 2004 (10:33 PM),
Rhonda said:

Why hasnt anyone mentioned “NOBODY” by Keith Sweat……it makes me hot thats for sure!!!

On 13 December 2004 (11:27 PM),
Gretchen said:

I have a couple that I’d like to add…

Only You by Ashanti (very hot!!)
Believe in Me by Lenny Kravitz

and I can’t believe it, but I don’t think anyone has mentioned either of these songs by Janet Jackson (from All For You album)… When We Ooooo, and Would You Mind… both VERY VERY hot hot hot songs! They make me wild!!

By the way, this is an AMAZING list of songs. Thanks to this list, I’ve compiled 5 (yes FIVE) cd’s with all sexy songs on them! Thanks for all your input!

On 14 December 2004 (12:05 AM),
Gretchen said:

Oops, almost forgot to mention a couple metal songs. Remember these from the 80’s?? I think they’re both HOT!

Naughty Naughty by Danger Danger
Can’t Get Enuff by Winger

On 28 December 2004 (09:04 PM),
cool claire said:

anything by mazzy star, enigma & massive attack

On 09 January 2005 (08:17 PM),
MeL said:

Britney Spears – Breathe On Me
Sarah McLachlan & Delerium – Silence
Jessica Simpson – Loving You

those are defenitly sexy!!!

On 26 January 2005 (12:18 AM),
Nisha said:

“Are You A Hypnotist” By the Flaming Lips
“Closer” By Nine Inch Nails

But the Flaming Lips album is just generally great to steam things up with!!

On 22 April 2005 (05:47 PM),
Yana said:

i think basically a lot of r&b is so sexy some of da songs r
half from a baby by r. kelly(r.kelly got all sexy songs)
bumb n grind by r.kelly
u already know by 112
and a lot more i cant remember

On 08 May 2005 (04:21 PM),
trish said:

Adina Howard – Buttnaked
This Love – (Cruel Intensions Soundtrack)
Jeff Buckley – Everybody Here Wants You
Maxwell – The Suite Theme
Morphine – You Look Like Rain
Portishead – Roads
Sarah McLachlan – I Love You and Angel
Wallflowers – Closer To You
Air – How Does It Make You Feel

On 11 May 2005 (01:42 AM),
Tad said:

ive heard some of those songs you speak of people must say mostly are damn good

but just to add
Despeche mode – Dirty
Paco Ibañes – concierto de Aranjuez
raul Di’blasio – vals para mimi
choplin – nocturne for violin and piano
Carlos Santana ft. Everlast – Turn your lights on
Heroes del Silencio – con nombre de guerra
Enrique Bunbury – Mundo Feliz
Miguel Bose – Si tu no vuelves
Cafe Tacuba – eres
Cartel de Santa – El Arte del Engaño
Rata Blanca – Mujer Amante (acustica)

the best one of those ive listed in my opinion is Eres of Cafe Tacuba of course all are good

On 23 May 2005 (12:45 PM),
Counsel said:

Sexual Healing by Marvin Gaye
Rev22:20 by puscifer
Sexual Dwarf by Soft Cell
Taste You by Auf Der Maur

On 23 May 2005 (12:49 PM),
Counsel said:

. . . and when a girl told me that I made her feel like the song:

Then I met you by the Proclaimers


On 16 June 2005 (05:16 PM),
Ms Lucy said:

These are my favourite sexy ones:

Undress Me Now by Morcheeba
Bedroom Dancing By Day One
What Would Happen… by Meredith Brooks
Wish I was Your Lover by Sophie B. Hawkins
Better Man by Martina Sorbara (really great!)
Secret by Madonna
Glory Box by Portishead
Bubblegun by Placebo
Velvet by A-Ha
You’re Making Me High by Toni Braxton

…and hundreds of others! Sexy songs are the best ;-)

On 16 June 2005 (05:50 PM),
Ms Lucy said:

Oh, I forgot about 2 great songs:

This Mess We’re In by Thom Yorke & PJ Harvey
and, of course!
I’m on Fire by Bruce Springsteen – sometimes I think it’s actually The Sexiest Song Ever


On 20 June 2005 (02:47 AM),
Kelsey said:

“Faded” by Soul Decision
“Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac
“Toxic” by Britney Spears (I have no excuse)
“Genie in a Bottle” by Christina Aguilera
“Baby, Come Over (This is our night)” by Samantha Mumba
“Waiting for Tonight” by Jennifer Lopez
“I Need to Know” by Ricky Martin
“Brown Skin” by India Arie
“Promises” by Savage Garden
“Die Another Day” and “Like a Virgin” by Madonna
“Discovery Channel” by Bloodhoundgang

Some of these are sweet and some are just sexy- I made an effort to only mention previously unmentioned songs, so sorry about any repeats!

On 25 June 2005 (08:36 PM),
Doesn’t Matter said:

Elvis version of Fever
Serge Gainsbourg – Requiem Por Un Con
Ghost of an American Airman – Honeychild (listen to the lyrics)
Leona Naess – Moon & I
Siesta in Granada (don’t know the artist)
Margo Guryan (many of her songs)

On 14 July 2005 (08:36 AM),
Holly said:

Here’s a list I should charge for: It’s not a preteen list, it’s not overplayed 80’s music. These are timeless, fresh and sexy songs. Songs that will make you feel amazing, even if you’re alone.

“Ai Du” by Ali Farka Toure
“I’ve got a cold feeling” by Albert Collins
“You can leave your hat on” by Joe Cocker
“My funny Valentine” by Chet Baker
“We’ll be together again” by Billy Holiday
“My one and only love” by John Hartman and John Coltrane
“Jesus to a child” George Michael
“The very thought of you” by Nat King Cole

On 15 July 2005 (11:17 PM),
some guy said:


On 18 July 2005 (07:37 AM),
scot said:

Backdoor Man,Little Red Rooster, Light My Fire, The End-The Doors
Gloria- Van Morrison/ The Doors
King Bee- Any blues singer ( I like the Grateful Dead version w/Pigpen Singing)
Midnight Hour-not sure, alot of people cover it
Star Fucker, Honky Tonk Woman, Beast of Burden- Rolling Stones
Lemon Song-Led Zepplin (or did they bite that from someone?)
FOXY LADY, Wild Thing, – Jimmi Hendrix
Shook me All Night Long- AC/DC
Pour Some Sugar on Me-Def Leppard
Paradise by the Dashboard Light
Ice Cream Man-Van Halen
Caress Me Down-Sublime
SOUL TO SQUEEZE, Suck my Kiss,-Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Crush-Dave Matthews Band
Sexual Healing-Marvin Gay
Lets Get it On-
Why Don’t we Get Drunk and Screw-Jimmy Buffett
Lick My Lovepump-Spinal Tap (also Sex Farm Woman)

there’s more, but only so much room, probly forgot some good ones….oh well

On 18 July 2005 (08:09 AM),
Scot said:

forgot about:
Stir it Up, Mellow Mood-Bob Marley
Red, Red Wine-UB 41

On 11 August 2005 (05:42 AM),
Z said:

Splash Waterfalls Remix by Ludacris. The unedited version of course…lol. I melt every time I listen to this song! It’s hottt

On 13 August 2005 (07:28 PM),
raphael_brazil said:

mostly eletronica mood

portishead – glory box
dee joy – trust me ******* REALLY WORTH GETTING!!
massive attack – dissolved girl
massive attack – Tear Drop
deftones – change
sneaker pimps – becoming x
sneaker pimps – bloodsport

On 19 August 2005 (04:02 PM),
dana said:

i cant believe people are forgetting Janet’s “That’s the way love goes” It’s incredibly sexy song! and also Faith Evan’s “I love you” also is very good.

On 16 September 2005 (01:19 AM),
CBizkit said:

Foo Fighters – Everlong
Cold – Superstar
A Perfect Circle – Judith (Renholder mix)
Deftones – Minerva
GodSmack – Voodoo
Faith No More – Evidence
Skunk Anansie – Secretly
Dave Gahan – Hold on

On 03 October 2005 (10:41 AM),
Cyra said:

Here’s a few more

Ache for you – Ben Lee
Smoke Baby – Hawksley Workman
Buckcherry – Lit Up
Mono – Silicone
Massive Attack & Portishead – Teardrop
Ain’t no sunshine – Al Green

Twenty-Two Year Reflection

One night, when I was twelve, I stayed up late to watch the ten o’clock news with Dad. It was the day of the first space shuttle launch, and we wanted to see the footage of the shuttle on the launch pad, the shuttle in flight, the shuttle lifting into space. (Dad possessed a strong conviction that manned spaceflight is important to our future as a species, and he imparted that conviction to me.)

We watched the entire newscast, including the end credits, which featured slow-motion images of the shuttle launch set to ethereal new age music. Dad was enthralled. The music, especially, captivated him.

He called the television station in the morning and learned that the song on the end credits was from the soundtrack to the Carl Sagan television series Cosmos. The song was called Heaven and Hell, Part 1 by someone named Vangelis. (Vangelis’ Chariots of Fire soundtrack would become popular several months later, making him a household name; his Blade Runner work was still a year away).

Dad went out that day and bought the record album.

He played it repeatedly, and we kids even played it when he wasn’t around. I liked Vangelis’ Alpha and Tomita‘s The Sea Named Solaris. But Dad — Dad played the entire album, loudly, whenever he could.

Though Dad bought the record for Heaven and Hell, the track he loved most was the Bulgarian Shepherdess Song. We hated it, and we told him so: the bagpipe-like instruments, the indecipherable lyrics, the strange shrieking of the woman’s voice all grated on our nerves.

But Dad loved it, and he listened to the song again and again.

One morning I woke, in darkness, to the Bulgarian shepherdess wailing from the living room. In our 1000-square foot trailer, sound carried well, and in this case, the volume was set quite high. I tried to go back to sleep, but it was impossible with that woman wailing.

I got out of bed and walked down the hall, through the kitchen, to the living room. I looked in at Dad. He was sitting, alone, on the edge of the couch, staring out the window at the still-black dawn. He was dressed for work, in his business suit; his wild curly hair almost looked neat.

“Dad, I’m trying to sleep,” I said.

He didn’t seem to hear me.

“Dad,” I said.

“Go back to sleep, bug,” he said, but he didn’t look at me. His expression didn’t change. He stared out into the blackness.

“But Dad…” I said.

“I said ‘go back to bed’, bug,” and though his appearance was unaltered, something about his voice told me it was best not to disobey.

I crawled back in bed and lay in the dark, listening to the Bulgarian shepherdess again and again and again, wondering what it was Dad was doing, sitting alone, staring into the darkness.

A while later I heard the front door open and close, heard Dad clip-clop clip-clop down the walk to his car. Skrp, skrp. He scraped the ice from the windows of the Datsun 310GX. The car door slammed. As he pulled away, the Bulgarian shepherdess continued to wail from the living room.

I’m older now, but I still listen to the Cosmos soundtrack; it’s a great album. In fact, I own it on vinyl, cassette tape, and compact disc, and at the end of March I purchased the deluxe expanded edition of the album (which is better than the original in some ways, worse in others — I like both).

I find myself drawn to that song which I hated in my youth, the Bulgarian Shepherdess Song. I still don’t understand the lyrics, but I think, perhaps, I understand their meaning. I understand what Dad heard, I understand what he was doing that morning, staring out at the darkness, listening to the shepherdess sing.

He was thirty-five. I am thirty-four.


On 20 May 2003 (04:53 PM),
Dana said:

Shall I hazard a guess? Is someone feeling the inexorable march of time wearing away at the strands of his life? Has the Christmas (or Birthday, or whatever) sweater become threadworn and shabby, with inexpert patches at the elbows and loose threads dangling from the edges, ready to pull the whole thing to bits?

Or am I projecting?

On 20 May 2003 (07:55 PM),
J.D. said:

Nah, I was just feeling a bit melancholy after hearing the song, and I started to think about Dad.

Although, if you substitute body for sweater, perhaps your analogy is apt. :)

On 20 May 2003 (08:11 PM),
Dana said:

Not analogy, metaphor. At least, that’s what I was aiming for. Ah, well.

Are you ready for surgery?

On 20 May 2003 (10:13 PM),
Dave said:

I think that there comes a time for every man (I can’t speak to the woman side of the coin, of course) at which we realize that despite our promises as youths, despite our best intentions, and most of all despite our best efforts to be someone or do something different than that which we see around us, we take stock and realize that our youth is gone and that we have become that which we feared most- our fathers. Sometimes that’s not a good thing. Sometimes it is. Most off all I think that we just feel very keenly the loss of the illusion that we could have changed and that we had a choice in the matter coupled with the sudden shock of being confronted with a reality that we thought we had a lot more time to change.

In the course of my practice I’ve seen men handle this transition in many different ways. Count yourself lucky, JD, that at the end of the day your father came back home. Many don’t.

Ok, I’m done being maudlin for the evening.

On 20 May 2003 (10:57 PM),
Virginia said:

What can I say? I miss him!! Why was I blessed with a life span of (at this point) 10 more years than my brothers? At this time Steve knew he had cancer. If he was thirty-five it would have been the winter of 1980-1981. Ice generally
comes in Dec. or Jan. Mom, your Grandma, was also dying of cancer. We had just found it out.
She died July 3, 1981. One day when I was down at Steve’s place he had just bought a CD of Enya. He loved the song “How Can I Keep From Singing” That was in the early 90’s. By that time he had resigned himself to his condition. He was a great person.

On 21 May 2003 (08:02 AM),
Nikchick said:

I have two handwritten books of poems that I collected in high school. About half are my own poetry that I thought represented my best efforts at the time. The other half are poems from issues of Patina, or poems that I exchanged with JD, Andrew Parker, and Mitch Sherrard. (Strangely, I also have poems from David Carlson and Darren Misner…)

I also have one poem that Steve wrote and that I find just as touching today as I did when I was an intense, naive, romantic 14 year old. This is it:


If I do not sing,
My music
Will break its bonds
And cause great damage
To my soul
And maybe yours.

My music is love.
My music is freedom.
My music is joy.

My song is for you.


I’m almost having more fun watching the soccer games than I did playing in them. I march up and down the sidelines shouting at my teammates, clipboard and stopwatch in hand. They’re doing a great job. Already, in two games, we’ve scored half as many goals as we did in all ten games last season. Joel has been outstanding in goal, and the entire team seems to be playing at a higher level despite having practiced less to prepare for the season.

Last night’s game was played on artificial turf, which I’d never actually seen close up before. The field was H-U-G-E, much larger than any of the other fields on which we’ve played, and the players felt it. The ball was fast, too (especially when compared to the jungle in which we played last week). The other team had some skilled players, especially the women at right- and left-wing, and they mounted some impressive attacks. Joel and his defense were able to fend off most of them, though, and we penetrated several times, converting twice. Pam had an impressive assist. (We failed to convert on a heartbreaking sequence in front of the opposing goal: the other team’s keeper had come out after the ball, but our striker eluded him; we tried repeatedly to put the ball in the net, but couldn’t find the opening. Eventually the ball sailed wide of the goal.) The 2-2 tie is our second-best result ever. (We won only a single game last season.)

Driving home after the game (listening to ABBA — can you believe it?), I began, as I so often do, to engage in self-reflection. I was driving home from Portland for the twelfth time in fourteen days. I have four more Portland trips scheduled in the next week. How did I get to this point? When did social interaction become so important to me?

After college, Kris and I experienced a long stretch during which we rarely had social engagements. None of our Willamette friends lived nearby, and I had not yet reconnected with my high school friends. We did things by ourselves (we watched a lot of television), we did not seek social contact. It was clear to me that, as my Myers-Briggs personality type might indicate, that I derived energy from solitude.

Over the past decade, however, our circle of friends has grown substantially. We spend a lot of time with other people. For two years, we did spend most of our free time with Mac and Pam, but we’ve since returned to spreading our attention among a wider group of friends.

I love it.

I love spending time with Jeremy and Jennifer, watching their children grow. I love having dinner with Dave and Karen, discussing history, comparing cultural differences between the East Coast and the West Coast. I love discussing books and music with Aimee and Joel. I love playing games with Mac and Pam. I love seeing Andrew and Courtney. I love the time with larger groups, too: time with the MNF group, the soccer team, the book club, the photography classes. I look forward to creating new friendships, learning more about Ron and Kara, Craig and Lisa. I’m excited about re-establishing old ties with Nicole Lindroos and Andrew Parker and Jim Osmer; perhaps I’ll even finally get the courage to find Mitch Sherrard. I love interacting with my extended family, and with Paul and Amy Jo, through this weblog.

How did I get here? When did I pass from being and introvert to being an extrovert?


On 13 May 2003 (11:39 AM),
Drew said:

We love seeing you as well. Wish it could happen more often. Perhaps you should consider moving a bit more north…closer to friends, closer to Kris’s job, closer to the amenities of PDX.

On 13 May 2003 (11:46 AM),
J.D. said:

Oh, I’ve considered it, but that’s about it. I met the other Andrew at his mother’s house in Sellwood the other day; she lives just a block from The Iron Horse, not far from Caprial’s. It’s a nice neighborhood, filled with older homes, which appear to be affordable. I could see myself living there.

I’m not pleased with our current location. It’s neither country nor city. It’s some unholy mix of the two and it gives me little pleasure.

Unfortunately, my better half isn’t so keen on moving to Portland as I am, despite the fact that it would reduce her commute signficantly.

Perhaps others might have better success persuading her to move…

On 13 May 2003 (06:21 PM),
better half said:

The Crime Lab is scheduled to relocate to Clackamas in 2005, so I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. This would reduce my commute from an hour each way to half an hour, but I’d have to drive instead of taking the bus.

If only there was a way of transporting my garden en masse… alas, I am loathe to leave it. Kris

On 14 May 2003 (04:34 AM),
kaibutsu said:

Aye; that switch from being the introvert to the extrovert is an unsettling one, once you look back and realize it. It was art school what did it to me.

On 14 May 2003 (06:35 AM),
Lonely in Alexandria said:

Try moving across the continent to a place with no social network whatsoever and then you’ll see whether you’re and introvert or an extrovert. Might it be J.D. that you are comfortable in your social surroundings which allows you to be gregarious? If you lived where “nobody knows your name” would you still be considered an extrovert?

On 14 May 2003 (06:50 AM),
J.D. said:

This is an excellent question, one for which I have no answer. It takes guts to do what Paul and Amy Jo did. I don’t know if I could do it. The closest I’ve ever coming is moving away to college. But that move was only thirty miles!

On 14 May 2003 (06:54 AM),
Wife of Lonely in Alexandria said:

Paul (aka Lonely in Alexandria) is getting at something here. I think one can enjoy the company of one’s good friends and family without self-identifying as an extrovert. Aren’t many of us extroverts at times and introverts at others? Haven’t you known someone who is always surrounded by people, yet know one really knows that person. Someone who recently met that person might say that she was an extrovert, however, someone who has known her for years might call her an introvert because even though she’s always with people, she holds back much of who she really is.

On 14 May 2003 (06:56 AM),
Wife of Lonely in Alexandria said:

I meant “no one” rather than “know one.” Blame it on my raging headache and all the crap I’m having to proofread today.

On 14 May 2003 (09:06 AM),
Dana said:

Although I wasn’t aware of it at the time, I now know that you underwent a radical reconfiguration of your personality while you were in college. You shifted from being a devout, evangelical Christian to your current agnostic/athiestic-type beliefs.

I think, as a consequence, you sort of cocooned a bit — introspection takes a lot of energy and brain power, and other people distract from that. Likewise, I get the impression that it took a while for you and Kris to settle in to life together (I remember in college hearing that you’d NEVER get married because it just wasn’t important).

Now, however, things are more settled. You know who you are, you know where you fit, and you and Kris have worked out how you fit together. You are reaping what you’ve sowed, socially speaking, building a more complex, interactive social structure on top of the foundation you put together yourself (well, with help from Kris).

If you moved someplace else (Florida, for example), well, I think you’d have to undertake some of this again. You wouldn’t have the long-term friends handy to reconnect with. You might find yourself having to be more solitary because it’s harder to develop casual connections to people.

Being a displaced person myself, I find it difficult to establish the kind of life you have because there is no place where a large body of people who have known me for decades lives. My college friends and my family are the closest I come to in that regard.

So, are you an extrovert? I would say yes, and you probably always have been. You just spent a number of introspective years doing interior remodeling.

Well, IMHO, anyway. :)

On 14 May 2003 (09:15 AM),
Tiffany said:

Jd, this is a totally unrelated comment… The Army considers your website �not secure�. I only know this because Mon and Tues of this week I was in MD and tried to access your page on an army server. Each time I would get a �Will not display. Web page not secure.� However I was able to access all kinds of shopping pages during class!
I really liked the spider photo.

On 14 May 2003 (09:31 AM),
Dave said:

Just to add my two cents, I’m not convinced that based on your presentation here, you’ve carried your burden of proof in asserting you’re an extrovert, JD. Instead, I think that Paul’s point is well taken. You are comfortable within your sphere and have come to welcome the contact of people within that sphere, perhaps even depend on it for a certain portion of your view of yourself. Would you welcome the same level of contact with complete strangers? In other words, would you actively reach out to people you didn’t know because you felt you wanted/needed the additional personal contact? At some point, probably, but would that point come sooner or later compared to the average individual? That’s how I would define an extrovert as opposed to an introvert. Not that I’d generally take the position that you’re an introvert, however. As someone who has been accused of being downright misanthropic, I’d say you’d have a looooong ways to go to get to introvert.

This is not to say that you haven’t changed over the course of the years, but speaking as one person who has probably known you for longer than most, but for that momentary divergence into “evangelical Christianity” (to use Dana’s terms) I think you’re remained fairly consistent in how you relate to others. My recollection is that you’ve always had a fairly outgoing style and I’m sure that your report cards said that you worked and played well with others. And looking back, I can’t think of anyone that you did not get along with fairly well (other than the snobby people who only wanted to play with other snobby people, but who cares about them).

Speaking as a dedicated introvert (who lives with a dedicated extrovert) Thag will now retreat to his cave.

On 14 May 2003 (11:19 AM),
Amy Jo said:

To JD’s better half (aka Kris)–Wouldn’t Sellwood or Westmoreland be nearly as close to Clackamas as Canby?

On 13 May 2004 (11:08 AM),
Gwen said:

Did you know that Tammy used to be an introvert? Grandma used to look at her and say, “Quiet waters run deep.” She changed in the eighth grade, and now I am quite sure that it wouldn’t matter if she was with friends or strangers, she is soundly an extrovert, (I think:-))


Before my love affair with U2, I had a fling with Asia.

I mentioned the other day that the first record album I ever owned was Paul McCartney’s Tug of War, which was given to me for Christmas of 1982, when I was thirteen years old.

The first album that I ever bought myself, though, was Asia’s eponymous debut. I didn’t know much about the group, and had only heard bits of “Heat of the Moment” and “Only Time Will Tell”, but I knew I had to have the album. The opening strains of “Only Time Will Tell” touched my thirteen-year-old soul deeply.

Jeff and I pooled our money and, at the Beaverton Fred Meyer, we bought a copy of the album on cassette tape. Mom’s car didn’t have a tape deck, so we had to wait until we got home in order to listen to the album. We went into my bedroom and shut the door and turned up the volume:

Heat of the Moment
by Asia

I never meant to be so bad to you
One thing I said that I would never do
A look from you and I would fall from grace
And it would wipe the smile right from my face

Do you remember when we used to dance
And incidents arose from circumstance
One thing led to another, we were young
And we would scream together songs unsung

It was the heat of the moment
Telling me what my heart meant
The heat of the moment showed in your eyes

And now you find yourself in ’82
The disco hot spots hold no charm for you
You can concern yourself with bigger things
You catch a pearl and ride the dragon’s wings

It was the heat of the moment
Telling me what my heart meant
The heat of the moment showed in your eyes

And when your looks have gone and you’re alone
How many nights you sit beside the phone
What were the things you wanted for yourself
Teenage ambitions you remember well

It was the heat of the moment

Telling me what my heart meant
The heat of the moment showed in your eyes

We listened to the opening strains of “Only Time Will Tell” again and again.

We loved this tape, and within months the track listing on the side of the cassette had been rubbed away from use. Amazingly, the tape itself held up well. (In fact, it’s sitting next to me, in a box filled with tapes, as I type; I’ve not listened to any of these tapes since 1995.)

Dave was an Asia fan, too. We’d sit around his room or my room and we’d do junior high geek things: read comic books, play Dungeons and Dragons, browse the yearbook rating the girls (on a continuum that ran from “dog” to “okay” to “fox” to “fox!!!!!!!!!”). Dave had the album on vinyl, and I loved to look at the gorgeous, detailed cover art, a dragon rising from the sea. All of us liked to draw the Asia logo: the pyramidal As, the Z-like S, the triangle over the band’s name.

Back in the olden days, we didn’t have the internet to keep us abreast of coming album releases. Teenaged boys who relied on their mothers for transportation were lucky to spot a new release in the department store. Such was the case with Asia’s second album, Alpha, which was released in the summer of 1983 or 1984. (I think it must have been 1983, because Dave and I were still on speaking terms; I can recall listening to the album with him.)

We didn’t know what to think of Alpha at first. The first album had been straight-ahead rock-and-roll. The second album was more meditative, more contemplative, almost like New Age power rock (if that makes sense). The first single, Don’t Cry, felt unpolished, as if something were missing.

Don’t Cry
by Asia

Hard times you had before you
I knew when I first saw you
You girl you’ve always been mistreated, cheated

So leave it all behind you
It took so long to find you
I know that we can last forever, ever and more, more, oh

Don’t cry now that I’ve found you
Don’ cry take a look around you
Don’t cry it took so long to find you
Do what you want, but little darling please don’t cry

I knew I’d never doubt it

I was so sure about it
Don’t think of all that’s been before

I’ll hear you when you’re calling
I’ll catch you when you’re falling
Don’t worry I will always be there, like never before, or, oh

Don’t cry now that I’ve found you
Don’ cry take a look around you
Don’t cry it took so long to find you

Do what you want, but little darling please don’t cry

This seemed, even then, like Asia’s attempt at a the perfect pop song, but it fell desperately short of the mark. The lyrics were terrible. But I loved it.

I loved the album, too. During the start of my freshman year of high school, I listened to Alpha all the time: at home in my room, in the car, at soccer practice (on the jumbo-sized boomboxes so popular then), in the back of the speech room. I loved the cover art for this album, too, the deep jungles, the mysterious pyramid. The art was even better than that of the first album.

Soon, though, Asia faded from my mind. That fall I was introduced to U2, and all other music took a back seat to my boys from Ireland.

Time passed.

Once I got my drivers license, Paul Carlile and I would make regular trips to Tower Records on 82nd to scope out the import records: the cool U2 singles, the Tears For Fears 12″ singles, the early Thompson Twins albums. The week before Thanksgiving 1985 I was scanning the cassette tapes when I stumbled across a new album from Asia. I bought Astra without knowing anything about it.

I didn’t like Astra at first, and it languished on the floor of the Datsun 310GX. I was more intent on listening to New Order and The Cure. My teen-aged angst was important to me; I had brooding to do, and Asia’s music didn’t lend itself well to sullenness.

With time, though, I emerged from my cocoon of bitterness and rediscovered Astra. I loved it.

During Custom Box’s infancy, we boys were required to work in the shop after school, slotting and gluing boxes for a pittance. We hated it. The only thing which ameliorated the forced labor was that we were allowed to listen to whatever music we chose. Astra was one of my top choices — as were the other two Asia albums — and it joined U2’s War, New Order’s Low Life, The Cure’s Head on the Door, The Dream Academy, and Planet P Project in heavy rotation in the shop.

I went to college and I forgot Asia.

Then, last night, as I was browsing the iTunes Music Store, I stumbled upon an album that collected all of the early Asia that I knew and loved plus B-sides from the singles, songs I’ve never heard. There’s no way that I could resist downloading

Voice of America
by Asia

I heard you on the radio some other time
From some forgotten studio way down the line
So long, so long I’ve waited now to hear you again
That song, that song will still remain, it’s become an old friend
And now, the tears are in my eyes, the sound you can’t disguise
The truth comes back from lies and all I want to hear

Voice of America, ooh, America
Voice of America, ooh, America

And then you came in stereo calling to me
And so I watch the videos across the T.V.
That sound, still ringing in my ears from a decade ago
Around, around my head, the sound from my radio
I thought, that after all these years
The tears, the growing fears
That I would never hear
Never again

Voice of America, ooh, America
Voice of America, ooh, America

Asia never produced great art, but they produced music I loved.


On 13 May 2003 (07:30 AM),
Amy Jo said:

Have you heard the South Park version of “Heat of the Moment?” If not, and you are a sport, maybe Paul will be kind enough to send it to you.

Amy Jo

On 13 May 2003 (07:37 AM),
J.D. said:

I am a sport!

I’m aware enough to recognize that my affinity for Asia is, shall we say, camp.

I love Asia, I love Abba, I love my old comic books. This is childhood stuff, and measured by objective criteria, most of it isn’t very good. But it sure is fun.

Bring on the South Park parody! :)

On 13 May 2003 (09:01 AM),
Dave said:

I had the sheet music to the Asia album, “Don’t Cry” and Astra. Probably still do somwhere, mouldering away next to the complete works of the Eagles and Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” & “The Final Cut”.

On 14 May 2003 (08:29 AM),
Joelah said:

Tell us more about the infancy of CuBoServ! Did all the bros. work there? How many hours did you work? Were the machines invented back then that you use now? Did working the entry-level jobs back then give you greater insight into management of the current CuBoServ? Or do you not feel that management need understand the actual details of labor? And for fuck’s sake, post some pics of this historical moment. You spend so much time reflecting on the past, yet I’ve never seen a photo from way back then. This is, of course, a demand rather than a suggestion.
(Thanks for your continuing help on playing keeper.)

Mix Tapes

Like a lot of other people my age, I’ve always liked to make my own mix tapes (or, now, mix CDs). In junior high, Jeff and I made primitive mix tapes by taping from the radio. We preferred to tape from KSKD because they didn’t talk over the music. We made some great tapes, filled with early 80s power rock and new wave and disco remnants, but these formative works have vanished. They’re probably buried in a box with a bunch of Neil Diamond LPs and Mannheim Steamroller cassettes, waiting to be discovered twenty years from now.

Eventually we began to buy records and tapes. (My first record, a Christmas gift, was Paul McCartney’s Tug of War; Jeff’s first record, also a Christmas Gift, was Men at Work’s eponymous debut album.) The first tape that I can remember us buying (jointly, I believe, though Jeff will surely correct me if I’m wrong) was Asia’s first album. We sat together in my bedroom, cranked the sound, and played the opening strains of “Only Time Will Tell” again and again. I’m sure this was one of the first signs for my parents that we were lost to them, we were entering young adulthood and would never be their babies again.

I don’t remember when I made my first actual mix tape. It wasn’t my freshman year of high school, and it may not even have been my sophomore year. Around this time, though, I came up with the brilliantly original idea — or so I thought — of constructing a tape which collected only my very favorite songs. I had too many favorite songs; I had to make two mix tapes.

Those first two mixes are lost, probably loaned to some high school girlfriend and never to be recovered again. The oldest mix tape I still have is Mix #3: English Mix, a tape filled with the likes of Vitamin Z (“Burning Flame”), Thompson Twins (“Lies”), Alphaville (“Forever Young”), Tears For Fears (“Madworld”) and Duran Duran (“Hungry Like the Wolf”).

My first good mix was Mix #4: Soda Pop Music, a tape that I put together soon after New Order’s Brotherhood was released in September of 1986 — I placed two songs from that album on the mix. I played this soda pop mix over and over. I wore out the tape and had to dub a new one (which, of course, caused the sound quality to suffer, but I didn’t care). The new tape eventually broke and I had to splice it together with scotch tape. (How many of you can remember splicing your favorite cassette tapes back together with scotch tape? Sometimes one had to actually unscrew the case of the cassette to fish out the other end of the tape. It was a maddening process, but sometimes it was worth it.) I still have that tape somewhere, but a couple of years ago I converted the mix to CD. The tape held 90 minutes of music, and a CD only holds 80 minutes, so I was forced to remove three songs, but I think that only made the mix stronger.

Mix #4: Soda Pop Music
(a mix by jdroth — November 1986)

  1. Don’t Change (INXS)
  2. Chipmunks Are Go! (Madness)
  3. One Step Beyond (Madness)
  4. Poison Arrow (ABC)
  5. Look of Love (ABC)
  6. I Melt With You (Modern English)
  7. President Am I (Slow Children)
  8. Genetic Engineering (OMD)
  9. Goddess of Love (OMD)
  10. Red Skies at Night (The Fixx)
  11. Radio Free Europe (REM)
  12. If I Was (Midge Ure)
  13. Every Little Counts (New Order)
  14. Chequered Love (Kim Wilde)
  15. Hungry Like the Wolf (Duran Duran)
  16. Close to Me (The Cure)
  17. Birds Fly (Whisper to a Scream) (The Icicle Works)
  18. Catch Me I’m Falling (Real Life)
  19. Original Sin (INXS)

This one mix opened the floodgates and suddenly I was making mixes for friends and family every couple of weeks. I made Mix #8: Checkerboard Mix, Mix #11: Summer Nights (and Mix #12: Summer Nights, part two), Mix #14: Voices in My Head, and Mix #25: Soda Pop Music II. None of them were as good as my first soda pop music mix.

I went to college and was pleased to find that Willamette had outstanding audio equipment available for personal use in the library. During my freshman year I’d borrow records and tapes from my friends and I’d trundle across campus to the library where I’d set up a regular duplicating studio: while I was recording a record to tape in one room, I’d be dubbing tapes in two separate rooms. And what did I do with all of this newfound music? I made more mixes of course!

I made mixes for Amy (Mix #31: A Dinner for Two and then, after she left for Germany, Mix #38: Holding Back the Years). And I made mixes for Kris:

Mix #44: Music for the Anatomy
(a mix by jdroth — 28 March 1989)

Side One: Music for Your Legs (and Hips)

  1. Our Lips are Sealed (Go-Gos)
  2. Rock Me Tonight (Billy Squier)
  3. Devil Inside (INXS)
  4. Beds are Burning (Midnight Oil)
  5. Satisfaction (The Rolling Stones)
  6. Great Balls of Fire (Jerry Lee Lewis)
  7. Heard it Through the Grapevine (Marvin Gaye)
  8. Crocodile Rock (Elton John)
  9. I Want Your Hands On Me (Sinead O’Connor)
  10. Destroyer (The Kinks)
  11. Hello, I Love You (Adam Ant)
  12. Grown Man Cry (The Rolling Stones)
  13. Talking Loud and Clear (OMD)

Side Two: Music for Your Arms (and Lips)

  1. You’re My Home (Billy Joel)
  2. Crazy Love (Helen Reddy)
  3. Gypsy (Suzanne Vega)
  4. Without Your Love (Roger Daltry)
  5. Baby Mine (Bonnie Raitt)
  6. On Your Shore (Enya)
  7. Every Breath You Take (The Police)
  8. Verdi Cries (10,000 Maniacs)
  9. Natural Woman (Aretha Franklin)
  10. Lover Man (Communards)
  11. Sea of Love (The Honeydrippers)
  12. I Just Want to Make Love to You (Muddy Waters)

Of course I wasn’t the only one making mix tapes. Jim Osmer gave me an advocacy tape filled with his favorite bands (fIREHOSE, Screaming Trees, The Pixies, They Might Be Giants, Husker Du, Red Hot Chili Peppers), and another tape he called The Blues According to Jim packed with Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf, B.B. King, and more Muddy Waters. Amy sent me a tape from Germany. Heather Butler sent me a tape for my birthday; she called it the pink album. Since Heather and I have become estranged, this is one of my prized possessions of our former friendship.

the pink album: I was nineteen, now I am twenty
(a mix by Heather Bulter — March 1989)

  1. Tainted Love/Where Did Our Love Go? (The Harvard Din and Tonics)
  2. Miss Italiel (Plastic Bertrand)
  3. Can You Feel It (Jane Fonda and the Jacksons)
  4. Bridge Over Troubled Water (Willie Nelson)
  5. Jungle Love (The Time)
  6. One (A Chorus Line soundtrack)
  7. Symphony No. 25 in G minor, K. 183, first movement (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
  8. Something’s Coming (Barbra Streisand)
  9. And She Was (Talking Heads)
  10. Heart and Soul (Huey Lewis and the News)
  11. Something’s Coming (West Side Story soundtrack)
  12. America (West Side Story soundtrack)
  13. In a Big Country (Big Country)
  14. One (reprise) (A Chorus Line soundtrack)

During my junior year I made my second great mix, Woman Unchained, a mix comprising only songs by women (and one song by Tears For Fears). I’ll post the track list later.

The summer after I graduated from college, I worked in the A/V room at Tokyo International University of America (a story for another time). I had access to many fun toys, including a sound system connected to two VCRs and a laserdisc player. Well. What fun it was to make mixes incorporating songs from my favorite movies! I’m still quite fond of my single-sided When Harry Met Sally mix, which features songs from Singing in the Rain. If only I could have come up with a second side…

I continued to make mix tapes throughout the nineties, though I lost track of my numbering system somewhere in the 120s.

The year I bought my first CD-burner was a revelation: I could rip all of my CDs to mp3s on my hard drive! And then came Napster: I could download difficult-to-find songs! And then came mp3-manipulation software: I could create seamless segues between music tracks! My favorite technology, though, was my soundcard and its ability to record from external audio sources. Suddenly my old scratchy vinyl records could be converted to digital music (complete with pops and clicks). I spent several weeks converting hundreds of songs from vinyl albums and 45s to mp3. I’ve made three mixes from these vinyl tracks, the best of which was the first:

Clinging to Vinyl
(a mix by jdroth — 05 May 2000)

  1. Heading for the Moon (Cyndi Lauper)
  2. Mirror Man (The Human League)
  3. Talk About the Passion (R.E.M.)
  4. Europa and the Pirate Twins (Thomas Dolby)
  5. Going Down to Liverpool (Katrina and the Waves)
  6. If You Were Here (Thompson Twins)
  7. Johnson’s Aeroplane (INXS)
  8. Stand or Fall (The Fixx)
  9. October (U2)
  10. Don’t Change (INXS)
  11. Love of the Common People (Paul Young)
  12. Birds Fly (Whisper to a Scream) (The Icicle Works)
  13. Madworld (Tears For Fears)
  14. Left of Center (Suzanne Vega)
  15. Pop Goes the World (Men Without Hats)
  16. Chequered Love (Kim Wilde)
  17. Space Age Love Song (A Flock of Seagulls)
  18. Haunted When the Minutes Drag (Love and Rockets)
  19. Modigliani (Book of Love)
  20. I Don’t Mind at All (Bourgeois Tagg)
  21. I Need You (The Eurythmics)

Notice any similarities between that mix and my very first mixes?

I have a special file in my desk which contains lists (and partial lists) of songs for future mixes. Scattered across my hard drive are dozens of Winamp playlists featuring mixes-in-progress. I have an uncompleted bluegrass mix, a still-to-be-finished “Best Damn Abba Songs Ever” mix, a half-finished mix of a cappella covers of U2 songs, somewhere there’s a nascent heavy metal mix, and I still haven’t finished the science fiction mix you all helped with earlier.

The best thing of all? Kris likes to make mixes, too. When we go on long trips, we take turns listening to each other’s mixes. She has a penchant for bitter women. I tend to like repetitive synthpop. It’s great!

Here’s a list of previous entries featuring mixes I’ve made:

Maybe I’ll make a new mix tonight…


On 09 May 2003 (09:40 AM),
J.D. said:

Here’s a mix that I love but Kris hates. The segues between the tracks are s-m-o-o-t-h and the music gets me jumpin’:

Funk Is Its Own Reward
(a mix by jdroth — 15 November 2002)

  1. It’s Just Beginning (Jummy Castor Bunch)
  2. In the Hand of the Inevitable (James Taylor Quartet)
  3. Funky Music (White Boy) (George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic)
  4. Theme from S.W.A.T. (Rhythm Heritage)
  5. You Sexy Thing (Barry White)
  6. Mr. Big Stuff (Jean Knight)
  7. Monkey Drop (New Jersey Kings)
  8. Get Down On It (The Gap Band)
  9. We Want the Funk (George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic)
  10. Lady Marmalade (Patti Labelle)
  11. Green Onions (Booker T and the MGs)
  12. Light Years (Jamiroquai)
  13. Brick House (The Commodores)
  14. Pick up the Pieces (Average White Band)
  15. I Like Girls (Fatback)
  16. I Think It’s Better (Jill Scott)
  17. Love is Rare (Morcheeba !?!?! — yup, Morcheeba)
  18. Theme From Shaft (Isaac Hayes)
  19. Sex Machine (James Brown)
  20. Rock Wit U (Alicia Keyes)
  21. Take the L Train (Brooklyn Funk Essentials)

This is quite the funky mix, and plenty of good listenin’.

On 09 May 2003 (09:49 AM),
J.D. said:

Last fall, Paul Carlile came up and we spent a day together, mostly huddled around the computer listening to music. He and I both love ethereal electronica type stuff, trip-hop, etc. This awesome driving mix was the outcome of that session:

Passengers: A Driving Mix
(a mix by jdroth — 15 October 2002)

  1. Announcement (Arling & Cameron)
  2. Voulez-Vous (Arling & Cameron)
  3. Lebanese Blonde (Thievery Corporation)
  4. Hell is Around the Corner (Tricky)
  5. Nights Interlude (Nightmares on Wax)
  6. Breathe (Telepopmusik)
  7. Intermezzo (Arling & Cameron)
  8. Gorecki (Lamb)
  9. Days Go By (Dirty Vegas)
  10. Signs of Love (Moby)
  11. Battersea (Hooverphonic)
  12. Sea People (Emiliana Torrini)
  13. Slug (Passengers)
  14. Your Blue Room (Passengers)
  15. Always Forever Now (Passengers)
  16. Different Kind of Blue (Passengers)
  17. Beach Sequence (Passengers)
  18. Miss Sarajevo (Passengers)
  19. Tears in Rain (Vangelis, from Blade Runner)

For those who are unaware, Passengers == U2 and Brian Eno, sounding very much like The Unforgettable Fire. This is a great mix, perfect for long night-time trips. It’ll put you in a high-mental-state trance and make the miles melt away.

On 09 May 2003 (10:53 AM),
Tiffany said:

It is funny. I have more music in common with you then with Rich! He loves to make mixes, but never labels the stupid CDs so; he can never fine the CD that he wants when he wants it. I have made a few mixes, but am not that committed.

My first music buying experience was unpleasant. In 4th grade I wanted �Michael Jackson Thriller�, yes, I am ashamed to admit that now. So, I saved up my allowance and headed for the BX (military Wal-mart). There were two album covers at the store, so I picked the photo I liked better. Only to find out that I pick up the extended single album and not the whole album. I was devastated, cried to Mom, who went and bought the right one for me. J

As a side note, Rich has a whole box of records that we keep moving around. We do not even have a record player to listen to them on!

On 09 May 2003 (01:29 PM),
tammy said:

Heyyyyy! What do ya mean, “how many of you remember splicing your cassette tapes with scotch tape”. Like nobody does that anymore . We just taped a cassette tape with scotch tape a couple weks ago. Are you implying we’re way behind the times!?

On 09 May 2003 (05:26 PM),
Lisa said:

J.D., I recently realized that you provide a forum for vaporing on at the world, and I thought I’d give it a whirl.

A friend of a friend has become famous for his annual CD mixes. (I think he may give them at Christmas.) Each year he puts together a variety of songs that have been interesting or meaningful to him. His name is Jay, and the mixes are called DJay 2002, and so on.

As onlookers (onlisteners?), Craig and I love going to Kaylene and Matt’s, where DJay is often the choice in the CD player.

Sooo… If you’re affirming your dedication of mixes, perhaps it’s time to create retrospective of the music that you’ve enjoyed over the year, fiscal quarter, lunar month, or whatever.

The first album I bought (bicycled to Grand Central before it was purchased by Fred Meyer) was Tears for Fears: Songs from the Big Chair when I was about 14. Fine album.

On 10 August 2003 (04:42 PM),
Brenna said:

How nice to see that someone else besides me remembers and appreciates Bourgeouis Tagg! I’ve also made my share of mixes, and used to fill the last 1-2 minutes on each side with random stuff off the radio (pause the record function, find a radio station, unpause, record 5-10 seconds, pause again, find new station, and so on). Quite enjoyable, and the results were pretty funny at times.

On 14 August 2003 (11:18 PM),
Korrie said:

Hey, I have an interesting situation that you might be able to help me with. My boyfriend is a 19 year old Marine that lives in Cali and I’m a 16 year old high school student that lives in Kansas. We talk for hours every night and we are truly in love. A few days ago, he asked me to marry him. (Don’t worry, we are going to wait until we are both through college until we actually do) I was wanting to make him a mix tape as one of my ways of saying yes. Think you can help me with the details? If anyone has ideas or wants to help, my e-mail is massiveconfusion@cx.net


Debbie Driscoll, another member of our soccer team, is conducting market research on video phones. Debbie’s recruited Joel and Mac and me (and Kris’ sister, Tiffany, too!) to help test one system.

I’ve always been fond of the concept of video phones; they’ve been present in science fiction for decades (The Jetsons, 2001: A Space Odyssey, etc.), but they’ve never made it into our homes.

Our group is testing a computer-based video phone that operates via four components: a webcam, a microphone/earphone headset, a broadband connection, and a piece of software that ties all of these together. Last night was the first chance I’d had to test the videophone in action.

Here’s a screenshot from my conversation with Mac (click to open a larger image in a new window):

The videophone is fun to use, despite my initial skepticism.

It’s not without its problems, though. Image and sound quality are poor at times, and may degrade over the course of a call (more testing will determine this, I suppose). The videophone headset incapacitates my computer’s speakers; if I want to play a game or listen to mp3s, I either have to wear the headset (which has only one earpiece) or crawl around behind the computer, unplugging and plugging wires.

In order to actually get paid for participating in this market research — you didn’t think we were doing this for free did you? — we need to complete a journal entry after each call. For example:

Date: Tue, 06 May 2003 21:56:44 -0700
To: debie@fooled.com
From: jdroth@fooledspace.org
Subject: J.D.’s Videophone Post-call Journal 1.05

Call Date: 06 May 2003
Start time of call: 09:50 p.m.
End time of call: 09:57 p.m.
Who did you speak with? Mackenzie Smith
They called me / I called them He called me.

What was fun about this call? Why?
This call was fun because both the video quality and the audio quality were the best for any call yet. Mac’s voice was perfectly clear, though he sounded as if he had a cold. The video was not perfect, but that’s probably because I had adjusted the video quality to the lowest setting after deciding that it had no affect on my calls with Joel. Another fun thing, though not wholly relevant, was that Mac and I were both able to tell that things Weren’t Quite Normal: he noted that I was at Kris’ computer instead of mine (because the videophone software refuses to install on my computer) and I noted that he had flipped his video image.

What was annoying? Why?
There was nothing about the call itself that was annoying this time. I was most annoyed by having to wear the headset. I would have liked to be able to use the in-camera microphone and to listen to Mac via my computer’s speakers. (I have concerns that the videophone’s headset will prevent me from using my normal speakers because I’m too lazy to crawl around unplugging cables and plugging them back all the time.)

Please list the features you used.
Mac called while I was in the middle of another call to Joel. The videophone would not let me answer Mac’s call until I had ended the call to Joel. This feature seemed pretty straightforward, though I would make one change.

What changes would you like to make to the videophone system? Why?
It seemed sensible to me that if I were to tell the alert box that I wanted to connect to Mac, that it would warn me that doing so would disconnect from Joel and then give me the option to do so. Instead, I had to cancel out of the alert box, disconnect from Joel, and then take Mac’s call. Of course — and you already know this — what the three of us *really* wanted to do was connect for a conference call.

I wonder if the difficulties in speaking with Joel stem from the settings he’s given his hardware, either in the control panel, the individual drivers, or the videophone application itself. Maybe the three of us (Mac, Joel, and myself) can get together and compare notes regarding our setups.


I’m curious to see how we use the videophone during the next few weeks.


On 07 May 2003 (09:34 AM),
Joelah said:

Here’s why the videophone is exciting. I’m saying this because we all know immediately why it sucks. It’s exciting to me because I believe it creates a very new kind of conversation. I’m a frustrated English major, I live for conversation. I’m not good at chatting, I yearn to find “the point” in most of my interactions with other humans. So the videophone, by making us confront grainy and unflattering visuals of our friends, is inherently hostile to chatting. So, we try and have conversations (thus far mostly about the videophone itself) but meanwhile our BODIES are doing the chatting. We cannot make eye contact with each other, so we listen to each other’s voices while staring at the way Mac’s shoulder hunches when he stresses a certain word. J.D. flicks his fingers when he’s got several things to say in a row, then abruptly stops, leans back, and makes his face expressionless when I interrupt.
I want to take this further. I want to have these strange visual conversations with my friends while doing physical things that interfere or affect verbal meaning. Like shaving, or reading a magazine. Kris and Aimee tried to do some chatting while J.D. seemingly pranced in the background (or maybe that was just the way JD moves when no one else is around). In response, I stood behind Aimee and lifted up my shirt. Instant voyeurism.
I was fortunate yesterday to actually have something to show people while we were talking. I had made mosaic out of broken shards of tile, so when I felt like we had to show something to each other because our bodies were doing more talking than we were, I ran and got it. I showed it to JD, who was confused. What the hell was this fractured blue square that had suddenly replaced Joel’s ridiculous chin-stroking? JD didn’t know about the mosaic project, so it took some conversation to convince him that, it was okay, the mosaic was a friend, something to be excited about. This was a fascinating moment. Instead of speaking to a three-quarter profile, he was talking to me looking at a grainy image of a somewhat sloppily created piece of home art. I felt like the very first grandma who ever hauled a murky, grainy daguerrotype of little Amos out of her leathern satchel and thrust it unexpectedly at an innocent stranger.

On 07 May 2003 (09:55 AM),
J.D. said:

Well said, my friend. You’ve touched upon things that never would have occurred to me.

Videophones, if the technology takes off, could introduce a new fundamental form of communication. It’s strange using one because it borrows elements from communication devices with which we are all familiar — telephones, television, computers — and integrates them into something new, something familiar yet strangely disconcerting.

For example, as I observed to Joel last night, when he holds an object (such as his mosaic) up to the camera and he is obscured from view, my natural reaction is: aha! I cannot see Joel, therefor he cannot see me and, thus, it must be safe to pick my nose. It doesn’t work that way.

And there is something about the videophone that brings about greater exhibitionism, new ways of sharing. Especially for friends and family who are separated by distance, such as Kris and Tiffany, the videophone allows sharing that might not occur often. If Tiffany, for example, gives birth to twins, Kris might not meet them for months or years. Yet, through a videophone, she could see them (and the rest of the family) every day. (I keep thinking that it’d be nice if Paul and Amy Jo were doing this study, too &mash; we could meet their pets, see their house, etc.)

I’m curious to see how Kris’ parents like the videophone. I don’t know how often they visit Tiffany and Richard, but if they do swing by Palm Desert in the next month, we’ll have to arrange a video conversation.

Again, what would really be cool is the ability to do conference calls with the videophone. It’d be great to have a joint call with Dana and Andrew, for example, or with Mac and Joel.

The cool thing is: this videophone technology is available now. I’ll have to check with Debbie, but I don’t think this software is secret. I think it’s out there, in the wild, available for anyone to use. All that’s required is a webcam and a microphone. If this isn’t some top-secret software project, I’ll post a link to the download site in case any of you already have the required equipment and want to join the fun.

On 07 May 2003 (12:58 PM),
J.D. said:

I checked with Debbie, and she says that anyone with the proper equipment (webcam and broadband) can download the videophone software from the Interval Media web site.

It’s not likely that many of you out there meet these requirements, but if you do have the proper equipment, and you install the software, give me a buzz. As you might guess, my username is jdroth.

On 07 May 2003 (01:22 PM),
Tiffany said:

I first want to say that I am not having twins! Not happening, are you taking Mom’s side on the baby issue?

Mom would love this idea. But both Kris and I would find talking to her on a video phone even more annoying then talking to her on a phone. She would be trying to hold up things for up to see and running to get ‘just one more thing’. I do no think that the folks are going to be here this month because I have trips the next few weeks.

I did notice that your inserted phone is much less clear then the image I got of Kris.

On 07 May 2003 (01:47 PM),
Dave said:

The geek in me finds this concept quite appealing, however, the slightly luddite streak in me compels me say that I like the fact that people can’t see me picking my nose when I’m talking to them. As, no doubt, do they. At times I appreciate being a disembodied voice.

On 07 May 2003 (09:37 PM),
Drew said:

Okay, okay, West Wing is a damn fine show.

On 07 May 2003 (10:30 PM),
dowingba said:

I think I would prefer the “phone-based” videophone to a “computer-based” one. I just can’t make myself trust computers (or other digital media) to handle sensory data like sound/vision, especially in a “real time” situation like a phone call.

On 14 May 2003 (10:44 AM),
Dana said:


Using the videophone connection last night worked fairly well, I thought, even if I didn’t have a camera. Did you figure out if it was Mac’s call that caused you to lose audio?

I definitely think you need to suggest the answering machine functionality, though. And some support for interoperability with other software, possibly through a server-based translation from one protocol to another (or client-based support for a wider range of protocols).

Just my suggestions, though. It worked well long hop, sound was good, and sliced through the firewall with no problem from my end. Didn’t even have to reconfigure.

On 15 April 2005 (11:57 AM),
lemec said:

je veux avoir plus d’information sur les videophones


This week’s Photo Friday assignment is small.

I had hoped to make a photograph in which ‘small’ was represented by contrasts in scale: a small ant next to a gigantic apple, a small infant held in his father’s hands, etc.

This isn’t going to happen. I don’t have the time.

Instead, here is a previous photograph of a small object: a dandelion photographed with my 105mm macro lens (exposure unrecorded).

[close-up photo of a dandelion]

The Beyond the Basics photography field trip was held this morning in downtown Portland. I had high hopes for the trip, but, just five minutes in, I broke my tripod. I forgot to lock one leg segment, and as I was digging my camera out of its bag, the tripod collapsed. The cheap plastic head shattered. Since the entire tripod is cheap, there’s no separating the legs from the head. This is a good excuse to buy a nice tripod, but I can’t exactly afford it at the moment. If you know of a good used tripod for sale, please let me know.

Warren allowed me to use his tripod for the rest of the field trip; it’s a huge, heavy beast, but after using it, and experiencing its stability, I understand just how cheap my tripod was.

We spent a part of our field trip in Ladd’s Addition, a relatively nice Portland neighborhood constructed around a series of large roundabouts (they’re too large to just call traffic circles). I used call this area “the Black Hole of Portland” because before I knew the streets well, I’d often get sucked into the center roundabout and not be able to find my way out. I hadn’t ever considered taking photographs in the area, but it’s actually a fantastic location. There are several public alleyways, lots of old trees and flowers in bloom, and there’s even some relatively interesting architecture. I’ll return there myself in the future.

Next week in David Falconer‘s class, we’re taking a field trip to Portland’s Saturday Market. This ought to be fun, but it’s going to be a little intimidating. I don’t have much experience photographing strangers, and that is, essentially, what we’ll be doing.

In preparation, I did some research on photographers’ rights. I found a lawyer’s viewpoint, and some useful information from an experienced photographer.

Before class on Saturday morning, I drove out to take some photographs of a field and a barn near Gribble Road. As I was setting up my equipment, an old man from the house across the street came out to see what I was doing. He seemed wary of my presence.

He introduced himself as Paul Grand, and when I told him my name, he brightened.

“I knew your grandpa, Noey,” he said, and I knew that he was telling the truth. Grandpa’s name was Noah, and only his friends and family called him Noey.

“Your grandpa used to get tired while driving, and he’d stop to take naps along the way home,” Paul said. “I’d drive home from work — I worked at the Oregon City post office — and see Ol’ Noey parked along the side of the road, sleeping. One day he ran his car off the road right up there” — and Paul pointed to a ditch near the Van Gordon house — “and I was outside so I ran up to make sure that he was okay.”

“‘Are you alright?’ I asked.”

“‘Yes,’ he said. ‘I was tired, but I thought I could make it home. I guess I fell asleep while driving.'”

Paul and I talked for about ten minutes. His daughter graduated from Willamette University, so he was excited to hear that I had, too. He told me about other people that had photographed his property (which extends on both sides of the highway). In the end, he granted me permission to access his land at any time, even the property set back from the road. Outstanding! I’d been eyeing an old barn of his for the past few weeks…