So, I went out to lunch with Andy last week. Andy is one of my “imaginary friends”, somebody I know only over the internet. More and more, these imaginary friends are becoming actual friends. Crazy, but true.
As many wise people before him have tried to do, Andy suggested that instead of having a zillion blogs — one for each of my interests — that I might just post everything non-money related here. I know…it’s not rocket science (and I’ve even brought up this idea myself), but for some reason I find it necessary to persist in the belief that I can run five or six blogs and make them all profitable.
Well, no more.
Get Rich Slowly is providing enough income to support me, and it appears it will continue to do so for some time. My attention is best devoted to that, I think. Get Fit Slowly will continue because both Mac and I are using it as a platform to leverage our selves to healthier lives.
But Four Color Comics is dead. Dead dead dead. Animal Intelligence? I don’t know. It’s certainly in stasis. Vintage Pop? Stillborn. Spiral Bound? Bibliophilic? Too Much Cat? Etc. Etc. These sites will never see the light of day.
Instead, I’m going to funnel all of that stuff into foldedspace. I can’t promise daily updates like I used to provide — and there will be long spells during which you’ll just get funny videos — but I’m going to do my damnedest to revitalize things around here. Again.
I know, I know. You don’t believe me. But if you’re willing to put up with musings on comic books and intelligent pigs and my notebook collection, I promise that I’ll do my best to share stories about my life again.
And videos of singing cats.
p.s. That means I’m pulling the ads from this site. The $3/day isn’t worth the annoyance, wouldn’t you agree? We’ll let GRS be the profitable one…