Crossfit Around the World

Over the past 2+ years, one of the most important parts of my life has been a dedication to fitness. Starting on 01 January 2010 at 213 pounds and 35% body fat, I’ve managed to drop fifty pounds (though I’m now at 173) and shed fat until I’m at about 21% body fat. I still want to get so I can maintain at 163 pounds and maybe 18% body fat, but I’m pleased with where I am.

Some of this progress is due to diet. But I’d like to think that most of it is due to Crossfit, the exercise regiment that I follow nearly every day. Crossfit contains a lot of different stuff: weight-lifting, traditional exercises like pull-ups and push-ups, running, and crazy things like sled drags and tire flips.

Over the last two years, I’ve undertaken a silly little photo project. I call it Crossfit Around the World. Basically, I’m trying to take photos of myself doing various exercises in exotic locations as I travel. I thought I’d lost two of these photos, but I recently found them. Thus, I’m sharing the first four in this ongoing series.

Crossfit - Doubleunders in France
Double-Unders at the Eiffel Tower (France) — October 2010

Crossfit - Pullups in Zimbabwe
Pull-Ups at Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe) — February 2011

Crossfit - Pushups in Peru
Push-Ups at Macchu Pichu (Perú) — October 2011

Crossfit - Squats in Chile
Squats on Easter Island (Chile) — February 2012

The pull-up photo isn’t very good; I’m going to try to re-take it somewhere else in the world. Also, I plan to be in Turkey this September. Any suggestions as to which exercise I should do there? Sit-ups? Sprints? Hand-stand push-ups?