Hi. My name is J.D. Roth, and I am a writer.
For the past few years, I’ve mostly written about money. I wrote a book called Your Money: The Missing Manual. I contribute the “Your Money” column every month to Entrepreneur magazine. Soon, I will resume writing weekly at Time‘s Moneyland blog. But I’m probably best known as the creator of Get Rich Slowly, one of the biggest personal finance blogs on the internet.
I don’t just write about money, though. I write about everything. I have tons of blogs scattered across the internet, although most of them are dormant. Here are a few examples:
- Animal Intelligence, a blog celebrating the wonderful world of animals.
- Awesome People, a blog about the amazing things humans do.
- Far Away Places, a blog about travel.
- Success Daily, a blog about personal achievement.
- Spiral Bound, a blog about notebooks. (Yes, really.)
Over the past few years, I’ve undergone a series of personal transformations. I lost fifty pounds, which has allowed me to become physically fit. I sold Get Rich Slowly, which has allowed me to become financially independent. I got a divorce, which has allowed me to explore healthy relationships. (And, I might add, has allowed my ex-wife to do the same.)
Although I’m a writer, I haven’t done much writing for the past year. I’ve been busy. I’ve been learning Spanish, exercising, and dating. Plus, my interest in writing about money waned.
Lately, though, I’ve realized that writing gives me purpose. It’s who I am. I miss writing every day, miss telling stories and connecting with readers. As a result, I’ve decided to return to the world of blogging.
I’ve spend much of the past two weeks puzzling over where I should blog and what that blog should be called. On Thursday, my girlfriend Kim solved one of those problems. “You should call your blog More Than Money,” she told me. The name is perfect. I love the multiple levels of meaning. The only problem? Domain squatters want $18,000 for morethanmoney.com. I may be financially independent, but I’m still frugal. I’m not willing to pay that sort of money for a domain.
Yesterday, I was complaining about this to Adam Baker, and he provided the final piece of the puzzle. “You don’t need to buy a domain,” he told me. “You already have the perfect domain. Use jdroth.com. You have loyal readers. They’ll find you there. And you don’t just have to write about personal finance. I want to read about your travels. I want to read about your dating adventures. I want to read about your cats.”
As you wish, Adam.
Here, then, is More Than Money at jdroth.com. Yes, I’ll still write about personal finance now and then. But as the name of the blog implies, this site will be about more than money. In fact, it’ll be a place for me to share all of my passions: animal intelligence, awesome people, far away places…and even spiral notebooks.
Today, I’m at the Financial Blogger Conference in Denver, Colorado. (In fact, I give the closing keynote in less than an hour!) Tomorrow, I take off for three weeks in Turkey. I hope to share stories along the way. And I hope that you’ll join me for the ride.