in Administration

Three-Blog Meetup: J.D. Roth, Mr. Money Mustache, and Tyler Tervooren this Thursday

Just a quick note to say that if you live in Portland, you ought to make your way to Sellwood Park this Thursday evening. You’ll be glad you did!

Pete (better-known as Mr. Money Mustache) will be in town, and while he’s here, Tyler (from Riskology) and I have banded with him to host a three-blog meetup.

Here are complete details about the gathering.

And here’s a summary:

  • Join us from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. on Thursday, 29 May 2014.
  • We’ll meet at picnic sites B, C, and D in Sellwood Park.
  • We’ve rented the picnic spots and paid for the alcohol permit, but you’ll have to bring your own food and drinks.

If you need to pick up food, the park is just a few blocks from the local New Seasons, The Portland Bottle Shop, Jade Teahouse, and other Sellwood restaurants. There’s a small cart pod nearby too, although many have short hours.

This is a great way to spend a casual evening with a group of like-minded folks. There may be a dozen of us or there may be 200. Who can say? No matter how many show up, we’ll have fun. Won’t you join us?

  1. This is awesome! I won’t be there, as I have a county board meeting that night, but it sounds great. Have fun!

  2. So wish I could be there. I live in Austin and am visiting Bend, but leave in the morning. Sounds like a great time!

    P.S. Love the Three Dog Night play on lyrics. I was born in Oklahoma and on my first trip to Spain we had to play Never Been to Spain on the iPod.

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