in Administration

Blog Consolidation, Step One: Far Away Places

I just returned from Fincon, the annual conference for financial bloggers and other folks who write about money. After a week in New Orleans with my colleagues, I’m inspired to become a better blogger. For me, that’s going to be easy. It just means I have to post more regularly around here!

As part of that, I’ve begun to do something I threatened to do several months ago. I’m consolidating my writing into one place. Instead of having dozens of blogs scattered across the internet, I’m compressing many of them into this single site. That means moving old articles from those places to here.

My hope is that this doesn’t create a deluge in your inbox and RSS feeds. As I move these articles over, I’m giving them their original dates. I hope that means they don’t get published as new, but I could be wrong. I’m also moving many at once so that if they do get pushed out in email, they all get pushed in one giant email on the same day. I apologize for any inconvenience.

The first articles I’m moving over here are from Far Away Places, my defunct travel blog. That blog has been broken for years, and people can’t even view the past posts. Plus, Kim and I want to use that domain for an upcoming project. (I’ve told many of you about this project in person, but I’m not ready to publicize it on the web. Soon though!)

In case you’re curious, here’s a list of the 22 articles I moved over yesterday:

I’m not sure which articles I’ll move next. There’s no rush, of course. And if all of this flooded your inboxes, I might actually put the project on hold. I’m hopeful, though, that this is a way to consolidate all of my online writing in one place!

Please let me know if this process was a problem from your end…

  1. I wish I had $1 for every time you said “I need to write more around here.” :) Just playing with you dude…you know we love you!

  2. No problem on Feedly. Just this post was listed, not the old ones.

  3. I subscribe via email, and I didn’t receive anything about the posts you moved over so no problem on my end.

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