in Animal Intelligence, Audio/Video, Rosings Park

Raccoons at Rosings Park

We’ve had cat-food bandits at Rosings Park for the past couple of weeks. We’ve suspected raccoons, but we never had proof until now. Yesterday morning, Toto and I had some visitors:

You can read the full story of the raccoons on my porch at my newly-revived animal blog.

  1. Oh my goodness, that’s amazing. Too cute!!! I love raccoons with their striped faces and cute eating with both paws and adorable standing posture. It’s wonderful that you enjoyed watching them and let them have a little feast – I don’t understand why so many people hate raccoons and chase them away. And the BEST part was watching your cat just chilling on a chair and surveying the whole situation without being too bothered. I think my cats would have ran away. So cute!!!

  2. I showed this video to the kids. Liam was in awe,”JD has RACCOONS!?!”

    I find it ironic that Toto will maul anyone who tries to love her, but she is as pleasant as can be to the thieves stealing her food!

    BTW – we have a live trap if you want to borrow it.

  3. JD, please please be careful with your cats so close to the raccoons. My cat was killed by a raccoon that was eating out of his cat bowl. One swipe from the raccoon started a big fight and my cat ended up dying 24 hours later. Raccoons are cute, yes . . . but wild animals still.

    Live traps? Catch the critters and let them move along . . . I know you live ‘in the country’ but still . . . please reconsider leaving cat food outside.

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