in Food and Drink, Fun and Games

Serving Suggestion

Courtesy of the local Fred Meyer produce department, here’s the world’s most hilarious “serving suggestion”: a serving suggestion for bananas.

Serving suggestion for bananas

There you have it. In case you weren’t aware of it before, you can use bananas in a fruit salad. Or — believe it or not — you can “simply eat fresh for a natural boost of energy”. Now, if only they could tell me what I should do with these blueberries…

  1. HAHA! That’s funny!

    They could have been a bit more creative I think-
    Peal and place a pop-cicle stick in one end. Wrap in plastic wrap and place in freezer for one hour. Dip in Hershey’s magic shell chocolate. enjoy!

  2. Smash up and make into bread, blend in a smoothie… I can go on. They need to think outside the peel.

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