Sometimes you don’t know what you’re looking for — or even that you’re looking — until the object of your desire appears unexpectedly before you.
What do you do then?
Do you cling to your old, safe life, the life of the known and the familiar, the life that always seems a little hollow?
Or do you take a risk? Take a chance on what might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?
Do you listen to your conscience, to the voice of reason, to your friends? Or do you jump at the chance to pursue a dream, succumb to love at first sight?
Maybe, in the past, you waited, took the safe path.
Not now.
You know what it’s like to taste a dream deferred. You want to know what it tastes like to taste the dream realized. Though you know you’re playing out of your league, you move as quickly as possible, pour all of your love and time and attention into your dream.
You give your best effort.
And then you wait.
You wait because your dream is in somebody else’s hands.
You wait.
Your heart sweats. Your body shakes. You can’t sleep. You can’t eat. Your throat is tight — you can’t breathe.
You are chasing a dream.
On 07 May 2004 (07:54 AM),
J.D. said:
On 07 May 2004 (08:41 AM),
Lynn said:
So, you bought powerball tickets?
On 07 May 2004 (09:16 AM),
mac said:
is it a mint condition copy of every comic book ever made?
On 07 May 2004 (09:20 AM),
Johnny said:
Uh, you got the call and you’re going to be a Robert Palmer girl?
On 07 May 2004 (09:59 AM),
Denise said:
Well, it’s either something really good, or he’s got the DTs.
On 07 May 2004 (10:34 AM),
Dana said:
Johnny:Uh, you got the call and you’re going to be a Robert Palmer girl?
No, that’s my dream, silly =)
On 07 May 2004 (11:22 AM),
Courtney said:
You take a risk, follow your dream, and know that it will turn out as it is meant to.
In 1999, after an incredible heartbreak, I did just that!
First, I completed the Portland Marathon (my first and only so far); next I walked 55 miles in 3 days to raise money and awareness about breast cancer (Avon’s 3-Day in Southern California); then I went to Thailand by myself and celebrated the Y2K New Year.
Taking one risk enabled me to take many more and my life since has been very fulfilling.
Congratulations! I’m very excited for you!! :)
On 07 May 2004 (11:26 AM),
Lynn said:
After wasting 6 years of my life and then getting a divorce (no, I’m not bitter at all), I bought my own house and went back to school. It was scary to start all over and be alone, but it has been very gratifying and has made me a much stronger person.
Go for it, JD!
On 07 May 2004 (12:49 PM),
tammy said:
Okay, I cant stand mysteries! What are talking about? How long do we have to wait to find out? Are you leaving Custom Box for a different job? Have you finally decided to leave Canby and move to the big city? Oh, don’t wait long to tell us! I just can’t handle stuff like this!
On 07 May 2004 (12:58 PM),
anonymous said:
…knock and a door shall be opened unto you, seek and ye shall find…
On 07 May 2004 (01:54 PM),
Dana said:
Okay, everybody — mark your calendar! I agree completely and without reservation with Tammy’s last comment. =)
C’mon, JD — Spill it!
On 07 May 2004 (02:06 PM),
Amanda said:
Maybe it’s just me but the first thing that came to my mind was sci-fi related.
If you’re moving to the big city that sounds way cool!
On 07 May 2004 (02:07 PM),
Yoda said:
Troubling it is; not knowing the truth.
Wait for it you must – my young padwans.
Smug I am; knowing the truth.
On 07 May 2004 (02:15 PM),
Amanda said:
Um, thanks, “Yoda”.
On 07 May 2004 (02:31 PM),
Lynn said:
Ya’ decided neither the sun nor the moonroof was going to cut it so you bought the convertible! Right, Yoda?
On 07 May 2004 (02:35 PM),
Jeff said:
I bet JD & Kris are getting an SUV!
On 07 May 2004 (02:41 PM),
Dana said:
If it really is an SUV, I’d be disappointed in anything less than one of these, really.
I suppose this would satisfy me as well…
On 07 May 2004 (02:43 PM),
Johnny said:
Dana– wanting a Hummer is a very masculine thing (on multiple levels).
On 07 May 2004 (02:54 PM),
Yoda said:
Wanting a Hummer am I. Bigger than the Millenium Falcon are they.
JD I am not. Led you astray, I have.
On 07 May 2004 (02:57 PM),
Dana said:
You misunderstand, Johnny — (sarcasm)I don’t want a Hummer, I want a man in a Hummer! I’d be satisfied with JD getting a Hummer (or a Canyonero, of course)(/sarcasm)
(Which is not to suggest that I want JD, or that any sort of SUV would enhance his attractiveness to me — Don’t worry, Kris! I’m not competition!) =)
(Not to beat a dead horse, but my tongue is firmly in my cheek with all this SUV talk…)
On 07 May 2004 (03:04 PM),
Jeff said:
I know! He is going to organize his CD’s chronologically rather than alphabetically.
On 07 May 2004 (03:22 PM),
J.D. Roth said:
I should note that what you’re feeling is insignificant compared to what I’m feeling. I’m a wreck. I’m pacing the house. I’m unable to focus. I feel as if my life is on hold til I get a response, til I know how the other party feels. I can only hope that everything is resolved by the time Denise gets here for dinner tonight.
On 07 May 2004 (03:53 PM),
Lynn said:
Well, look at it this way: if it turns out bad, you can binge on PCCCs; if it turns out good, you can binge on PCCCs.
On 07 May 2004 (04:44 PM),
J.D. Roth said:
In theory, I’ll know whether I succeeded in chasing my dream in another seventeen minutes. In theory.
And Lynn, I’m going to eat a butt-load of PCCCs tonight. (Assuming Denise brings a butt-load.)
On 07 May 2004 (05:00 PM),
J.D. Roth said:
As my deadline passes, I am utterly nauseated. My pulse is racing. I think I’m going to be sick. When will I know?
On 07 May 2004 (08:47 PM),
tammy said:
When will we know? This is killing me!
On 07 May 2004 (08:48 PM),
tammy said:
I just checked the time on your last post. Jd, you should kow by now. Where are you?
If you discover the answer to my riddle — and some of you will probably figure it out quickly — please do not share. Just sit smugly satisfied in the knowledge that you know what the hell I’m talking about. (Feel free to post conjecture, but don’t post an actual solution once you discover it.)
I’ll share the whole story some other time.
Meanwhile, discuss your dreams. What does it feel like to take leaps of faith? How much strength does it take to put your heart on the line? When have you done it and been glad? When has your heart been broken?