in Daily Life, Photography and Art, Rosings Park

Busy as a Bzz-Bzz Bee

It’s that time of year when Kris and I spend much of our time outside, working on the yard. We’ve tried to train the cats to prune and plant for us, but mostly they just lay around glowering at birds.

Kris is (jusifiably) proud of her flower beds, and lately she’s been grabbing my camera to take photos. “Post these,” she says when she’s done. Here are some shots from her most recent batch.

[photo of the front border bed, which is filled with colorful flowers]
The front border bed

[photo of a yellow rose]
The ‘Gold Medal’ rose

Kris loves bees. I was impressed that she was able to make some nice hand-held captures of honeybees at work. For example:

[photo of a honeybee flying among the lavendar]
Bee in flight

[photo of honey bee on lavender]
My favorite photo of the bunch

It’s raining today (Sunday), but yesterday we were able to do a lot of yardwork, pruning limbs, mowing lawns, and otherwise fussing over our plants. Very fun.

  1. J.D. is still whacked out from his daylight savings prep. For all he knows, its the year 2010 and robots rule the earth. Robots and bees.

  2. Regardless of which day it is, the colors are gorgeous and the stop action, close-up, pictures are GREAT! More garden picture are certainly in order. Can we look forward to pictures of berries and grapes in the near future?

  3. Kris,
    How generous of you to share the fruits of your hard labor and planning with those of us who choose not to garden. Really beautiful. JD, I also love the photo you identified as your favorite in this group. What is the flower?

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