in FS Important

101 Things in 1001 Days (280-Day Update)

Last spring at Get Rich Slowly, I wrote about the 101 things in 1001 days project (which I learned about from I drafted my list of 101 goals on March 25th, my 38th birthday. I updated my progress for a couple of months, but it’s been a while since I took a look at how I’m doing.

It’s probably no surprise that the financial goals on this list have seen the most progress. They get the most attention. Of my ten financial goals, I’ve accomplished five of them, and am close to completing four others. (This would leave only one financial goal remaining.) On the other hand, I’m far far away from completing most of my health and fitness goals. Let’s hope that Get Fit Slowly can help me remedy this.

Here’s the current state of my list:

List updated 01 Jan 2008

Health and Fitness

14 goals

1. Give up sugar for a week 4 Jun 07

2. Eat only home-prepared food for one month

3. Eat vegetarian for one month

4. Get cholesterol to healthy levels

5. Have a colonoscopy doctor discouraged this

6. Complete a marathon

7. Complete a 100-mile bike ride

8. Play a team sport

9. Do 100 push-ups

10. Bench-press my body weight

11. Complete a one-mile swim

12. Maintain a weight of 170 or below for six months

13. Drink only water for one month 31 May 2007

14. Give up alcohol for three months 31 Jul 07


10 goals

1. Pay off all non-mortgage debt 3 Dec 07

2. Fully fund Roth IRA (2006) 10 Apr 07

3. Fully fund Roth IRA (2007) 8 Jan 08

4. Fully fund Roth IRA (2008)

5. Fully fund Roth IRA (2009)

6. Establish a $5000 personal emergency fund

7. Open a high-yield online savings account 13 Sep 07

8. Automate bill payments Nov 2007

9. Automate IRA contributions

10. Get a safety deposit box

Home and Garden

19 goals

1. Get the birds out of the workshop ceiling

2. Repair ceiling upstairs in house

3. Clean all gutters and install gutter guards

4. Finish modernizing the electrical system

5. Build a patio

6. Prune the holly trees

7. Learn how to use the chainsaw properly

8. Finish building the horseshoe pit

9. Hire somebody to paint the house

10. Open all windows that are painted shut

11. Park my car in the garage (this entails a lot of sub-steps)

12. Remove debris file from beneath the cedar Oct 2007

13. Add new spigots outside

14. Get a rug or carpet for the library

15. Acquire some nice office furniture Sep 2007

16. Create home maintenance checklist (and follow it)

17. Erect a hammock

18. Aquire a chipper Sep 2007

19. Set up workshop for woodworking


11 goals

1. Purge wardrobe of anything I haven’t worn in the past two years in progress

2. Get a massage

3. Learn to shave with a safety razor 15 May 2007

4. Update my address book

5. Sell record collection

6. Get rid of computer books Summer 2007

7. Sell CDs, keeping only hard-to-find favorites in progress

8. Sell comic books

9. Sell board games

10. Hold a gourmet potluck

11. Create the Indispensable Comic Strip Reprint Library in progress


7 goals

1. Take a speech-com class (Dale Carnegie?)

2. Take a drawing class

3. Take a Spanish class

4. Take a yoga class

5. Take a cooking class

6. Give a good radio interview 6 Nov 07

7. Give a good television interview


6 goals

1. Get tickets for World Cup South Africa

2. Skydive

3. Go on a trip by myself

4. Go white-water rafting

5. Ride in a hot-air balloon

6. Learn to shoot a gun Kris beat me to this and taunts me about it


3 goals

1. See all Oscar-winners for Best Picture 53/79, though I want to review some

2. See all Oscar-winners for Best Documentary 5/64

3. Bowl 300 on Wii Sports


3 goals

1. Sell/publish a second photo

2. Digitize all photos

3. Sell $100 of images at iStockPhoto


5 goals

1. Read all of Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past 1/7

2. Read all of Shakespeare’s plays (no matter what Kris says) 13/37

3. Read all of Dickens 5/17

4. Read all Hugo & Nebula winners in progress

5. Read all Pulitzer winners (for fiction) 8/54


8 goals

1. Compile and print a Friends Cookbook

2. Sell a short story

3. Sell a poem

4. Sell a magazine article

5. Write a book some progress in the department!

6. Publish a book

7. Participate in National Novel Writing Month

8. Digitize all of my creative writing


15 goals

1. Implement GRS forums 15 Apr 07

2. Implement GRS book section

3. Implement GRS tools and calculators section

4. Start a GRS podcast in progress

5. Complete GRS redesign

6. Complete Animal Intelligence redesign Summer 2007

7. Move all old foldedspace entries to the new database in progress

8. Launch Success Daily site created — building content

9. Launch Vintage Pop on hold

10. Launch Too Much Cat domains purchased

11. Interview Robert Kiyosaki (or host guest post)

12. Interview Dave Ramsey (or host guest post)

13. Achieve $10,000 web income in one month

14. 1,000,000 visitors in one month to GRS

15. 100,000 RSS subscribers at GRS

I now know that some of these will never be accomplished. Setting up other web sites? Not going to happen. I don’t consider this a failure — it’s just a shifting of priorities. And I’d now rather beat “Super Samurai” on Dance Dance Revolution than bowl 300 at Wii Sports.

Happy New Year everyone!

  1. if your painted-shut windows are the old fashioned double-hung ones, getting them unstuck is fairly easy if it isn’t generations of paint. Take a hammer and gently tap the window frame where it sticks. Usually, that will do the trick :)

  2. doh. hmm. not the frame. the part that the glass is encased in. Thus the “tap gently”

  3. JD, This is an amazing list of goals! My wife and I completed our own list and placed it on the fridge to remind us. I guess ours could be called a goal/to do list because some of the things I put on there aren’t necessarily fun “goals!”

    I’ve also got skydiving and a hot air balloon ride on my ’08 list. My dad, brother and sister are going skydiving this summer, and I told my wife I would take her on a hot air balloon ride as a wedding gift, but we haven’t had the chance to do it yet.

    I hope you accomplish everything on this list! :)

  4. your blog is really cool. do you anything about shushnews? thanks.

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  • Ad Astra Per Aspera 08 January 2008

    […] I drafted my list of 101 goals on 25 March 2007, and then provided a single update on 01 January 2008. It’s now been 839 days since I made the list. How am I doing […]