jdroth in Kids, Music, YouTube | 05 March 2008 Hey Jude! New here? Sign up for free email updates. Or, if you'd prefer, subscribe to the RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!I don’t blog for weeks, but when I do it’s to share pure solid gold: Yes, I know this has been making its way around the internet, and I’m probably the last one to see it. I don’t care. I love it. jdroth Published 05 March 2008
A timely reminder to “reh rer into yr heaht”, complete with combination of Japanese accent and young child elision. Yoko must be so proud. ;) She can sing in my band any time! (The kid, not Yoko. I doubt Yoko can sing, period.)
Sorry JD, I am now the last to see it.
A timely reminder to “reh rer into yr heaht”, complete with combination of Japanese accent and young child elision. Yoko must be so proud. ;)
She can sing in my band any time! (The kid, not Yoko. I doubt Yoko can sing, period.)
I really enjoy how the kid leans towards the mic when he’s not singing.