in Daily Life

New Schedule

I seem to have found the key to my productivity: delay my gym trip from 7am to noon. Instead, I focus those first five hours of the morning on Get Rich Slowly. It’s amazing what a difference that makes.

Though I spend plenty of time on miscellaneous blog tasks (checking stats, design work, answering e-mail), I only have 4-5 hours of writing in me a day. During the first two months of my pro blogging career, I didn’t begin writing until ten or eleven.

I’d get up and go to the gym, come home, eat breakfast, shower, do some chores, catch up on web sites, etc. Before I knew it, ten or eleven had rolled around. After that, my four or five hours of writing put me into the late afternoon, and I’d begin to feel pressured. I didn’t like it.

This week, however, I’ve reversed things. I get up at the same time (between six and seven), but I go straight to writing. It should be no surprise that I’m most productive during these hours — it was between seven and noon that I used to do most of my writing at the box factory.

At about noon, I have a bite to eat, and then I head out for my exercise. Sure, it’d be better to get my exercise done earlier in the day, but I can’t be in two places at once. And my schedule the past two days has been very nice. It’s good to know that most of my work for the day is done by noon. It keeps me happier during the rest of the day — less stressed.

Today has been especially productive. I finally wrote my review for the new Robert Kiyosaki book (may go up tomorrow, but may delay til next Tuesday), then went to the gym for an awesome upper body workout. I powered through sets that had been dragging me down. I bought some Hot Tamales on the way home (yes, Nicole, I’m still shunning sugar, but I do let myself have a treat from time-to-time), sat outside with Toto and Max, then went upstairs to answer e-mail.

Later in the afternoon I conducted an interview with Tim Ferriss (of The 4-Hour Workweek), which gave me a chance to try out Skype. Not bad. I love the fact that I can record the conversation for later transcription. That means I don’t have to type notes while I’m talking to him. It also means I can try to shape it into a podcast sometime in the future.

I have a busy weekend ahead of me: lunch with Matt and PB on Thursday, dinner with The Tim on Thursday evening, family dinner on Friday night, marathon training on Saturday morning, bike ride with Paul and Susan on Saturday afternoon, brunch with Alan on Sunday. Something tells me one or more of these things is going to have to be set aside!

  1. For a few months before Jamie was born, I developed a habit of getting up at 5:30 (me, who hasn’t been a morning person since age six) so that I had 30-60 minutes to write before getting ready and biking to work. Needless to say, the arrival of the kid threw all that out the window.

    However, in my desperation to find the time and energy to write something — anything — I’ve resurrected my blog. Yes, it’s banal and usually written in bed at the end of the day with a fuzzy brain, but it’s writing, at least. And if I can find time for an entry today, I’ll have posted *something* nine days out of the last ten. :)

  2. That’s what working happy is all about. Making the best our of your natural rhythms. Sometimes it takes awhile to find out what works best, especially after making the switch to full time blogging. It looks like you are getting the hang of it.

    I’m still working on mine. Working 9-5 only leaves me with an hour in the morning and an hour and a half at night to work on my blog. Hopefully I can make the switch to full time blogging in a year or two.

  3. It sounds like it you’ve found something that works for you. I’m getting up early to work so that I can get a few hours in before Ossley wakes up. It makes for a long, long day . . .

  4. J.D., I think I raised you right, because you certainly don’t toot your own horn. I have seen references to your being mentioned on CNN’s Money site online and now Mrs. Darling’s comment that you were mentioned in Money magazine. I am very proud of you for these accomplishments, even if I am not really sure exactly what they are or what has been said. ;-)

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