in Daily Life, Friends and Family, Fun

A Land Without Pleats or Cuffs

Kris has been helping me pare my wardrobe from unwieldy to manageable. She’s not entirely pleased with some of the garments I’ve elected to keep, but she hasn’t been shy about voicing her opinion. Here’s an actual quote from a recent “discussion”:

What about these pants? These are heavily pleated. Why are we even keeping clothes that are ugly? They’re pleated and cuffed. They’re out of here!

I’m needling her, I know, but I really do appreciate the help. Though I once was keen to follow fashion, that is no longer the case. As most of my friends know, I dress for comfort and not for style. (Translation: sometimes I look like a slob.) Kris is helping me to find a happy middle ground — a middle ground without pleats or cuffs.

  1. I’m feeling your pain, JD.

    Especially since I’ve been known to pick up a pair of khakis at Goodwill. There are pleats, and then there are pleats, though. I’ve disposed of some Dockers with so many pleats, they would have fit in at the Royal Court of Louis XVI.

  2. I have some very comfortable pleated and cuffed trousers. I will wear them proudly, even if they are no longer in fashion. If I buy something to replace them, those too will be out of fashion in short order.

  3. Goodness knows I am no fashion plate myself. But Jd wears the same clothes so often, it’s better if they don’t offend the eye too horribly.

  4. There is no excuse for pleats. Ever. JD, you’re trying to lose weight and look thinner. Pleats add 10lbs plus an odd shape to any man’s body.

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