in Awesome People

Video: Random Acts of Kindness in Russia

A couple of years ago, during that period in which I thought I wanted to have dozens of sites devoted to dozens of topics, I started a blog called Awesome People.

Awesome People was designed as an antidote to all of the negative news on the web (and elsewhere). Every day, we’re bombarded by stories that highlight the worst of human nature. People can’t get enough of watching the misfortune of others.

Well, I don’t like it.

In response, I started a site that highlighted the good things people accomplish, the amazing things they do with their bodies and hearts and minds. Of all the blogs I’ve ever created, Awesome People is still my favorite. It’s the one that comes closest to capturing the way I see the world.

Last year, I gave up on the “dozens of sites” idea. Instead, everything I write lives here, at More Than Money. That means I should be sharing stuff about awesome people.

Here, for example, is a YouTube compilation that’s gone viral, a collection of videos from dashboard cameras in Russian cars that show people doing positive things:

This is truly great stuff.

Have you seen a story about awesome people? Drop me a line so that I can share it with readers.

    • Lots of people do. They apparently do this to help prove their side of the story in case of an accident and to protect against crooked cops.

  1. Wow, that made me cry! I’ll be on the lookout for awesome people stories to pass along. Although not the same concept at all, it reminds me of “Where the Hell Is Matt?” because it’s a very uplifting and positive reflection on humanity. Thanks, JD.

  2. Please share more positive stories like this video on your blog… or if you build a new blog for this, I’ll subscribe to it. Thanks.

  3. Thanks for posting that. I once read an interview of Fred Rogers, the creator of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. He said that his mother taught him that whenever something happened to disturb his faith in humanity (Boston marathon bombing, Cleveland kidnapping case, etc.) he should refocus and purposely look for the helpers. There are always people who rush to help and they generally outnumber the other guys by healthy margins. The world is full of good people who don’t make the news.

  4. That was really touching to watch! We need more things like this to remind us that there are still amazing people out there doing amazing things. Thanks for taking the time to put that together and share. It was inspiring. I will do my best to be an amazing person to someone today.

  5. J.D. Thanks for posting this video. It is nice to see something so positive!

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