I Hurt Myself Laughing

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On 10 January 2003 (07:49 AM),
Joelah said:

Can’t… look… away!
Gotta tell ya Roth, I preferred the daily comic panel posting to all this pet morbidity.

On 10 January 2003 (08:02 AM),
J.D. said:

Patience, my friend.

And for the record: this photograph cracks me up. I think it’s hilarious.

Kris was concerned that it might be the product of some psycho pet-owner shaving his cat and then posting the photos on the internet.

I don’t think this is the case.

The green thing in the background seems to be a cat carrier. I think this cat has returned from surgery at the vet, and that the owner found the poor cat’s state as amusing as I do.

But, you have my pledge: no more pet morbidity for at least a month. :)

On 10 January 2003 (08:29 AM),
Dana said:

I think it looks photoshopped, actually. The transition from ‘shaved’ to ‘furred’ on the legs looks a bit airbrushed to me.

On 10 January 2003 (09:25 AM),
J.D. said:

I don’t know, Dana. It looks pretty natural to me.

I think part of the (furred) tail is visible behind the cat, which is a detail that would probably have been overlooked if this were photoshopped. Also, I don’t see the airbrushing that you do.

There is one part of the photograph that was photoshopped. I removed one element of the photo before posting it. Can you tell where? (It’s actually not difficult.)

On 10 January 2003 (10:42 AM),
Shawn said:

Lower right.

On 10 January 2003 (04:15 PM),
Dana said:

Well, maybe it is just me. Where did you get it? Gooogle images failed me with ‘shaved cat’ as the search terms… :/

On 10 January 2003 (07:25 PM),

Hey I hate cats! I say enough of the cats! I really like how you have your weight posted there on the right. Good luck on your loss.Now you are accountable to all of us you know. Keep up the good work but pllleeeease get rid of these ugly cats!!!

On 10 January 2003 (07:28 PM),
Tammy said:

Uh the above was posted by me. Somehow my name was omitted. Didn’t mean to annonymously blast the kitties in this world!

On 04 September 2003 (12:22 PM),
that girl said:


Satchel is Dead

[Satchel in the Tulip bed]

Satchel is dead.

Satchel came to live with us 12 October 2001. For eight months he played with our rafia, chased (and caught) birds in our yard, and enjoyed the expanses of our garden. For eight months he and Toto quarreled over territory inside the house, though they were beginning to come to an understanding. For eight months Kris and I resisted getting too close to Satchel because we knew this day would come.

Satchel was a social cat, quick to befriend the other cats in the neighborhood. He’d greet them and sit with them and play with them and sometimes fight with them. Occasionally he’d get the chance to chase another cat.

Today, just before Kris arrived home from work, Satchel got a chance to chase another cat, and I’m sure he was enjoying the pursuit. Unfortunately that pursuit led him into Elm Street during rush hour. Satchel’s friend escaped into the bushes, Satchel did not.

The young woman that struck Satchel with her car was apologetic; Kris and I assured her that we did not blame her in any way. Bill, our neighbor across the street, removed Satchel’s collar and placed him in a cat carrier for us.

We’re sad, but we’re not heartbroken as we were when Tintin died. Tintin had been with us for eight years, and his was a death of decay: he faded before our eyes. Satchel died instantly. Also, Satchel’s death was not unexpected. Kris and I had been reluctant to let ourselves love him because we suspected that he would die this way.

Still. We did love him.

Satchel was beginning to become part of the family. He was becoming more affectionate, sitting on Kris’ lap, joining me last night to watch the soccer match between the United States and Korea. He was starting to let us hold him. He showed great promise.

[Toto and Satchel with an unfortunate bird]

Tintin is Dying

Tintin is dying.

For eight years Tintin has been our faithful companion. When we lived in the apartment on North Knott, Kris wanted a cat despite the fact that they were prohibited by the rental agreement. We visited the Humane Society in Turner (just outside of Salem) and Kris immediately fell in love with a pure-white cat with pale blue eyes. He looked frightened and dull to me. I thought she should choose a frisky (and cute) little kitten. She ignored my suggestion, and we took the white cat home.

We wanted to name the cat Snowy, after the dog in the Tintin comics, but we thought that name was too wimpy. We named him Tintin instead.

At first Tintin was jumpy; he was quick to claw and bite. Kris surmises he may have come from an abusive home, but soon she and Tintin had formed a bond that has lasted to this day.

When we moved to the house (and, at the same time, acquired my cat, Toto), Tintin became a very happy cat. He loves to roam the yard, to sit in the flower beds, to lay in the sun. We have a stone cat statue that has become his best friend. (None of the other cats are as accepting of him as Stony is.) He loves to sit on Kris’ lap, and he’ll even tolerate my attention.

Tintin is well-loved and an important part of our small family.

Over the past several months he’s been losing weight. His appetite has diminished significantly. At the end of April I noticed that he was drinking a large amount of water. Also at that time, Kris noticed that she was having to change the litter box two or three times a week instead of just once a week. I spoke with Mac, who has some background in vet medicine, and he advised that we have Tintin examined immediately.

Tintin has diabetes. The vet says that he could maybe live another year if: (a) we sent Tintin to board at the vet for a week while they established an insulin regime and (b) we game him insulin injections twice daily for the rest of his life. Kris is not willing to do this. Neither am I.

Tintin is a happy cat, even if his health is failing. He cannot jump up onto the bed anymore. He can’t jump onto the bathroom counter, either, but we’ve trained him to use the toilet as a step. He is beginning to look emaciated. His left eye at times looks cloudy, as if it may be going blind. He drinks about eight ounces of water a day. Minimum. He doesn’t eat much. I think that he only has a few weeks in his tired body, but believe that Kris is expecting months. But he can still sit on Kris’ lap while they watch The Price Is Right. He can still lay out on the patio, basking in the sun. He can still come running (slower than before) to lick out a bowl of ice cream. He’s never been happier, from what we can tell.

Tintin rolling on the patio

I’m sad to be losing a friend like Tintin. He is a good cat, loving and gentle. Kris will be heart-broken, and so will I.


On 12 October 2004 (06:11 PM),
bill said:

Spoil Tintin…i am writing you as part of my grieving. Tigger my 12 year old cat died yesterday at 7:44. We had to put him to sleep he had terminal cancer. The procedure was performed here at the house. It is a peaceful process, i never thought that i would get so attached. My prayers are with you and your family…God Bless.