I have many memories of childhood — and by this I mean the time when I was younger than say six — but most of them are scattered and patchwork.
For example, I can remember that I listened to The Cinnamon Bear every night on KEX during the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I cannot recall a single instance of ever having done so.
I have a concrete recollection of the promise of The Cinnamon Bear: I can recall being in a department store, probably a Fred Meyer (and probably the one on Hawthorne) with Mom (and possibly Dad), being mollified with the promise of the show: “If you’re good, we can listen to The Cinnamon Bear when we get back to the car.” I can remember trying to be good, holding Mom’s hand, riding down an escalator with her. But I don’t know if I actually got to listen to the episode.
I loved The Cinnamon Bear. I wanted to listen to it every year until I reached junior high. I’m not sure that I ever knew the full story; we’d miss most nights during any given December, so that I only got to know the story patchwork..
I remember that the show frightened me: the Root Beer Ocean and the Inkaboos, the Wintergreen Witch, the Looking Glass Valley, the Crazy Quilt Dragon. These things frightened me, but in a good way. It was a delicious fear. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was my love of The Cinnamon Bear that imparted within me a lifelong love of fantasy and science fiction, of speculative fiction in general.
I sometimes give Jeremy and Jennifer a hard time because they don’t like for Harrison to be scared (won’t let him watch The Wizard of Oz, for example). Maybe this is the reason: I can remember being scared by The Cinnamon Bear as a child (and by The Wizard of Oz), but I know that living through this fear, facing it and overcoming it, made my world a better place.
Did you listen to old-time radio as a child? Did you listen to The Cinnamon Bear? It’s a great story for kids. On the web, you can find not only an episode guide, but also mp3s of individual episodes. Enjoy!
On 01 December 2003 (09:24 AM),
Tammy said:
On 01 December 2003 (10:19 AM),
Dana said:
I’ve never heard of the Cinnamon Bear before.
The closest my family came to a seasonal ritual of this sort was watching the old stop-motion and Charlie Brown holiday specials on TV. You know, the Rudolph one, the Baby New Year one, the one with the Heat Miser, and the Easter Bunny one, and the Jack Frost one.
Oh, and listening to Alice’s Restaurant around Thanksgiving.
On 01 December 2003 (10:47 AM),
J.D. said:
KEX was, at one time, the most popular station in Portland. Looking back, it seems they tried to be all things to all people. They had a Big Band program on Sunday afternoons. (That’s where I get my love of Big Band music.) They played The Cinnamon Bear between Thanksgiving and Christmas. They played other old-time radio shows, spooky shows, around Halloween. I think there was even a period — a few weeks? a few months? — during which they had a regular night-time block of old-time radio shows.
When KECH 22 started broadcasting out of Salem/Keizer (a UHF station, what a novelty!) in the early eighties, they had an afternoon block of shows they called “The Oregon Jones Adventure Hour” or some such. The programming was hosted by a fat man in a black leather jacket and a hat. (I could play the part now!) On the program, they showed adventure serials from the 1930s and 1940s: Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Commander Cody, and various detective and cowboy shows.
So, although I grew up in the seventies and eighties, I had some small exposure to what it must have been like growing up in the thirties and forties.
I’m downloading The Cinnamon Bear and will burn the episodes onto CD. I’m going to give copies to my young friends, Ian first and then maybe Harrison. Also, I see that many of the old-time serials are being released on DVD for CHEAP (~$5.00). Very tempting. Very tempting.
On 01 December 2003 (11:39 AM),
Dana said:
See, this I get. We had a Fargo-based UHF station when I lived in Moorhead that showed the old George Reeve The Adventures of Superman show which, along with the ubiquitous Superfriends, cemented my love of superheroes. “Golly, Mr. Kent!”
Oh, and before that, living in the UP of Michigan, we got WGN out of Chicago for awhile, and they had an early morning/before school cartoon show that would also show the old Buster Crabbe Flash Gordon serials, one episode a day. The one I remember involved some sort of mole people. I suspect it was “Flash Gordon’s Trip to Mars”, where Queen Azura and the Clay People of Mars teamed up with Ming the Merciless to steal all the nitrogen in Earth’s atmosphere.
Great fun. I had a beef with the 1980 movie because they undercut the intelligence of both Hans Zarkoff and Flash. Max von Sydow as Ming, however, is just about the greatest casting ever.
On 01 December 2003 (12:06 PM),
Dave said:
The Cinnamon Bear rocked! I remember quite clearly listening to episodes of the Cinnamon Bear, huddled next to our huge console TV/stero/recordplayer in our living room. I wonder if brother Paul remembers it. I’ll have to download and burn those mp3’s as well.
On 01 December 2003 (01:15 PM),
Denise said:
Ok – I must have missed out, because I don’t remember listening to the Cinnamon Bear, or watching anything about the Cinnamon Bear….I just remember seeing the Cinnamon Bear at Nordstrom, and getting a gingerbread cookie from him every year.
Maybe I’m mixing up my holiday bears, though….
On 01 December 2003 (01:18 PM),
Denise said:
And, Dana, I know the whole Heat Miser/Cold Miser song by heart! That’s a classic!
On 01 December 2003 (02:49 PM),
Dave said:
To the best of my knowledge the Nordstrom Cinnamon Bear, Denise, is the very same bear as the radio show bear in question. As we got older, however, the radio show was discontinued (at least we could never find it on the radio) but the Cinnamon Bear continued to appear at Nordstrom. I seem to recall that this happend about 4-6 grade or so (JD, any help here?), perhaps a year or two later, but not much later certainly.
On 01 December 2003 (07:42 PM),
Paul said:
YES. I remember the Cinnamon Bear! I had completely forgotten about it. It was one of those special treats when we went to Portland. I’m from central Oregon (Madras) and KEX didn’t come in across the mountains but we knew about it from TV plugs and those certain times around Christmas when we were fortunate enough to be in the car when it was on. I think I even met the Cinnamon Bear once. Lloyd Center???
Thanks for the memory.
On 02 December 2003 (12:28 PM),
Michael said:
Ah yes, the Cinnamon Bear… “His” home was first Lipman’s and then Fredrick & Nelson department stores. In the beginning they had “him” roam the store and eventually set it up so you visited the Cinnamon Bear as you sat on his lap and they took a picture. The bear gave out Full-Size cookies from “his” basket.
When I was 13 years old I applied to be inside the Cinnamon Bear costume and got the interview. It was my first interview ever and I could tell I was over my head. I had to go up to the seventh floor into the executive offices of the downtown Fredrick & Nelson and was asked all sorts of situational “what if…” questions. The hiring manager thought I was cute in my slacks and blazer but did not take me seriously and I did not get the job.
On 02 December 2003 (12:40 PM),
J.D. said:
Michael’s story above, about autioning to be The Cinnamon Bear, is particularly good for those of us who know him: Michael has a thing for mascots. He’s been the mascot for the Salem-Keizer Volcanoes, for example, and he may have even been the Oregon Duck at one time or another. Actually, the next time I see him, I’ll ask him about his mascot history. I think it’s fun. (Of course, if Michael reads this comment, he can post his mascot history himself if he’d like.)
On 02 December 2003 (12:55 PM),
Michael said:
My mascot history has included…
ODOT Safety Dummy (Presentations to school-aged children)
Oregon Duck (mostly volleyball, basketball, public appearances and a wrestling match(?)
Chip the chipmonk (as in Chip & Dale- for the Boise River Fesitval Parade- not Disneyland. Same costume used for the Macy’s Thankgiving Day parade)
Easter Bunny (Church related event)
Gumby (Authentic costume from the Gumby corporate office for a marketing presentation at NIKE)
Crater (S-K Volcanoes)for baseball games and PR appearances- was the Grand Marshall of the Sheridan Days Parade… Yee Ha!
Not sure what the next “gig” will be…
On 02 December 2003 (05:16 PM),
Andrew Parker said:
Mom listened to the Bear as a kid in Tigard and turned me and my sister onto the serial. I remember listening in the car on the way home from swim team, upstairs on my sister’s portable radio, and on rare occasions in the parlor on dad’s “hands-off” stereo.
I still have an old Polaroid somewhere of my sister and me as little kids standing with the dude in the bear suit. I remember looking through the eye holes at the structure inside… ~25 years ago? Pretty sure it was at Lloyd Center.
On 04 December 2003 (08:48 AM),
Aimee said:
JD … This is a slight tangent from the Cinnamon Bear thing, but yesterday I was driving along Hawthorne Boulevard and noticed that At The Hop was sporting a new coat of orange paint. Odd? Not if you’re Big Daddy’s Barbeque!!! Yes, a Portland mainstay from your youth has been converted into a jumpin’ new joint called Big Daddy’s … Just thought you’d like to know. I imagine that you’ll be dining there real soon …
On 04 December 2003 (09:57 AM),
J.D. said:
I don’t actually know how long At the Hop was at that location. I only ate there once. It must have been in 92 or 93, when I was making sales calls for Custom Box. It was during my Ayn Rand phase. I can remember sitting at one of the tables, eating my burger and fries, sipping my chocolate malt, reading Atlas Shrugged. How wonderful was this John Galt! Damn that Clinton! Curse the collectivists of the world!
On 08 December 2003 (05:50 PM),
Paddy O’ Cinnamon said:
The Cinnamon Bear is on KEX? KXL? starting December 19, I believe, and yes, he was at Lipman’s! I’ve been looking for a Paddy O’ Cinnamon stuffed bear or puppet for years!
On 23 December 2003 (08:31 AM),
Erwin said:
Not sure if anyone is watching this thread anymore, but I was on a quest to see if anyone else remembers the Cinnamon Bear. My father worked for the radio station in the early 80’s so I’ve had my own taped broadcast for most of my life. At 28 I still listen to the show and every time it takes me back to when I was a child.
Can anyone out there refresh my memory of the train on the celing over the Christmas scene at a store downtown? I remember riding in something but it’s all a little fuzzy. Thanks
On 25 December 2003 (11:23 PM),
John Russell said:
I know a friend who grew up listening to this popular bear. He tells me that he once had a book that looked like a coloring book about the bear.
Is this book still available?..
I do a big band radio show, and know some listeners who would also like this information…Thanks..john
On 26 December 2003 (03:09 AM),
Lissa said:
In a box in my basement, wrapped in plastic, is a plush version of the cinnamon bear. In my scrap book there are no pictures of me on Santa’s lap, but always on Cinnamon Bear’s lap. There’s a picture of me hugging my new plush cinnamon bear. I look like I’m about 5 or so. I’m 32 now. Wow, what memories. :)
On 26 December 2003 (11:53 AM),
Lori said:
I am looking for a Paddy O stuffed bear for a dear friend. She can remember winning one at Wieboldts in Oak Park,IL which has since been lost and would like to replace it. I am ordering the audio tapes of the radio program but have never seen the stuffed version so don’t know exactly what I am looking for. Any Help?
On 26 December 2003 (10:34 PM),
Tammy said:
Ok Erwin. I think I may know what you are refering to as I take my children to ride this train every year just as my parents took me when I was little. The train is on the 10th floor of the downtown Meier& Frank building. It goes around the ceiling and the kids get to look down on Santa land as they ride. My kids look forward to this every year. It’s down there again this year. Go check it out. It’s beautiful!
On 27 December 2003 (07:16 PM),
Alan said:
I am also looking for a stuffed Paddy O’Cinnamon bear. I’m not sure were to begin looking. Any help?
On 16 February 2004 (07:45 PM),
Jenni said:
My Father bought my son the 50th anniversary edition of The Cinnamon Bear. It is the best story I have ever heard and put my son to sleep for years. If any of you have found a Paddy O’ please let me know where.
On 19 November 2004 (11:18 AM),
William Frank said:
Wife and I are looking for original or repros of the Cinnamon bear coloring books, may have been distributed by Wieboldts stores in the Chicago area. We used to listen(as kids) to the Cinnamon Bear on the radio and also watch some versions of it on local tv (probably WGN-TV) I have the tapes of the shows and they certainly bring back a lot of memories. You may remember when Christmas started AFTER Thanksgiving, not before Halloween.
On 25 December 2004 (12:39 PM),
Tini said:
My roommate got me hooked on Cinnamon Bear. His grandmother stood in line to buy the episodes on tape. She also got him a Paddy O’Cinnamon bear ornament. I never heard of The Cinnamon bear until he brought it up last month. Now I’m saving my money to buy the cd radio show version. One thing that baffles me is that people know the actors and actresses names of the characters…all but Jimmy. Does anyone know his real name????
On 25 December 2004 (12:39 PM),
Tini said:
My roommate got me hooked on Cinnamon Bear. His grandmother stood in line to buy the episodes on tape. She also got him a Paddy O’Cinnamon bear ornament. I never heard of The Cinnamon bear until he brought it up last month. Now I’m saving my money to buy the cd radio show version. One thing that baffles me is that people know the actors and actresses names of the characters…all but Jimmy. Does anyone know his real name????
On 28 December 2004 (07:11 PM),
charles strawn said:
yes I remember at 3:00 pm right after school I sat on the livingroom floor to lisen to the CINNAMON BEAR. I finished coloring the book and submited it to the WIEBOLDTS store on milwaukee ave.I was 6or7 years old.After what seemed like a endless peroid of time,they said I won 2nd prize.What a wonderful feeling that was. When the elevertor doors opened onto the toy floor a man greeted us with a big red sled.
On 03 January 2005 (04:36 PM),
Bob L. said:
I can remember getting home from school (1st grade) and listening to the Cinnamon Bear on our big, old, radio in 1952. I think it was KBRC in Mt.Vernon, WA. that played it. Boy, you hated to miss even one episode. I haven’t heard it in many years but I still can hear the theme music in my head. What a great memory!
On 03 July 2005 (06:57 PM),
Chris Reid said:
I recall the Cinnamon Bear as one of the earliest childhood programmes I heard here in New Zealand – pre-Tv – not in 1938, that was before I was born, but about 1945-6. However I don’t think the voices were not American. At that time many US scripts were sold to Australian production companies who rebroadcast them for Australian and New Zealand audiences. I can’t remember much about the programme except the theme song.
On 03 July 2005 (06:58 PM),
Chris Reid said:
I recall the Cinnamon Bear as one of the earliest childhood programmes I heard here in New Zealand – pre-Tv – not in 1938, that was before I was born, but about 1945-6. However I don’t think the voices were not American. At that time many US scripts were sold to Australian production companies who rebroadcast them for Australian and New Zealand audiences. I can’t remember much about the programme except the theme song.
On 26 July 2005 (12:05 PM),
Michael Miller said:
For anyone interested, you can download 26 episodes for free at radiolovers.com!
Some of my earliest memories – also in Portland – were being at my Grandparent’s home and getting to turn on the old Philco floor model radio/turntable,push the KEX button, and listen to the Cinnamon Bear. I’ve told my wife about this for years, and last night she was allowed the pleasure of listening to the very first episode. Serious smiles on my face, what a fun trip back in time!
On 12 August 2005 (03:55 PM),
Ron said:
The Cinnamon Bear was a regular “listen to” at our house in the ’40s. Came thru on WGN in Chicago. Wieboldts on Milwaukee ave was a magical place at Christmas-time! Charles [up above] knows. But then again, Christmas is still magical even now in my later years.
On 12 August 2005 (03:56 PM),
Ron said:
The Cinnamon Bear was a regular “listen to” at our house in the ’40s. Came thru on WGN in Chicago. Wieboldts on Milwaukee ave was a magical place at Christmas-time! Charles [up above] knows. But then again, Christmas is still magical even now in my later years. Can’t forget ice skating at Wicker Park too.
On 19 August 2005 (01:50 AM),
ed said:
Growing up as pre-teens in the early ’50s my
sister and I “watched” the Cinnamon Bear every
year (1951 thru 1956) on WGN. I think it was
stop-action but it might have been animation. I
can’t exactly recall.
I never heard the radio (aural) version until
2001. But no one else except my family remembers
anything about The Cinnamon Bear being on TV.
Wiebolts department store used to sell Cinnamon
Bear stuff: the bear and a Star for Christmas
What I would like to know is what happened to those
old kinescopes or whatever (8mm film, etc.) on which
the TV Cinnamon Bear was put.
My suspicion is that the Wiebolts family is keeping
them for personal use now that their store has gone
South. But that may be just sour grapes. Possibly
the TV version was never saved in any format.
I would like to know if anyone else besides my
sister and I have any memories of watching The
Cinnamon Bear each Christmas season on TV.
Thanks for the Memories
On 19 September 2005 (10:39 AM),
James said:
Would do anything to get my hands on the old TV show of the cinnamon bear shown on WGN chicago.
On 19 September 2005 (10:39 AM),
James said:
Would do anything to get my hands on the old TV show of the cinnamon bear shown on WGN chicago.
On 03 October 2005 (01:00 PM),
Donna said:
I was so excited to find this site,I to was a great fan of Paddy O CINNAMON. My sister and me would listen to all the stories on the radio.I entered a contest at the Weiboldts. store in Oak Park Ill,it was a coloring contest. I won the contest and my prize was Paddy O Cinnamon,I loved my bear . I am looking for the paddy o cinnamon stuffed bear please help me find one. Friend of P.O.C.
On 04 October 2005 (08:12 PM),
Emilie Felmon said:
Is there anyway I can purchase the TV version on WGN the “Cinnamon Bear” I would love to see it with my grandchildren.
Thank you,
Nope. Didn’t listen to the Cinnamon Bear. Didn’t listen to anything! We didn’t own a radio or a Tv when I was growing up. I bought my first Tv when I was 27 years old. I still don’t listen to the radio. I just never got in the habit. But I can tell you all about Christmas at Almanzos house in the Little House series. I tried to carry my love of Farmer Boy over to my oldest daughter. Every Christmas while I baked she would perch in the kitchen and read the Christmas chapter to me out of that book. I just loved the hustle and bustle of their Christmas and the odd chores that needed done, like cleaning the chimney lamps and polishing the stove, and setting the fruit cakes to saok in wine for three weeks. Never had a radio. Never had a Tv. But I had books! I was blessed indeed!