The Cinnamon Bear

I have many memories of childhood — and by this I mean the time when I was younger than say six — but most of them are scattered and patchwork.

For example, I can remember that I listened to The Cinnamon Bear every night on KEX during the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I cannot recall a single instance of ever having done so.

I have a concrete recollection of the promise of The Cinnamon Bear: I can recall being in a department store, probably a Fred Meyer (and probably the one on Hawthorne) with Mom (and possibly Dad), being mollified with the promise of the show: “If you’re good, we can listen to The Cinnamon Bear when we get back to the car.” I can remember trying to be good, holding Mom’s hand, riding down an escalator with her. But I don’t know if I actually got to listen to the episode.

I loved The Cinnamon Bear. I wanted to listen to it every year until I reached junior high. I’m not sure that I ever knew the full story; we’d miss most nights during any given December, so that I only got to know the story patchwork..

I remember that the show frightened me: the Root Beer Ocean and the Inkaboos, the Wintergreen Witch, the Looking Glass Valley, the Crazy Quilt Dragon. These things frightened me, but in a good way. It was a delicious fear. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was my love of The Cinnamon Bear that imparted within me a lifelong love of fantasy and science fiction, of speculative fiction in general.

I sometimes give Jeremy and Jennifer a hard time because they don’t like for Harrison to be scared (won’t let him watch The Wizard of Oz, for example). Maybe this is the reason: I can remember being scared by The Cinnamon Bear as a child (and by The Wizard of Oz), but I know that living through this fear, facing it and overcoming it, made my world a better place.

Did you listen to old-time radio as a child? Did you listen to The Cinnamon Bear? It’s a great story for kids. On the web, you can find not only an episode guide, but also mp3s of individual episodes. Enjoy!

Old Comments (pre-crash)

On 01 December 2003 (09:24 AM),
Tammy said:

Nope. Didn’t listen to the Cinnamon Bear. Didn’t listen to anything! We didn’t own a radio or a Tv when I was growing up. I bought my first Tv when I was 27 years old. I still don’t listen to the radio. I just never got in the habit. But I can tell you all about Christmas at Almanzos house in the Little House series. I tried to carry my love of Farmer Boy over to my oldest daughter. Every Christmas while I baked she would perch in the kitchen and read the Christmas chapter to me out of that book. I just loved the hustle and bustle of their Christmas and the odd chores that needed done, like cleaning the chimney lamps and polishing the stove, and setting the fruit cakes to saok in wine for three weeks. Never had a radio. Never had a Tv. But I had books! I was blessed indeed!

On 01 December 2003 (10:19 AM),
Dana said:

I’ve never heard of the Cinnamon Bear before.

The closest my family came to a seasonal ritual of this sort was watching the old stop-motion and Charlie Brown holiday specials on TV. You know, the Rudolph one, the Baby New Year one, the one with the Heat Miser, and the Easter Bunny one, and the Jack Frost one.

Oh, and listening to Alice’s Restaurant around Thanksgiving.

On 01 December 2003 (10:47 AM),
J.D. said:

KEX was, at one time, the most popular station in Portland. Looking back, it seems they tried to be all things to all people. They had a Big Band program on Sunday afternoons. (That’s where I get my love of Big Band music.) They played The Cinnamon Bear between Thanksgiving and Christmas. They played other old-time radio shows, spooky shows, around Halloween. I think there was even a period — a few weeks? a few months? — during which they had a regular night-time block of old-time radio shows.

When KECH 22 started broadcasting out of Salem/Keizer (a UHF station, what a novelty!) in the early eighties, they had an afternoon block of shows they called “The Oregon Jones Adventure Hour” or some such. The programming was hosted by a fat man in a black leather jacket and a hat. (I could play the part now!) On the program, they showed adventure serials from the 1930s and 1940s: Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Commander Cody, and various detective and cowboy shows.

So, although I grew up in the seventies and eighties, I had some small exposure to what it must have been like growing up in the thirties and forties.

I’m downloading The Cinnamon Bear and will burn the episodes onto CD. I’m going to give copies to my young friends, Ian first and then maybe Harrison. Also, I see that many of the old-time serials are being released on DVD for CHEAP (~$5.00). Very tempting. Very tempting.

On 01 December 2003 (11:39 AM),
Dana said:

See, this I get. We had a Fargo-based UHF station when I lived in Moorhead that showed the old George Reeve The Adventures of Superman show which, along with the ubiquitous Superfriends, cemented my love of superheroes. “Golly, Mr. Kent!”

Oh, and before that, living in the UP of Michigan, we got WGN out of Chicago for awhile, and they had an early morning/before school cartoon show that would also show the old Buster Crabbe Flash Gordon serials, one episode a day. The one I remember involved some sort of mole people. I suspect it was “Flash Gordon’s Trip to Mars”, where Queen Azura and the Clay People of Mars teamed up with Ming the Merciless to steal all the nitrogen in Earth’s atmosphere.

Great fun. I had a beef with the 1980 movie because they undercut the intelligence of both Hans Zarkoff and Flash. Max von Sydow as Ming, however, is just about the greatest casting ever.

On 01 December 2003 (12:06 PM),
Dave said:

The Cinnamon Bear rocked! I remember quite clearly listening to episodes of the Cinnamon Bear, huddled next to our huge console TV/stero/recordplayer in our living room. I wonder if brother Paul remembers it. I’ll have to download and burn those mp3’s as well.

On 01 December 2003 (01:15 PM),
Denise said:

Ok – I must have missed out, because I don’t remember listening to the Cinnamon Bear, or watching anything about the Cinnamon Bear….I just remember seeing the Cinnamon Bear at Nordstrom, and getting a gingerbread cookie from him every year.

Maybe I’m mixing up my holiday bears, though….

On 01 December 2003 (01:18 PM),
Denise said:

And, Dana, I know the whole Heat Miser/Cold Miser song by heart! That’s a classic!

On 01 December 2003 (02:49 PM),
Dave said:

To the best of my knowledge the Nordstrom Cinnamon Bear, Denise, is the very same bear as the radio show bear in question. As we got older, however, the radio show was discontinued (at least we could never find it on the radio) but the Cinnamon Bear continued to appear at Nordstrom. I seem to recall that this happend about 4-6 grade or so (JD, any help here?), perhaps a year or two later, but not much later certainly.

On 01 December 2003 (07:42 PM),
Paul said:


YES. I remember the Cinnamon Bear! I had completely forgotten about it. It was one of those special treats when we went to Portland. I’m from central Oregon (Madras) and KEX didn’t come in across the mountains but we knew about it from TV plugs and those certain times around Christmas when we were fortunate enough to be in the car when it was on. I think I even met the Cinnamon Bear once. Lloyd Center???

Thanks for the memory.


On 02 December 2003 (12:28 PM),
Michael said:

Ah yes, the Cinnamon Bear… “His” home was first Lipman’s and then Fredrick & Nelson department stores. In the beginning they had “him” roam the store and eventually set it up so you visited the Cinnamon Bear as you sat on his lap and they took a picture. The bear gave out Full-Size cookies from “his” basket.

When I was 13 years old I applied to be inside the Cinnamon Bear costume and got the interview. It was my first interview ever and I could tell I was over my head. I had to go up to the seventh floor into the executive offices of the downtown Fredrick & Nelson and was asked all sorts of situational “what if…” questions. The hiring manager thought I was cute in my slacks and blazer but did not take me seriously and I did not get the job.

On 02 December 2003 (12:40 PM),
J.D. said:

Michael’s story above, about autioning to be The Cinnamon Bear, is particularly good for those of us who know him: Michael has a thing for mascots. He’s been the mascot for the Salem-Keizer Volcanoes, for example, and he may have even been the Oregon Duck at one time or another. Actually, the next time I see him, I’ll ask him about his mascot history. I think it’s fun. (Of course, if Michael reads this comment, he can post his mascot history himself if he’d like.)

On 02 December 2003 (12:55 PM),
Michael said:

My mascot history has included…

ODOT Safety Dummy (Presentations to school-aged children)

Oregon Duck (mostly volleyball, basketball, public appearances and a wrestling match(?)

Chip the chipmonk (as in Chip & Dale- for the Boise River Fesitval Parade- not Disneyland. Same costume used for the Macy’s Thankgiving Day parade)

Easter Bunny (Church related event)

Gumby (Authentic costume from the Gumby corporate office for a marketing presentation at NIKE)

Crater (S-K Volcanoes)for baseball games and PR appearances- was the Grand Marshall of the Sheridan Days Parade… Yee Ha!

Not sure what the next “gig” will be…

On 02 December 2003 (05:16 PM),
Andrew Parker said:

Mom listened to the Bear as a kid in Tigard and turned me and my sister onto the serial. I remember listening in the car on the way home from swim team, upstairs on my sister’s portable radio, and on rare occasions in the parlor on dad’s “hands-off” stereo.

I still have an old Polaroid somewhere of my sister and me as little kids standing with the dude in the bear suit. I remember looking through the eye holes at the structure inside… ~25 years ago? Pretty sure it was at Lloyd Center.

On 04 December 2003 (08:48 AM),
Aimee said:

JD … This is a slight tangent from the Cinnamon Bear thing, but yesterday I was driving along Hawthorne Boulevard and noticed that At The Hop was sporting a new coat of orange paint. Odd? Not if you’re Big Daddy’s Barbeque!!! Yes, a Portland mainstay from your youth has been converted into a jumpin’ new joint called Big Daddy’s … Just thought you’d like to know. I imagine that you’ll be dining there real soon …

On 04 December 2003 (09:57 AM),
J.D. said:

I don’t actually know how long At the Hop was at that location. I only ate there once. It must have been in 92 or 93, when I was making sales calls for Custom Box. It was during my Ayn Rand phase. I can remember sitting at one of the tables, eating my burger and fries, sipping my chocolate malt, reading Atlas Shrugged. How wonderful was this John Galt! Damn that Clinton! Curse the collectivists of the world!

On 08 December 2003 (05:50 PM),
Paddy O’ Cinnamon said:

The Cinnamon Bear is on KEX? KXL? starting December 19, I believe, and yes, he was at Lipman’s! I’ve been looking for a Paddy O’ Cinnamon stuffed bear or puppet for years!

On 23 December 2003 (08:31 AM),
Erwin said:

Not sure if anyone is watching this thread anymore, but I was on a quest to see if anyone else remembers the Cinnamon Bear. My father worked for the radio station in the early 80’s so I’ve had my own taped broadcast for most of my life. At 28 I still listen to the show and every time it takes me back to when I was a child.
Can anyone out there refresh my memory of the train on the celing over the Christmas scene at a store downtown? I remember riding in something but it’s all a little fuzzy. Thanks

On 25 December 2003 (11:23 PM),
John Russell said:

I know a friend who grew up listening to this popular bear. He tells me that he once had a book that looked like a coloring book about the bear.
Is this book still available?..
I do a big band radio show, and know some listeners who would also like this information…Thanks..john

On 26 December 2003 (03:09 AM),
Lissa said:

In a box in my basement, wrapped in plastic, is a plush version of the cinnamon bear. In my scrap book there are no pictures of me on Santa’s lap, but always on Cinnamon Bear’s lap. There’s a picture of me hugging my new plush cinnamon bear. I look like I’m about 5 or so. I’m 32 now. Wow, what memories. :)

On 26 December 2003 (11:53 AM),
Lori said:

I am looking for a Paddy O stuffed bear for a dear friend. She can remember winning one at Wieboldts in Oak Park,IL which has since been lost and would like to replace it. I am ordering the audio tapes of the radio program but have never seen the stuffed version so don’t know exactly what I am looking for. Any Help?

On 26 December 2003 (10:34 PM),
Tammy said:

Ok Erwin. I think I may know what you are refering to as I take my children to ride this train every year just as my parents took me when I was little. The train is on the 10th floor of the downtown Meier& Frank building. It goes around the ceiling and the kids get to look down on Santa land as they ride. My kids look forward to this every year. It’s down there again this year. Go check it out. It’s beautiful!

On 27 December 2003 (07:16 PM),
Alan said:

I am also looking for a stuffed Paddy O’Cinnamon bear. I’m not sure were to begin looking. Any help?

On 16 February 2004 (07:45 PM),
Jenni said:

My Father bought my son the 50th anniversary edition of The Cinnamon Bear. It is the best story I have ever heard and put my son to sleep for years. If any of you have found a Paddy O’ please let me know where.

On 19 November 2004 (11:18 AM),
William Frank said:

Wife and I are looking for original or repros of the Cinnamon bear coloring books, may have been distributed by Wieboldts stores in the Chicago area. We used to listen(as kids) to the Cinnamon Bear on the radio and also watch some versions of it on local tv (probably WGN-TV) I have the tapes of the shows and they certainly bring back a lot of memories. You may remember when Christmas started AFTER Thanksgiving, not before Halloween.

On 25 December 2004 (12:39 PM),
Tini said:

My roommate got me hooked on Cinnamon Bear. His grandmother stood in line to buy the episodes on tape. She also got him a Paddy O’Cinnamon bear ornament. I never heard of The Cinnamon bear until he brought it up last month. Now I’m saving my money to buy the cd radio show version. One thing that baffles me is that people know the actors and actresses names of the characters…all but Jimmy. Does anyone know his real name????

On 25 December 2004 (12:39 PM),
Tini said:

My roommate got me hooked on Cinnamon Bear. His grandmother stood in line to buy the episodes on tape. She also got him a Paddy O’Cinnamon bear ornament. I never heard of The Cinnamon bear until he brought it up last month. Now I’m saving my money to buy the cd radio show version. One thing that baffles me is that people know the actors and actresses names of the characters…all but Jimmy. Does anyone know his real name????

On 28 December 2004 (07:11 PM),
charles strawn said:

yes I remember at 3:00 pm right after school I sat on the livingroom floor to lisen to the CINNAMON BEAR. I finished coloring the book and submited it to the WIEBOLDTS store on milwaukee ave.I was 6or7 years old.After what seemed like a endless peroid of time,they said I won 2nd prize.What a wonderful feeling that was. When the elevertor doors opened onto the toy floor a man greeted us with a big red sled.

On 03 January 2005 (04:36 PM),
Bob L. said:

I can remember getting home from school (1st grade) and listening to the Cinnamon Bear on our big, old, radio in 1952. I think it was KBRC in Mt.Vernon, WA. that played it. Boy, you hated to miss even one episode. I haven’t heard it in many years but I still can hear the theme music in my head. What a great memory!

On 03 July 2005 (06:57 PM),
Chris Reid said:

I recall the Cinnamon Bear as one of the earliest childhood programmes I heard here in New Zealand – pre-Tv – not in 1938, that was before I was born, but about 1945-6. However I don’t think the voices were not American. At that time many US scripts were sold to Australian production companies who rebroadcast them for Australian and New Zealand audiences. I can’t remember much about the programme except the theme song.

On 03 July 2005 (06:58 PM),
Chris Reid said:

I recall the Cinnamon Bear as one of the earliest childhood programmes I heard here in New Zealand – pre-Tv – not in 1938, that was before I was born, but about 1945-6. However I don’t think the voices were not American. At that time many US scripts were sold to Australian production companies who rebroadcast them for Australian and New Zealand audiences. I can’t remember much about the programme except the theme song.

On 26 July 2005 (12:05 PM),
Michael Miller said:

For anyone interested, you can download 26 episodes for free at!

Some of my earliest memories – also in Portland – were being at my Grandparent’s home and getting to turn on the old Philco floor model radio/turntable,push the KEX button, and listen to the Cinnamon Bear. I’ve told my wife about this for years, and last night she was allowed the pleasure of listening to the very first episode. Serious smiles on my face, what a fun trip back in time!

On 12 August 2005 (03:55 PM),
Ron said:

The Cinnamon Bear was a regular “listen to” at our house in the ’40s. Came thru on WGN in Chicago. Wieboldts on Milwaukee ave was a magical place at Christmas-time! Charles [up above] knows. But then again, Christmas is still magical even now in my later years.

On 12 August 2005 (03:56 PM),
Ron said:

The Cinnamon Bear was a regular “listen to” at our house in the ’40s. Came thru on WGN in Chicago. Wieboldts on Milwaukee ave was a magical place at Christmas-time! Charles [up above] knows. But then again, Christmas is still magical even now in my later years. Can’t forget ice skating at Wicker Park too.

On 19 August 2005 (01:50 AM),
ed said:

Growing up as pre-teens in the early ’50s my
sister and I “watched” the Cinnamon Bear every
year (1951 thru 1956) on WGN. I think it was
stop-action but it might have been animation. I
can’t exactly recall.

I never heard the radio (aural) version until
2001. But no one else except my family remembers
anything about The Cinnamon Bear being on TV.

Wiebolts department store used to sell Cinnamon
Bear stuff: the bear and a Star for Christmas

What I would like to know is what happened to those
old kinescopes or whatever (8mm film, etc.) on which
the TV Cinnamon Bear was put.

My suspicion is that the Wiebolts family is keeping
them for personal use now that their store has gone
South. But that may be just sour grapes. Possibly
the TV version was never saved in any format.

I would like to know if anyone else besides my
sister and I have any memories of watching The
Cinnamon Bear each Christmas season on TV.

Thanks for the Memories

On 19 September 2005 (10:39 AM),
James said:

Would do anything to get my hands on the old TV show of the cinnamon bear shown on WGN chicago.

On 19 September 2005 (10:39 AM),
James said:

Would do anything to get my hands on the old TV show of the cinnamon bear shown on WGN chicago.

On 03 October 2005 (01:00 PM),
Donna said:

I was so excited to find this site,I to was a great fan of Paddy O CINNAMON. My sister and me would listen to all the stories on the radio.I entered a contest at the Weiboldts. store in Oak Park Ill,it was a coloring contest. I won the contest and my prize was Paddy O Cinnamon,I loved my bear . I am looking for the paddy o cinnamon stuffed bear please help me find one. Friend of P.O.C.

On 04 October 2005 (08:12 PM),
Emilie Felmon said:

Is there anyway I can purchase the TV version on WGN the “Cinnamon Bear” I would love to see it with my grandchildren.

Thank you,


Sexy Songs

One thing that helped pull me out of my recent funk is Kylie Minogue’s Can’t Get You Out of My Head. I hadn’t even heard this song until Monday night, but now I can’t get enough of it. It’s an example of perfectly-crafted pop music (see also: George Michael’s “Faith”).

And it’s sexy to boot.

Via, I was able to watch a video of the song, albeit in crummy Realvideo format. While I watched, I began to wonder: how many other sexy songs can I name?

My favorite sexy song is Cyndi Lauper’s version of I Drove All Night (also great, but less sexy, when performed by Roy Orbison, Celine Dion, or Pinmonkey).

Other sexy songs I like include: “I Feel Love” by Donna Summer, “Sex” by Berlin, “Welcome to the Pleasure Dome” and “The Ballad of 69” by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, “Feeling Love” by Paula Cole, “Haunted (When the Minutes Drag)” by Love and Rockets, “Right Hand Man” by Joan Osborne, “Every Breath You Take” by The Police, “Haunt Me” by Sade, “Turn Me On” by Norah Jones, and “Wicked Game” by Chris Isaak. (And, Kris notes: “I Need a Man” by Eurythmics.)

Most of these are not songs about love, but songs about passion. Most have slow tempos, and the artists sing with conviction. That’s a pretty short list of sexy songs, though; there must be many others.

What are your favorite sexy songs?

Pre-Crash Comments

On 04 June 2003 (07:12 AM),
dowingba said:

This may not count, but I’ve always thought Beethoven’s Tempest Sonata (3rd movement) is downright the sexiest song ever made. Just the third movement, remember. I swear to God it’s an orgasm.

On 04 June 2003 (11:43 AM),
Craig said:

Many early Prince songs come to mind, but “Little Red Corvette” is especially sexy. Also, “Work It” by Missy Elliot. Oooh, baby.

On 04 June 2003 (11:51 AM),
J.D. said:

Good one.

“Little Red Corvette” is awesome, and I’d forgotten it. I’ll have to download the Missy Elliot song (andt he Beethoven sonata) and give it a listen.

Also, I just remembered that Jimmy Sommerville has some sexy stuff, especially with the Communards.

On 04 June 2003 (01:32 PM),
Paul said:

My dear sweet wife hears Dave Matthews voice sing ANYTHING and she thinks it’s sexy. I don’t get it.

On 04 June 2003 (01:57 PM),
Dana said:

I’m with Paul’s wife. Yum! Ditto for Peter Gabriel… :)

On 04 June 2003 (02:03 PM),
Tiffany said:

Just about anything by Nina Simone, and the slower songs by Dave Matthews Band.

On 04 June 2003 (07:03 PM),
kaibutsu said:

Check out “Rippin’ Kittin,” by Miss Kittin and Golden Boy. It’s like Kylie, but darker and better, IMHO.

Also about half of the Depeche Mode catalogue is unstoppably sexy… ‘Enjoy the Silence,’ ‘Black Celebration,’ ‘Taking a Ride With My Best Friend,’ ‘Lie to Me,’ the list goes on and on.

On 04 June 2003 (07:15 PM),
kaibutsu said:

Also check out “Low Down Man,’ by the Squirell Nut Zippers, ‘The Great Escape,’ by Moby, ‘Because the Night,’ by Patti Smith, ‘Glory Box,’ by Portishead, pretty much anything off of Massive Attack’s Mezzanine album, and any of a number of Ella and Louis duets.

My nomination for best anti-sexy song is Type O Negative’s ‘Unsucessfully Coping With the Natural Beauty of Infidelity:’
‘I know you’re fuckin’ someone else!
[band yells:] He knows you’re fuckin’ someone else!’

On 12 June 2003 (07:48 PM),
Littlelawbear said:

My hands-down favourite sexy songs:

“What Would Happen” by Meredith Brooks
“The Beautiful Ones” by Mariah Carey & Dru Hill (it’s a remake of the original Prince song)

Trust me, just loop these two and you’re set.

Happy “listening”!

On 11 July 2003 (09:06 PM),
MC said:

I’ve got a few…
Posession by Sarah McLachlin
Stupid Girl by Garbage
Move by Dujeous
Criminal by Fiona Apple
Wicked Game by Chris Isaak
Father Figure by George Michael
Kiss and Tell by Bryan Ferry
Boyz by Britney Spears

These are not necessarily “love songs” but I think they are very sexy!!

On 11 July 2003 (09:08 PM),
MC said:

I forgot 2 of my favorites…

Sweet Jane by Cowboy Junkies
Fade into You by Mazzy Star

On 20 July 2003 (12:43 PM),
Didi said:

My favorites sexy songs are:
-Break me shake me and Truly madly deeply by Savage Garden
-I get lonely and When we oooo by Janet Jackson
-Insatiable by Darren Hayes
-Let’s make a night to remember by Bryan Adams

Bye ;-)

On 22 July 2003 (02:57 PM),
SingedEffigy said:

I know not many people share my taste in music, but I must say that:

Deftones – Change
Jay Gordon – Slept So Long
Static-X – Cold
VAST – Pretty When You Cry
Lamb – Lusty
Hooverphonic – Inhaler
Delerium – Underwater
London After Midnight – Spider and the Fly

are among the sexiest songs ever….

On 23 July 2003 (05:04 PM),
Krista said:

Drive by Melissa Ferrick is pretty hot
and pretty much almost anything by Macy Gray especially Sexomatic Venus Freak

On 23 July 2003 (05:32 PM),
Suzy said:

How about “I Belong To You” by Brian McKnight?

On 24 July 2003 (11:19 AM),
Nicole said:

How could you forget Marvin Gaye like “Let’s Get it On” and my absolute favorite “Sexual Healing” and not to mention “Cry to Me” by Solomon Burke and “Hungry Eyes” both from the movie Dirty Dancing. Also many Janet Jackson songs too like “Anytime, Any place” and don’t forget a new one, “Your Body is a Wonderland” by John Mayer. Good luck… I love sexy songs

On 26 July 2003 (11:09 PM),
Ryan said:

Anyone heard the song “The Distance” by Cake? That sure as hell isn’t about a race.*wink* That one is just subliminally sexy. Crash by Dave Matthews Band is incredible. It would be kinda nice to know what exact genre you’re looking for. Because I mean, you want bass and smooth type sexy just pick up a pop/r&b cd (for example 112). But I find Carlos Santana’s guitar styling to just be so hot. Also, I don’t think any girl can resist “Everlong” by Foo Fighters. Also, you tryin’ to make a “get some action” mix, or “romantic” mix. If it’s more romantic stuff you’re looking for then go for some Lifehouse; like Everything, and Breathing. Oh, plus, how old are you? Some may not appreciate “Closer” by NIN, but the younger kids (I’m 16)like it, at least my girlfriend does. Try “The Hollow” by A Perfect Circle. That’s it, see ya.

On 27 July 2003 (03:05 PM),
Nicole said:

My favorite sexy songs are Moments in Love, by Art of Noise, and Sleepwalker, by Santo and Johnny.

On 27 July 2003 (10:47 PM),
erin said:

work me slowly by xscape
your my little secret-xscape
underneath your clothes -shakira
i melt-rascal flats
reallive woman-trisha yearwood

On 28 July 2003 (02:41 PM),
katie said:

these are two total opposites…but very hot! – wild horses by the sundays, and fuck you like an animal, nine inch nails.

On 31 July 2003 (04:43 PM),
Reuben said:

Monique and I just can’t go past “Touch It” by Monifan. The rhythm just gets you moving. Everything about this song is so slow and deliberate . It just screams sex. We DJ at weddings and parties and often we play this song just to watch the crowd’s response. As soon as we play it you start seeing single people looking around for partners to dance with. What a great song!

On 03 August 2003 (10:24 AM),
Holli said:

Sexuality by k.d. lang and The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson are good ones too.

On 03 August 2003 (10:26 AM),
Holli said:

Oh yeah…I forgot Red Light Special by TLC

On 03 August 2003 (07:18 PM),
okcomputergirl said:

Some of my favorites-
“What Do I have to Do” by Stabbing Westward
“I Want You” and “1,000 Julys” by Third Eye Blind
“Alien” and “Glycerine” by Bush
“February Stars” by the Foo Fighters
“Echo” by Incubus
“Under You” by Better than Ezra
“Six Underground” by the Sneaker Pimps

On 06 August 2003 (08:23 PM),
Ian said:

Here are some of my favorites that have steamed things up…
“Ropeburn” -Janet Jackson
“Fever” – Madonna or K.D. Lang
“anytime, anyplace” -Janet Jackson
“moments in love” -Art of Noise
“feeling love’ Paula Cole
“I can’t stand the rain” – Tina Turner
“Breakdown” – Mariah Carey
“Secretly” -Jennifer Lopez
“Sadness (1)” -Enigma
“Closer” Nine Inch Nails
“Spin, Spin Sugar” Sneaker Pimps
Really anything by Sade, Sarah McLaughlin, Janet, Al Green, Marvin gaye, George Michael, etc..
have fun :)

On 09 August 2003 (05:52 PM),
tiffany said:

playground love, by air…

On 10 August 2003 (08:54 AM),
fiona said:

anything by cherry bikini

for reference:

On 11 August 2003 (12:11 AM),
Jo said:

My friend and I have been trying to think of all the best “in the mood songs” and here are some that we have found to be good.

Witness- Sarah McLachlin
Life in Mono- Mono…I love this one!!!!
BIZZY BONE- Riding on the Highway (good r&b)

* let me know what you think of these!

On 24 August 2003 (01:58 PM),
citizeninsane said:

Songs to bumb ‘n grind to:
R. Kelly – Bumb ‘n Grind
Chris DeBurgh – Lady in Red
Deftones – No ordinary love (Sade cover original good too)
Otis Redding – Sitting on the dock of the bay
Radiohead – True love waits and Nude (aka Big Ideas)
Journey almost any song works…

On 28 August 2003 (03:37 PM),
J.D. said:

You know, at some point I’m going to actually download — er, purchase — all of these songs. I’ll listen to them all and then select the best for a truly sexy mix. I can’t believe how many suggestions there are here!

I can’t believe I forgot two songs by Berlin: “You Take My Breath Away” (which is mainly sexy because of its placement in Top Gun) and “Sex (I’m a Girl…)”.

On 06 September 2003 (08:32 AM),
Kelly said:

“Show Me Heaven” by Jessica Andrews…. hmmmm.

On 17 September 2003 (01:06 PM),
kellyterry22 said:

….not my usual genre, but “Pony” by Ginuwine

On 24 September 2003 (09:44 PM),
timi said:

Feelin’ Love – Paula Cole
Definitely Sensual!

On 26 September 2003 (10:02 PM),
leanne said:

TLC, red light special, is the ultimate sexy song

On 27 September 2003 (10:32 AM),
donaa said:

you can leave your hat on – joe cocker
because the night – 10 000 maniacs
after tonight – mariah carey
sexy thing – marvin gaye

On 28 September 2003 (09:52 PM),
Shapeal said:

Doing Well by LL CooL J
I Can Tell by 504 Boyz
B R Right by Trina
Def some fun

On 29 September 2003 (02:01 PM),
J.D. said:

Fiona Apple’s “The First Taste”:

“Give me the first taste. Let it begin, heaven can not wait forever. Darling, just start the chase. I’ll let you win, but you must make the endeavor.”

On 30 September 2003 (09:52 AM),
Mig said:

I dont know if you know this one but “Concierto de Aranjuez” is F*kin hot!! Spanish guitar!! hmm…
“jammin” by Bob Marley, “flaca” by Jarabe de Palo is sexy too (tho in spanish) hmm…”girl from Ipanema”, “caminito” which is a tango…!
I cant think of any other one. Perhaps “Vivir sin aire” by Man�.
You should try it out :) thanks

On 30 September 2003 (01:34 PM),
Miami said:

I have made many a sexy songs mix here are a few that i have collected.

Red Light Special- TLC
Call Me- Tweet
If- Janet Jackson
Let’s Ride- Montell Jordan
Get Mine, Get Yours- Christina Aguilera
This Is How It Works- TLC
Would You Mind?- Janet Jackson (FREAK NASTY)
You’re Making Me High- Toni Braxton
Best of Me- Mya
Rock The Boat- Aaliyah
How Do You Want It?- Tupac

On 05 October 2003 (01:18 PM),
blackdove said:

– barry white: “i�m gonna love you just a little more baby”
– doors: “roadhouse blues” (not about sex, but VERY sexy rhythm and, of course, jim�s voice!)
– madonna: “justify my love”
– tori amos: “raspberry swirl” (DAMN HOT, really!)
– pj harvey: “this is love”

On 06 October 2003 (11:37 PM),
Kim said:

PoUr SoMe SuGaR oN mE by Def Leopard is hot and Twisted (sexual healing remix) by Keith Sweat is amazing :)

On 07 October 2003 (08:08 AM),
Drea said:

Hey guys!!
Definitely Richard Marx….”Right Here Waiting” and “Now and Forever”.
Also anything by Musiq Soulchild……..particularly “Love” and “Don’t Change”.

On 08 October 2003 (05:12 PM),
Stacy said:

Taste by Lorna Vallings, Behind Blue Eyes by Limp Bizkit (cover), 3 Libra’s by A Perfect Circle, Orestes by A Perfect Circle, Ready for Love by India Aire, Dirty Diana by Michael Jackson, Baby Boy by Beyonce and Sean Paul, Pain by JaRule (2Pac cover), maybe some Nirvana, anything by Cold which is a lot like A Perfect Circle, Aint No Sunshine by *I don’t remember, Can’t Let You Go by Fabolous, anything by Madonna (Spanish Eyes, Playground), Comin’ From Where I’m From by Anthony Hamilton, The Game Don’t Wait by Warren G and Nate Dogg, Guantanamera by *I can’t remember, Dig by Mudvayne and Not Falling by Mudvayne (these are kind of heavy metal songs with a killer beat), Androgny by Garbage.

That is all I can remember for now, sorry my list is so short, I’ll try to update it sometime else. The ones I added are really really good songs and I recommend them all! Try them out. Good luck and rock on!

On 09 October 2003 (01:55 PM),
Puck said:

Most sexy song ever:

Serge Gainsbourg – Je`taime moi non plus

On 11 October 2003 (01:54 PM),
Lao said:

MAnnnN How about The Cranberries – Pretty(WOWWW!!)

On 11 October 2003 (04:43 PM),
jayelyn said:

i can tell – 504 boys (that song is SO hot)
and lick – joi

On 12 October 2003 (07:02 PM),
musicbox said:

1. Portishead – Glory Box (5:05)
2. Prince – Cream (4:13)
3. Radiohead – Creep (3:54)
4. Thomas Crown Affair- Wasis Diop – Everything (Is Never Quite Enough) (4:32)
5. Turtles – You Showed Me (3:16)
6. Zombies – Time of the Season (3:33)
7. Air – Sexy Boy (4:58)
8. Britney Spears- 01 – I’m A Slave For You- (3:36)
9. Britney Spears – Boys (Co-Ed Remix ft. Pharrell (3:52)
10. Chris Issack–Wicked Game (2:52)
11. Christina Aguilera – Walk Away (5:47)
12. Dave Matthews Band – Seek Up (acoustic)(1) (7:42)
13. Delerium & Sarah McLachlan – Silence (6:33)
14. Donna Summer – Love To Love You Baby (3:24)
15. Donovan – Mellow Yellow (3:43)
16. Etta James – At Last (3:00)
17. George Michael – Freedom (6:31)
18. Madonna – Justify My Love (5:00)
19. Madonna & Massic Attack – I Want You (6:23)
20. Mazzy Star – Fade Into You (4:55)
21. NIN – Closer (6:12)
22. Paula Cole – Feelin’ Love (City of Angels Soundtrack) (5:36)

On 14 October 2003 (01:14 AM),
Jamie said:

Some of my favorite sexy songs…
usher: nice and slow
tyrese: sweet lady
d’angelo: lady
Boys II Men: the color of love
seal: kiss from a rose
Musiq Soulchild: Love

On 15 October 2003 (10:16 PM),
gabrielle said:

do not doubt me…seriously download “body parts” by Jump, Little Children. they are a great band known around north and south carolina and georgia. check them out…it is almost the sexiest song ever.

email me if you listen to this song. its worth it.

On 15 October 2003 (10:23 PM),
gabrielle said:

oh yeah…and jason mraz’s live version of “on love, in sadness” but make sure that it’s the acoustic version. definitely orgasmic.

On 22 October 2003 (03:46 PM),
aurora said:

Anything by Moby is absolutely amazing, also Sexy Boy by air, i know someone mentioned that already. The Air cd is Moon Safari…check it out. Oh and Californication by Red Hot chili peppers, such a good sex song.

On 23 October 2003 (06:23 PM),
Bond girl (I wish!) said:

I definetly will be putting here songs that have already been suggested, but anyway…

1. Etta James – At last
2. Elvis Presley – Heartbreak Hotel
3. Tracy Chapman – Gimme one reason
4. Portishead – Glorybox
5. Prince – Kiss
6. Sarah McLachlan and Delirium – Silence
7. Joe Cocker – You can leave your hat on
8. Peggy Lee (or Madonna) – Fever
9. Terence Trent D’arby – Sign your name
10. John Mayer – Your body is a wonderland
11. Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald – They can�t take that away from me
12. Marvin Gaye – Let’s get it on
13. Lou Reed – Take a walk on the wild side
14. Madonna – Justify my love
15. Paula Cole – Feelin’ love
16. Chicane – No ordinary morning

On 23 October 2003 (09:11 PM),
mart said:

ok. this thread is now the 3rd entry on google for “sexy songs”. dammit jd. yr a genius!

On 24 October 2003 (08:23 PM),
leelee said:

okay…for a sexual time I suggest, “underwear” by sugarcult…it’s super slow, with a jazz sound, and the lyrics kill! Just try and hold him back. Also, “sexual healing” by Ben Harper. Grr…good luck.

On 25 October 2003 (10:41 AM),
J.D. Roth said:

Kylie Minogue has got it going on! Her new song, “Slow”, is also crazycoolsexy. Not as good as “I Can’t Get You Out of My Head” maybe, but very very good.

With all of your suggestions, I’m almost ready to compile the definitive mix of Sex Songs.

On 25 October 2003 (12:09 PM),
illinichick said:

1. “magic” by ben folds
2. “tangerine” by led zeppelin
3. “crazy on you” by heart
4. how can you forget eric clapton’s “wonderful tonight”
5. “more than words” by extreme
6. “kiss the rain” by billy myers
7. “dangerously in love” by beyonce (i dont like pop music usually but this song is SOO sexy!!)

good luck!! ;)

On 25 October 2003 (12:09 PM),
illinichick said:

1. “magic” by ben folds
2. “tangerine” by led zeppelin
3. “crazy on you” by heart
4. how can you forget eric clapton’s “wonderful tonight”
5. “more than words” by extreme
6. “kiss the rain” by billy myers
7. “dangerously in love” by beyonce (i dont like pop music usually but this song is SOO sexy!!)

good luck!! ;)

On 26 October 2003 (04:39 PM),
lovelypanda said:

tlc “red light special”
112 “anywhere”
genuwine “pony” and “sex”
R. Kelly “Bump N Grind”
Madonna “justify my love”
Deftones or sades “no ordinary love”
chris isaac “wicked game”
En Vogue “givin him something he can feel”
LL Cool J “doing it well”

have fun!

On 26 October 2003 (04:40 PM),
lovely panda said:

tlc “red light special”
112 “anywhere”
genuwine “pony” and “sex”
R. Kelly “Bump N Grind”
Madonna “justify my love”
Deftones or sades “no ordinary love”
chris isaac “wicked game”
En Vogue “givin him something he can feel”
LL Cool J “doing it well”

have fun!

On 26 October 2003 (07:00 PM),
Nev said:

Prision Sex by Tool, Suck My Kiss by the Red Hot Chillie Peppers, Closer by NIN, Abused by J. Englishman and Weak and Powerless by A Perfect Circle are all very sexy songs (actually anything by A Perfect Circle is really sexy)!

On 01 November 2003 (03:35 AM),
badgirl said:

Of course there are Marvin Gaye, Barry White and Chris Isaak on here. BUT…Holy Hell. Trust me, trust me, trust me on this one:
The Cult – Painted On My Heart

On 01 November 2003 (07:12 AM),
ANGIE said:


On 01 November 2003 (11:56 AM),
charlierock said:

Having just stumbled into this:
1. Etta James-Let’s Burn Down the Cornfield
2. Nina Simone-I Want a Little Sugar In My Bowl
3. Grace Jones-Pull Up to the Bumper
4. Elvis-Fever (I don’t get it, but it’s made a coupla women I know wiggle)

On 01 November 2003 (06:41 PM),
Alex said:

Jeff Buckley – Everybody Here Wants You.. very sexy song, you have to get it. mmm

On 02 November 2003 (09:33 PM),
kat said:

Madonna- Like a Virgin
Divynals- I touch myself
The Cure – Just like Heaven & Love Song
Forgotten Rebels – Fuck Me Dead

On 02 November 2003 (09:33 PM),
kat said:

Madonna- Like a Virgin
Divinyls- I touch myself
The Cure – Just like Heaven & Love Song
Forgotten Rebels – Fuck Me Dead

On 03 November 2003 (05:31 PM),
danny said:

It�s in spanish, but i think it�s really hot!!!
sexy dance- paulina rubio
and this one is in english
principles of lust(everlasting lust)- enigma

really good!!!

On 04 November 2003 (03:07 AM),
lacey said:

here are a couple, i didnt see some of them on here but you guys got a lot.

Eminem – Superman
jay z – can i get a fuk you
beyonce – baby boy
baby bash – suga suga
504 boys – i can tell
busta rhymes – i know what you want
bone thugs and harmony – ecstacy
bone thugs and harmony – smokin buddah
trina – b r right
ludacris – whats your fantacy
lil kim – how many licks
busta rhymes – whats it gonna be
en vogue – whats it gonna be
silk e fyne – romeo and juliet
lil troy – shockala (wanna be a balla)
dru hill – how deep is your love
fiona apple – across the universe
audioslave – like a stone(sexy voice mmm)
shakira – whenever where ever(maybe)
incubus – drive
lil kim ft twista – thug love
twista – dreams

On 07 November 2003 (04:18 AM),
lacey said:

got some more, hope they helped out! also, most of these if any at all are NOT love songs..mostly just “in the mood to get some songs”

Jessica Simpson – sweetest sin
Britney Spears – let me be
Missy Elliott – one minute man
Fabolous – damn
Dr. Dre ft. Mimi – put it on me
Dr. Dre – Bang Bang
Dr. Dre – I just wanna fuk you
Easy E – I’d rather fuk you
Easy E – Gimme Dat Nut
Do or Die – Pimpology
Toya – I do
Willa Ford – I wanna be bad
Next – too close
JayZ ft Beyonce – ’03 bonnie and clyde
Missy Elliott – make it hot
Missy Elliott – I cant stand the rain
Biggy Smalls – hypnotize
Ja Rule ft Ashanti – mezmerise
Nelly – hot in herre
Nelly – pimp juice
Tupac ft Bone Thugs – Thug Love
Limp Bizkit – no sex
Justin Timberlake – cry me a river

thats about it, have fun ;)

On 08 November 2003 (12:07 AM),
Tina said:

These are the 5 BEST songs to have sex to:

1.) i can tell, 504 boys
2.) red light special, tlc
3.) nice and slow, Usher
4.) Anywhere,112
5.) sex and candy

or if you want romantic songs, UNCHAINED MELODY, take my breath away, or any love song by shania twain is perfect

On 08 November 2003 (01:11 PM),
Duckie said:

Um. Anything by the Donnas, if that’s what you’re looking for.

Eau d’Bedroom Dancing by Le Tigre, Find Myself by Rooney (I like it), Girl from Ipanema by Frank Sinatra, and I’ve Got You Under my Skin by Frank Sinatra.

On 08 November 2003 (02:13 PM),
KnightD12 said:

I`ve been reading the lists, found some great songs by the way. I even ran out and “bought” a few that were mentioned. Ahem :)
Anyway, here is a few that sets the stage for what comes later….

1. Marvin Gaye – Sexual Healing
2. Enigma – Sadness
3. Al Green – Love and Happiness
4. Prince – Pussy Control
5. Monifah – Touch It (Dirty Mix)
6. Juvenile – Back That Ass Up
7. Rick James – Give It To Me Baby
8. Sisqo – Thong Song
9. Barry White – Don`t Play Games & Staying Power
10. Teddy Pendergrass – Turn Off The Lights

On 08 November 2003 (06:37 PM),
inlovewithewan said:

you mean nobody’s going to mention “sex me 1 & 2”

On 08 November 2003 (09:47 PM),
ami said:

Here’s some more songs that havn’t been listed yet.. Lenny Kravitz songs are good & an unusual one by Velvet Underground. Come to think of it, there’s too many to write about. Here’s a list

1. Damn I wish I was your Lover -Sophie B Hawkins
2. Listen -Sophie B Hawkins
3. I Belong to You -Lenny Kravitz
4. Thinking of You -Lenny Kravits
5. Take Time -Lenny Kavitz (wow)
6. Brass in Pocket -Pretenders
7. Your love has got a Handle on my Mind -Vanessa Paradis
8. Waiting -Madonna
9. Secret Garden -Madonna
10. 2 Wicky -Hoover (find it in Stealing Beauty soundtrack w/ previously listed Glory Box song-actually-the whole album is good)
11. Venus in Furs -Velvet Underground

Thanks for the great ideas so far!

On 09 November 2003 (09:40 PM),
Sarah said:

Paula Cole – Feelin Love
TuPac – How Do You Want It
Christina Aguleira – Dirrty
Fur Patrol – Precious
P!nk – You Make Me Sick
Troi Amos – She’s Your Cocaine, Iieee
Almost any songs by Garbage
Melissa Etheridge – They Don’t Know Me
Billie Myers – Tell Me

On 11 November 2003 (03:03 PM),
Me! said:

i don’t know if you like britney spears but her song “Breathe On Me” on her new album In The Zone Is definitely sexy. It’s a cross between “Skin” and “Erotica” (both by Madonna”. Give it a listen sometime.

On 12 November 2003 (02:45 PM),
Tammy said:

Good list…I don’t bevieve I saw the two following songs…which are scorching hot!!!

Ali Farka Toure with Ry Cooder- Ai Du

The Secret Garden by Barry White and various other artists


On 12 November 2003 (03:18 PM),
Tink said:

Maroon 5 has a song called SECRET that is silky and smooth..just right for feeling sexy.
And for the getting dirty gonna “do it” songs I
usually use:
After Dark by Tito & Tarantula
Drive by Mellisa Ferrick
Oil by Moby (lots of moaning going on)
My favorite..Feelin’ Love by Paula Cole

There is a song called Sensual Woman by The Herbaliser that sounds like it came straight out of a porn. LMFAO and if you like the techno try French Kiss by Lil’ Louis


On 13 November 2003 (10:27 PM),
SilentRealm said:

Lily Was Here by Candy Dulfer and David A Stewart

On 14 November 2003 (08:32 AM),
Dioji said:

A few that have probably been overlooked:

Nothing Compares 2 U – Sinead O’ Connor
Moonchild – King Crimson
It Ain’t Over ‘Till it’s Over – Lenny Kravitz
Summertime – Janis Joplin

All I can think of right now…

On 15 November 2003 (09:34 PM),
steve said:


On 15 November 2003 (09:34 PM),
steve said:


On 15 November 2003 (09:35 PM),
steve said:


On 25 November 2003 (01:03 AM),
trychoco said:

Bush- Mouth
Fiona Apple- Slow Like Honey
Sarah McLachlan- I Love You
Busta Rymes with Janet- What’s It Gonna Be
Nelly- Hot In Herre
Madonna- Don’t Tell Me

Just to add a few to the awesome list you have going. I was wondering if I could get some feedback on good songs to strip to- I’m doing a project of my own. Thanks!

On 26 November 2003 (08:24 PM),
ami said:

Hey I’ve got another one… “I feel you” by Depeche Mode

On 26 November 2003 (11:41 PM),
jenna said:

No sappy songs here. Just audio heat. Mmmm…

Painted On My Heart – The cult
#1 Crush – Garbage (How is that not on here?)
Wicked Game – Chris Isaak

On 27 November 2003 (06:35 PM),
kuhsatar said:

joi- lick…. just AWESOME
garbage- #1 crush (actually, the romeo and juliet soundtrack rules)
red hot chili peppers- dont forget me

On 30 November 2003 (12:29 AM),
Allison said:

“That’s the Way Love Goes” by Janet Jackson…and I know some people would disagree, but if you listen to the beat and the WORDS, it’s really a VERY sexy song: “Invisible” by Clay Aiken.

On 01 December 2003 (08:30 PM),
Sarah said:

Some of my all time favorite “sexy” songs include …

You Look So Fine – Garbage
Santa Maria (Del Buen Ayre)- Gotan Project (it’s Latin, very HOT!)
Glory Box – Portishead
Gravity of Love – Enigma
Lover’s Spit – Broken Social Scene
Human Behavior – Bjork
I Ain’t Missing You – Tina Turner
Rendezvous – Basement Jaxx
Follow Me – Pnau
From Rusholme With Love – Mint Royale
Mea Culpa – Enigma
The Promise – Tracy Chapman
At Last – Etta James
I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) – The Proclaimers
(for the holidays)– Santa Baby
Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend – Marilyn Monroe

On 04 December 2003 (07:46 PM),
jenn said:

These have already been said,but seriously cannot get enough of Crash or Say Goodbye by the Dave Matthews Band.

On 06 December 2003 (10:19 AM),
musicbox said:

Cibo Matto – Sugar Water

On 09 December 2003 (10:47 AM),
toono said:

Funny what discussions you can come across when looking for something completely different.. This all depends on how you define sexy songs i guess. Chillout stuff (cafe del mar, afterlife etc) are always good, also a selection of these tend to do it for me and the missus…

Ash – I’m Gonna Fall
Counting Crows – Colorblind
Dave Matthews – Crash Into Me
Donell Jones – U Know What’s Up
Drill – What You Are
Evanescence – My Immortal
Eve 6 – Here’s To The Night
Everything But The Girl – Driving (Underdog Remix)
Foo Fighters – Walking After You
Fun Lovin’ Criminals – All My Time Is Gone
Garbage – You Look So Fine
George Michael – Fast Love
Gomez – We Haven’t Turned Around
Goo Goo Dolls – Black Balloon
Heather Nova – Maybe An Angel
Incubus – Are You In?
Ja Rule feat Ashanti – Always On Time
John Mayer – Your Body Is A Wonderland
Jamiroquai – Space Cowboy
Lenny Kravitz – I Belong To You
Lifehouse – Everything
Mariah Carey – Sweetheart
Massive Attack – Protection
Nine Days – Wanna Be
The Police – Every Breath You Take
Robbie Robertson – Unbound
Smashing Pumpkins – Stand Inside Your Love
Sheryl Crow – I Shall Believe
The Calling – Could It Be Any Harder
U2 – With Or Without You

Or if in doubt… Barry White

On 09 December 2003 (09:36 PM),
iisan7 said:

AUTHOR: iisan7
DATE: 12/09/2003 09:36:12 PM

On 09 December 2003 (10:18 PM),
iisan7 said:

First comment didn’t appear?

My favorite for a frisky mood:
INOJ – Ring My Bell (from the Anita Ward original)

Duke Ellington, Passion Flower
Beatles, Something
Al Green – Let’s Stay Together
112, Peaches & Cream

On 12 December 2003 (06:42 PM),
0cEaNuS said:

A list in random order :)
1. David Usher – Black Black Heart [Yep it is sexy]
2. B2k feat P.Diddy – Bump bump bump [suggestive song]
3. Busta Rhymes feat Mariah Carey – I know what you want [The tune is s0 so sexy. And the voice..mmm]
4. Darren Hayes – Insatiable [this song is like WOAh..his voice is such a turn on..and it is about sex..]
5. Eminem – Superman [ have to listen to this song. Really. Really. a little crude though]
6. Diana Krall – The look of love [Jazzy and sexy. Yes. Perfect for evenings and nights]
7. Nelly – Hot in here [Hip hop! Very good for dance parties and flirtation! It’s gettin hot in take off all your clothes..]
8. Kylie Minogue – Please stay [Dancy tune. Quite sexy. Very nice tune too!]
9. Britney Spears – Boys [OooOh] especially the Co-ed remix with Pharrell.
10. 112 – Peaches and Cream [Another good song. To make love to. haha]

On 27 December 2003 (08:30 PM),
B said:

Erotica by madonna

On 28 December 2003 (03:14 PM),
Lilbear said:

I just discovered my hidden freaky side to the tune of these songs:

Gotta Get You Home (Blackstreet w/ Foxy Brown)
Too Lost In You (Sugababes – from Love Actually)
Butterflies – Drumline remix (Alicia Keys)

Check these ones out. The beats are steady (great for getting a good, um…rhythm going) and the vocals are incredible. Have fun!

On 28 December 2003 (03:18 PM),
Lilbear said:

Oh, sorry – one more. This one is incredible.

Breathe On Me (Britney Spears – from her new album)

I’m not a Britney fan myself, but this song lit me up. Honestly.

On 28 December 2003 (03:44 PM),
Amandie said:

I have to agree – “Take Time” by Lenny Kravitz is one of the sexiest songs I’ve ever heard. Whoever suggested that one is a genius!

On 03 January 2004 (04:27 PM),
Jason said:

Okay, I accidentally stumbled in here looking for ideas of my own, but here are a couple I would add:

Dusty Springfield – Son Of A Preacher Man (or the Look of Love or hell, just throw on the whole Dusty in Memphis album and take the phone of the hook)

* Gerry Rafferty – Right Down The Line
* Walter Egan – Magnet And Steel
* Neville Brothers – Healing Chant
* J.D. Souther – You’re Only Lonely
* Jennifer Chase – Les Femmes De La Lune (I think I found this on so good luck tracking it down but if you can, oh my god it’s like Enigma multiplied by ten…)
* Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin – Je t’Aime, Moi Non Plus
* No Doubt – Underneath it All
* Lots of P-Funk but especially Going All the Way Off
* Lots of Fleetwood Mac but from the Tusk album alone you have Brown Eyes, Honey Hi and Never Forget
* Billy Joel – Until the Night or This Night or An Innocent Man

Why did I think I needed to find more? Oh, and most of the list above is nice too, by the way.

On 06 January 2004 (09:03 AM),
Alana said:

I was so happy to find this list… I’m a stripper (exotic dancer) and I wanted to make to a cd for my dj to play of some really sexy songs… and I definatly found some.

Here’s a list of a bunch of songs that are played at the club that I think are the best for me to move to (I know some are already listed):

Anything on the G String riddim (Bounty Killer – Fitness, Wayne Wonder – Kick It With You)
Madd Anju – Want You Now (Martial Arts riddim)
Cecile – Murda Tonight
Lady Saw – No Long Talking
Baby Cham – Man A Man
Damn… just about any reggae song would do for me… it’s all in the hips ;)

D’Angelo – Lady (Real Version or Remix)
– Cruisin
– Higher
– and anything else by him
Davina – So Good
Eve – No No No
Kelly Rowland – Make You Wanna Stay
Ray J feat Lil Kim – Wait A Minute
Aaliyah – Hot Like Fire
Method Man – Sweet Love
Beatnuts – Hood Thang
Monifah – T-Shirt and Panties
En Vogue – Desire
Ginuwine – Tell Me Do You Wanna
– So Anxious
Salt N Pepa – Sexy Noises
Novel – Peach

Chevelle – The Red
Bush – Mouth
Disturbed – The Game
Saliva – Always
System of a Down – Aerials
Jack Off Jill – I Touch Myself
Deftones – Change
Adema – The Way You Like It

Just to name a few that I didn’t think were posted yet….

On 06 January 2004 (03:55 PM),
My DiCc Up Yo MouTh said:

biitch ass dis fawkin place fawkin succ nayguh!!!

On 09 January 2004 (07:12 AM),
Carrie said:

My list of Sexy/Romantic/Love Song list: No specific order (old/New songs)

You’re Making Me High- Toni Braxton
Wonderful tonight- Eric Clapton
Marvin Gaye- Lets get it on & Sexual Healing
Sarah McLachlan- I Love You & Do What you Have to
Prince-Little Red Corvette
Deftones- Ordinary Love (Re-Make) & Change
Janet Jackson � Lonely & What�s it gonna be
Pretenders- I�ll stand by you
Rolling Stones- Wild Horses
En Vogue- Don�t Let Go
Extreme- More than Words
Van Morrison w Chieftains – Have I Told You Lately
Fleetwood Mac � Dreams & Landslide
Peter Gabriel – In Your Eyes
Next- Too Close & Wifey
Brian Mcknight � Anytime
KC and Jojo – All My Life & Crazy
Genuwine- in those jeans
chris isaac “wicked game”
Dave Matthews – Crash Into Me
Boyz II Men – On Bended Knee (almost any of their old stuff)

On 09 January 2004 (07:21 AM),
Carrie said:

I actually meant Dave mathews band- Crush! Not crash into me!

On 13 January 2004 (11:29 AM),
Alex said:

4 of my favorite sexy songs are:
Too Close by Next
I’ll Make Love to you by Boys 2 Men
I Can Tell by 504 Boys
All My Life by Kci and Jo Jo

On 17 January 2004 (01:50 PM),
nadina said:

Porcelain – Moby
Come Undone – Duran Duran
Sadeness – Enigma
When the world ends – Dave Matthews Band
Summer overture – Requiem for a Dream Soundtrack

On 31 January 2004 (02:14 PM),
DaemonWyrm said:

I’m trying to make a CD for valentines day and this place has been a big help ;P

my contributions are…
(even though a couple might be repeats)

Between the Sheets – Isley Brothers
Oops – Tweet
Cream – Prince
Hey Lover – LL Cool J
Lets Do it Again – TLC

On 31 January 2004 (08:01 PM),
Holly said:

yeah i came across this lokin for good songs for a valentines cd!!! this is what i came up with….

Freak me– by silk (excellent!!)
Fade into you– by Mazzy Star
Turn me on– by Nora Jones
Sweet Love– by 112
Lets get it on…of course
Sexual Healing– by Ben Harper
Painted on my heart– by The cure
Chris Isaak– I wanna fall in love

well thats all i have now But ill be lookin for more!!!

On 01 February 2004 (12:41 PM),
Abbey said:

What a great list! Here’s a few I would add…

Just about anything by Aerosmith, but…
-Sweet Emotion
-Love in the Elevator
-Falling in Love is Hard on the Knees

By U2
-Mysterious Ways
-Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me

Possum Kingdom, by the Toadies
Crooked Crown, by Anniversary
Space Lord, by Monster Magnet
and Guns and Roses does a cover of “Sympathy for The Devil” that I’m fond of (Interview with the Vampire Soundtrack)

These are all more “down and dirty” sexy songs, rather than “slow and romantic” sexy songs. It really all depends on what you’re looking for.

On 02 February 2004 (01:41 PM),
Nina said:

PEOPLE trust me when it comes about TURN ON&SEXY SONGS listen to Filur-“I want you…” it turns me on just by thinking of it.. ..”don’t misunderstand me cause I wan’t u ,I see u on the floor baby I want u ,don’t misundertand me cause I want u ,I want u to want me to like I want u..”


On 02 February 2004 (06:09 PM),
Sexie Swan said:


“OH MY GOD” – PINK ft peaches (“let me feel u baby”)

maxwell “this woman’s work” (cant believe no one mention this!)
pink “love song”

i also recommend (already listed):

jeff buckley “everybody here wants you” (“even now you’re undressed in yor dreams with me”)
paula cole “feelin love” (“u make me feel like the amazon’s running between my thighs….”)

PLUS there is the hottest of hot songs ever but it is very hard to get ahold of. it is called “dame suave papi” by i dont know (sum girl name magdalena or sumthin) and its available on winmx every blue moon. it is the hottest of hot … imagine a spanish chick bawling “ayyyyyy!!!” with a rel sexy beat and the lyrics translate as “un bicho por las nalgas = a dick up my ass” so u can imagine what she singing.

i have endless, i am tryin to make a sex cd myself, but this list relly helped me thanks everyone

On 02 February 2004 (06:10 PM),
Sexie Swan said:


“OH MY GOD” – PINK ft peaches (“let me feel u baby”)

maxwell “this woman’s work” (cant believe no one mention this!)
pink “love song”

i also recommend (already listed):

jeff buckley “everybody here wants you” (“even now you’re undressed in yor dreams with me”)
paula cole “feelin love” (“u make me feel like the amazon’s running between my thighs….”)

PLUS there is the hottest of hot songs ever but it is very hard to get ahold of. it is called “dame suave papi” by i dont know (sum girl name magdalena or sumthin) and its available on winmx every blue moon. it is the hottest of hot … imagine a spanish chick bawling “ayyyyyy!!!” with a rel sexy beat and the lyrics translate as “un bicho por las nalgas = a dick up my ass” so u can imagine what she singing.

i have endless, i am tryin to make a sex cd myself, but this list relly helped me thanks everyone

On 02 February 2004 (11:16 PM),
kris said:

I’m making a ‘Lets get it on’ CD right now.. heres my playlist! (all pretty easy on the ears.. if you like one you’re bound to like them all)

Joi – Lick
Paula Cole – Feeling Love
R. Kelly – Bump N Grind
Christina Aguilera – Get Mine, Get Yours
Britney Spears – Breathe On Me
Morcheeba – Dont Stop (We’ve Got the World Looking in)
Janet Jackson – Would You Mind
Mya – All About Me
Beyonce – Speechless
Genuwine – In Those Jeans
Keith Sweat – My Body
Toni Braxton – I get so High
Mariah Carey – My All
Silk – Freak Me
Marvin Gaye – Sexual Healing
Marvin Gaye – Lets Get it On

ALSO- theres this techno song thats really orgasmic.. called ‘Southern Sun’ I forgot who its by…

Thats where I’m at right now- I’ll probably add some once I get thinking about it more.. ;D

On 05 February 2004 (08:11 AM),
CyNNa said:

Lots of good songs mentioned.. however these are my favorite sexy songs.

Deftones ~ Digital Bath
Deftones ~ Change (Acoustic)
Deftones ~ Be Quiet and Drive (Acoustic)
Deftones ~ Lucky You

Can ya tell I like Deftones?

504 Boys ~ I can Tell
Joi ~ Lick
Madonna ~ Justify My Love
NiN ~ Closer
Ginuine ~ Pony
Britney Spears ~ Breathe on Me or I’m a Slave 4 U
These are just a few… but Great songs!

On 05 February 2004 (04:33 PM),
MEL said:

Try any album by Crowbar. It’s really slow, hard metal but sooooo perfect!

On 05 February 2004 (07:06 PM),
Meggles said:

For anyone who likes it a little freaky; hellooo!!??
NIN- I Wanna F*ck You Like an Animal

On 07 February 2004 (10:33 PM),
RockitMan said:

Remember the song that Jamie Lee Curtis stripped to in True Lies? “Alone In The Dark” by John Hiatt. Doesn’t get any better than that…

On 09 February 2004 (12:11 AM),
Kristi said:

The one song I always think of when thinking SEXY is….Baby Did A Bad Thing by Chris Issack you can’t go wrong with his voice!!!

On 10 February 2004 (03:41 PM),
telly said:

People, if you want a song to make you REALLY hot… go Canadian
New Messiah – by the Philosopher Kings
National Steel – by Colin James
Trust me… trust me

On 13 February 2004 (09:55 AM),
Cass said:

I absolutely love Norah Jones’ “Turn Me On”…amazing. I also really like “Turn your lights down low” by Bob Marley and Lauren Hill. They are slow and good for a more ‘romantic setting.’

On 14 February 2004 (09:06 AM),
B. said:

If you want some serious music then check out:
International Lover and Do Me Baby by Prince.

On 14 February 2004 (07:13 PM),
Mika said:

this is what gets me wet:

You Make Me Feel Good – Zombies
Lets Get It On – Jack Black
Double Team – Tenacious D
Venus In Furs – Velvet Underground
Creep – Radiohead
Lover – Van Morrison
Temptation – Tea Party
No More Good Guys – Skindive

On 15 February 2004 (10:12 PM),
talax said:

HOW has everyone forgotten Bump N Grind by R Kelly????? What about Freak’n You by Jodeci?

Other fantastic but unmentioned songs:
Govinda – move me slow
Govinda – falling from grace
LSG – My Body (ummmmm…yeah)
Tupac – Temptations

Other good choices:
Timberland & Magoo – Indecent Proposal
Metallica – Nothing else matters
Everlast – Put your lights on (it’s a nice, not too fast rhthym)
Gomez – Get Miles
Morcheeba – Big Calm
En Vogue – Giving him something he can feel

Truly Dirty Songs that still serve a purpose:
DJ Screw – Pussy, Weed & Alcohol
Twista – Get it wet
Too Short & Little Kim – Call Me
Akinyele – Put it in my mouth
Khia – My neck, my back
Lil Jon – Nothings Free (no purpose b/c it’s about prostitution, but it still has a really nice beat)

On 18 February 2004 (06:08 PM),
val_lilstar said:

well nine inch nails fuck you like an animal is super antisexy (yack!)
britney spears i’m a slave for u is sexy altough
kumbala bar by maldita vecindad (try it)
britney spears boys
baby boy by beyonce

that’s all =(^ ^)=

On 21 February 2004 (09:13 AM),
Bullworth said:

If this hasn’t been mentioned, if you like R&B at all, there is no song you will EVER hear that can top Maxwell’s “Til the Cops Come Knockin’.” Nothing else comes close.

On 21 February 2004 (09:52 AM),
Bullworth said:

I forgot to add to the stripper gals that “Tip the Cops Come Knockin'” is perfect for that purpose. I’ve done it for my ladies, and it KILLS. Also, R. Kelly has a song called “Strip for You” that is pretty steamy. Go for yours!

On 22 February 2004 (07:17 PM),
karla said:

Ludacris has some hot songs to get down to, a few are “Keep it on the Hush,” “Splash Waterfalls” and “Whats your Fantasy.” Other favorites are “Doin’ It” By LL Cool J and “Fucking you Tonite” by Notorious B.I.G

On 24 February 2004 (09:10 PM),
some girl said:

“Girl you really got me now”~ Van Halen
it’s not bad…but “Pour some sugar on me” by Def Leopard is great.

On 25 February 2004 (03:09 AM),
sassyone said:

sweet songs:
Angel Eyes – Jeff Healey Band
Anytime – Bryan McKnight
Baby It’s You – Jesse Powell
Crazy Love – aaron Neville
In Your Eyes – Peter Gabriel
My Valentine – Martina McBride
The One – Gary Allan (country)
When You Say Nothing at all – allison krauss

sexy songs:
colorblind – counting crows (duh)
Damn I wish I was your lover – sophie b hawkins
Don’t Cry Tonight – Guns n Roses
Fortunate – Maxwell
Girl, You’ll Be A Woman Soon – pulp fiction soundtrack
Just Let Me Be In Love – Tracy Byrd (country)
Kiss the Rain – Billie Myers
Kissing You – Desree (Romeo & Juliet ST)
Lately – Tyrese
So Anxious, In those Jeans (remix) – Genuwine
Suga Suga – Baby Bash
Sweetest Sin – Jessica Simpson
This Womans Work – Maxwell
Wild Horses – ?
Bryan Adams anything

Sexy Alternative Songs
Hemorrhage – Fuel
Hear You Me – Jimmy Eat World
Ever See You Again – Lenny Kravitz
Little Heaven – Toad the Wet Sproaket (Buffy the Vampire Slayer – THE MOVIE)
Letting the Cables Sleep – Bush
Six Underground – Sneaker Pimps
Somewhere Out There – Our Lady Peace
Superman – Eminem

On 25 February 2004 (02:50 PM),
codejess said:

Marivin Gaye “Let’s Get It On”
Rufus Wainwright “Instant Pleasure”
Norah Jones “Turn Me On”
Solomon Burke “Cry to Me”
Tito and Tarantula “After Dark”
Ravel “Bolero”
Elvis “Little Sister”
Elvis “I Got Stung”
Elvis “Burnin’ Love”
Jonny Cash “Ring of Fire”
George Strait “One Night at a Time”
George Strait “The Fireman”
George Strait “Overnight Male”

Those are the top sex songs that I can think off.

On 26 February 2004 (10:36 PM),
emily said:

if your looking for a song that makes you feel sexy and powerful(women)… these two do it for me.

Shocking Blue – Venus
Tom Jones – Shes a Lady

On 26 February 2004 (10:36 PM),
emily said:

if your looking for a song that makes you feel sexy and powerful(women)… these two do it for me.

Shocking Blue – Venus
Tom Jones – Shes a Lady

On 26 February 2004 (10:37 PM),
emily said:

if your looking for a song that makes you feel sexy and powerful(women)… these two do it for me.

Shocking Blue – Venus
Tom Jones – Shes a Lady

On 26 February 2004 (10:37 PM),
emily said:

if your looking for a song that makes you feel sexy and powerful(women)… these two do it for me.

Shocking Blue – Venus
Tom Jones – Shes a Lady

On 27 February 2004 (02:00 AM),
Miranda said:

I am currently compiling a “sexy cd” and the first to go on it was the cover of “Wonderwall” by Ryan Adams…acoustic, completely beautiful and sensual- an already wonderful song but made especially sexy by Adams. Please check it out.

On 28 February 2004 (02:54 PM),
Megan said:

the hunter gets captured by the game – Massive attack ft. Tracy Thorn ( batman forever sndtrk)
talk dirty to me – poison
milk – garbage
comedown – bush
hungry like the wolf ( i like the reel big fish live version for a little sexual comedy)
candy- presidents of the USA
the sun – maroon 5
home – dream theater (turn it up loudly at 8:00 min exactly…now that’s an orgasm.)
whatever lola wants – sarah vaughan
since i fell for you (1962 version) – dinah washington
short skirt, long jacket – cake …maybe
berekeke – woman on top soundtrack
let’s do it all over again – stroke 9

On 29 February 2004 (02:29 PM),
Melissa said:

two super good sexual songs are “chocolate” and “Is this real” by lisa hall. “Is this real” is from the soundtrack to practical magic. Its such a good song. Another good one is “Glory Box” by portishead, which i think was already mentioned, same with Colorblind by counting crows. One by ben harper called “excuse me mr” has really good rhythm that makes your body move. Lastly there is a song by sublime, called “waiting for my ruca” really slow with awesome bass. Enjoy!

On 01 March 2004 (04:09 PM),
Denise said:

Sorry if this is a repeat – but ‘Sharing the Night Together’ by Dr. Hook is a great one.

On 01 March 2004 (05:59 PM),
kax said:

toxic– britney… a definate
temptation– tes party… this song seems to have an amazing effect on some
push it– garbage… mm mm mm
alive– pod…

if you want some good ideas watch queer as folk.. gays have the best taste in “sexy”

On 05 March 2004 (10:00 AM),
emma said:

lil luis- french kiss
lil kim- how many licks
michael jackson- dirty diana
any my bloody valentine
pixies- tame
the johnny cash and depeche mode versions of “own personal jesus”
missy elliot’s pass the dutch
them- gloria and mystic eyes
beatles- come together

On 05 March 2004 (10:00 AM),
emma said:

lil luis- french kiss
lil kim- how many licks
michael jackson- dirty diana
any my bloody valentine
pixies- tame
the johnny cash and depeche mode versions of “own personal jesus”
missy elliot’s pass the dutch
them- gloria and mystic eyes
beatles- come together

On 05 March 2004 (10:21 AM),
Nala said:

Here is my list. Some songs are just sweet, these, IMHO, are SEXY

Maxwell – Till the Cops Come Knockin’ & This Woman’s Work
D’Angelo – Untitled (How Does it Feel?)
Janet – Anytime, Anyplace
Shai – Yours (not to be confused with Baby, I’m Yours also by Shai)
Jodeci – Freakin’ U
Counting Crows – Colorblind
Goo Goo Dolls – Iris
Faith Evans – Kissing You (from “Waiting to Exhale Sdtk”)
Boyz II Men – I’ll Make Love to You
Usher – Nice and Slow
Lauryn Hill – Nothing Even Matters (w/D’Angelo) and Ex-Factor (sexiest break up song ever)
Chris Isaak – Wicked Game and Baby did a bad, bad thing (of course)
Aaliyah – Rock the Boat
LL Cool J – Doin’ It
R. Kelly – the entire 12 Play CD!
Almost anything sung by Prince or Sade

On 06 March 2004 (03:22 PM),
Shannon said:

This site has been so helpful!
By contributions:
*Cheap Trick- “I Want You to Want Me”
*Damien Rice- “Cannonball”
*The Darkness- “I Believe in a Thing Called Love”
*Better Than Ezra- “Desparately Wanting”
*N.E.R.D.- “She Wants to Move”
*The Steve Miller Band- “The Joker”

On 10 March 2004 (06:33 AM),
Zizi (Brazil) said:

NIN – Closer
Pixies – Where is my mind
Portishead – Glory Box
Korn – Adidas
Pj Harvey – Down by the Water

On 10 March 2004 (03:14 PM),
Lamia said:

Somehow, you ALL managed to miss Godsmack’s “Voodooo”…God, the bass alone…

On 10 March 2004 (04:24 PM),
J.D. Roth said:

Another good one, found while searching for 80s songs: “So Alive” by Love and Rockets. This song is lustful.

On 11 March 2004 (10:31 AM),
Naftey said:

ok, I’m building a sexy cd and heres my list for your viewing pleasure
[some songs taken from suggestions from here, thanks dudes]
not in proper order yet:
-Ani DiFranco-Both Hands
-Benny Benassi-I love my Sex
-Bright Eyes-Lover I dont have to Love
-DMB-Tonight Lets Be Lovers
-Drill-What You Are
-The Cult-Painted On My Heart
-Hawksley Workman-Striptease
-Kylie Minogue-Slow
-Metric-Love is a Place
-Placebo-Pure Morning
-Britney Spears-Touch Of My Hand or Breath On Me
-Deftones-no ordinary love
-chris isaak-wicked game

On 12 March 2004 (08:26 AM),
alyse said:

danzig-she rides
silverchair-satin sheets
rob zombie-feel so numb
rob zombie-living dead girl
the doors-five to one
jack off jill-angels fuck
led zeppelin-i cant quit you baby
led zeppelin-black dog
fiona apple-criminal
marylin manson-sweet dreams

On 12 March 2004 (01:23 PM),
Jackie said:

“Butta Love” by Next on Rated Next album

On 14 March 2004 (04:11 PM),
tania said:

a few of these will be repeats, i am sure.
1. you give me fever. i forgot who sings this, though.
2. foo fighters – everlong
3. peaches – fuck the pain away (of course!)
4. incubus – stellar
5. soft cell – tainted love
6. massive attack – risingson
7. kevin shields – city girl
8. radiohead – there there
9. the international noise conspiracy – smash it up [the rhythm!!!]
10. arab strap – love detective [ohhh the voice!]

On 14 March 2004 (05:28 PM),
Sexie Swan said:

alrite ppls thanks keep it coming… thanks to everyone i am gettin the best sexy music on the planet, keep up the good work… and add these to your list:

“goodnight moon” – shivaree
“who makes u feel” – dido
“i need to know” – marc antony
“stop falling” – pink
“i shall believe” – sheryl crow
“love song”, “fallen” and “bread and water” – sheila nicholls
“take me with you” – kylie minogue
“anything for you” – snow, beenie man, buju banton
“what’s it gonna be” – en vogue
“she will be loved” and “shiver” – maroon 5
“milkshake” – kelis
“nookie” – jackie-o
“marathon” – kelis (WOW)
“moist vagina” – nirvana
“yeah” – usher, ludacris, lil jon
“hot and wet” – 112, ludacris
“splash waterfalls” – ludacris
“naughty girl” – beyonce
“come get some” – tlc, lil jon, youngbloodz
“if u want it to be good girl” – bsb (sorry if i stickin in boy bands but this is good)

if u wanna hear sum spanish reggae check out “para la chica” and “seduceme” (one word) by big boy, anything relly but those r de 2 best

check out ANYTHING by billy ocean (btw he is from my country trinidad and tobago) esp “suddenly”

ANYTHING by chantal kreviazuk esp “surrounded” and “in this life”

xavier naidoo my faves are “bevor du gehst” and “wo willst du hin”… he is german but he has sum english songs… such as “i’d be waiting”… his voice is amazing

anything by TIZIANO FERRO (he’s italian but there are also french, spanish and english versions of many of his songs) esp “rosso relativo”, “perdono” (particularly the remixes), “perverso”, “boom boom” (rel hot – italian song but english chorus)

and if anyone doubts that rock music can be sexy, get the highly-recommened nine inch nails – closer (aka fuck u like an animal)…

and if u want an ANTI-sexy song… get nirvana’s “where did u sleep last nite” (ouch)

i’m jus an 18yr old girl so i dont know if your taste will vary but i’m sure everyone has GOT to find something they like in this ensemble. anyone who appreciates my advice lemme know, email me at

peace luv & “other indoor sports” :)

On 14 March 2004 (08:00 PM),
Betsy said:

OK, I think these are all new to the list:

Bonnie Raitt – Gnawin’ On It
Bonnie Raitt – Monkey Business
John Lee Hooker – In The Mood
Solomon Burke – Fast Train
Elvis Costello – I Want You
Chaka Khan – Tell Me Something Good
Barry White – Can’t Get Enough of Your Love Baby
The Roots – The Seed
Lucinda Williams – Essence

On 15 March 2004 (08:24 AM),
J.D. said:

This is a test. I just installed a new spam filter on this site. I’d hate to have it disallow comments to my most popular thread!


This thread is about sexy songs. It features words such as sex, fuck, booty, kiss, lick, sexy, and more.

On 16 March 2004 (12:17 AM),
SeXy_LiPs said:

Come on everyone do u really want ur partner to get SEXXY on u… I DO. Well try and seduce em by playing this song, its R&B… Avant – Makin good love & Avant – Read ur mind.. U hav to get em.. At the sound of it i go crazy it drives me wild.. TUrNs Me ON, too much!!! I start to crave for SEX.. Its that GOOD!

On 16 March 2004 (06:20 PM),
krys said:

I don’t think anyone has mentioned these yet:

Yellow and Clocks by Coldplay
I Miss You by Incubus
It’s Been Awhile by Staind
For You by Duncan Sheik
SpottieOttieDopaliscious by Outkast
I’m With You by Avril Lavigne
Cupid by Babyface ft. 112
One Call Away by Chingy
Come Close to Me by Common ft. Mary J. Blige
He is by Heather Headley
Irresistible by Jessica Simpson
Why Can’t I? by Liz Phair
Figured You Out and Someday by Nickelback
Smooth by Santana ft. Rob Thomas
Until by Sting
I Want You by Thalia ft. Fat Joe
Are You Strong Enough to Be My Man? by Sheryl Crow
No Better Love by Young Gunz
Breathe by Blu Cantrell ft. Sean Paul

anything by Dashboard Confessional especially Hands Down, Screaming Infidelities, and So Beautiful
anything by Norah Jones especially Don’t Know Why, Come Away With Me, and Day is Done
anything by Dave Matthews especially #41, Crash, Say Goodbye, and Stay

On 20 March 2004 (01:17 PM),
~Cherry~ said:

these are also good !!!

“Chocolate”, “Slow” and really any song from Kylie Minogue’s album “body language”.
“Blow my mind”- Robyn
“Here in my room”- Incubus (from their new CD)
“Purple (Sasha V)”- Gus Gus ( if you like techno, this has a good beat)

On 21 March 2004 (01:05 PM),
Cait said:

I’ve taken a lot of suggestions from this thread and I was not disappointed. Thanks :)

My contributions:

Tears for Fears – Woman in Chains
Enigma – Mea Culpa
Mighty Bop – Sex, Sea and Fleurs
Jesse Cook – Virtue
Delerium – Firefly
Damien Rice – Delicate
Damien Rice – Blowers Daughter
Damien Rice – Cold Water
just about anything by Depeche Mode
Mediaeval Baebes – the Sour Grove (check out what the lyrics tranlate to)
Bjork – Generous Palmstroke
Led Zeppelin – Black Dog
Led Zeppelin – Dazed and Confused (both Zep songs are very good to strip to also)
Afterlife – Cry (Brown Bear Remix)

a lot more, but those are just to start with

On 21 March 2004 (07:07 PM),
mary said:

Two that I can’t believe haven’t made the lists…

Lucinda Williams — Essence (anyone who is turned on by chris isaak’s wicked games or mazzy star’s fade into you really needs to check this one out)

Peter Gabriel — Blood of Eden

On 21 March 2004 (07:07 PM),
mary said:

Two that I can’t believe haven’t made the lists…

Lucinda Williams — Essence (anyone who is turned on by chris isaak’s wicked games or mazzy star’s fade into you really needs to check this one out)

Peter Gabriel — Blood of Eden

On 26 March 2004 (07:27 PM),
ashley said:

hey, i’m not a micheal jackson fan cause he’s weird, but you CAN NOT TELL ME “DIRTY DIANA” does not make you just filled with passion!!!

On 27 March 2004 (04:24 PM),
Lauren said:

Hey guys this song is unbelievable……

R Kelly- Naked

it’s a gentle song so if your in a dirty mood this won’t work

On 28 March 2004 (01:01 AM),
Danna said:

black velvet- Alannah Myles
against all odds- Mariah Carey
natural woman
come away with me- Norah Jones
you belong to me-Lifehouse
she’s got the look-Roxette
1000 oceans-Tori Amos
Love bites-Def leppard
I’ll stand by you- Pretenders
Romeo and juliet- Dire Straits
Iris- GooGooDolls
Angel-Fiona apple
Hey pretty-Poe
Sad eyes-Bruce springstean

On 29 March 2004 (12:16 AM),
ILoveJD said:

i fu*king love BILLY IDOL’s song “Cradle of Love”. It makes me so hot!

ps. great songs everyone

On 04 April 2004 (01:13 PM),
jelly said:

Reactor – Feeling The Love is really really really hottt!!! CHECK IT OUT . Believe me!!

On 05 April 2004 (07:18 AM),
J.D. said:

I recently found what is, to me, the sexiest song in the world. This is from Jem’s new album, Finally Woken. This album is an outstanding mix of pop, trip-hop, and even a bit of jazz. And this song is so damn sexy. Just look at the lyrics!

Come on Closer
by Jem

Come on closer
I wanna show you
What I’d like to do
You sit back now
Just relax now
I’ll take care of you

Hot temptations
Sweet sensations
Infiltrating through
Sweet sensations
Hot temptations
Coming over you

Gonna take it slow babe
Do it my way
Keep your eyes on me
Your reaction
To my action
Is what I want to see

Rhythmic motion
Raw emotion
Infiltrating through
Sweet sensations
Hot temptations
Coming over you

And now you’re satisfied
A twinkle in your eye
Go to sleep for ten
And anticipating
I will be waiting
For you to wake again

Hot temptations
Sweet sensations
Infiltrating through
Sweet sensations
Hot temptations
Coming over you

[When you wake up we’ll
do it all again]
[When you wake up]
[When you wake up we’ll
do it all again]
[When you wake up]

Hour after hour
of sweet pleasure
After this I guarantee
you’ll never wanna leave
Shut your eyes and think about
what I’m about to do
Sit back relax I’ll take my time
this lovin’s all for you

Zowie! That song works like magic.

Also check out “Breathe” by Telepopmusik…

On 06 April 2004 (06:55 PM),
scrappypickles said:

dave matthews… some devil
rolling stones… wild horses
dispatch… out loud

good stuff… very good… if you like that laid back, romantic kinda thing…

On 10 April 2004 (07:01 AM),
t-dot-trini said:

Not sure if this one was mentioned….but “Angel” from Massive Attack is definitely one of the sexiest songs I’ve ever heard. Had the great pleasure of several perform to this song in Blue Rose in Ibiza….will NEVER forget that…..

On 10 April 2004 (09:15 AM),
candngrl said:

Sorry if any of these songs are repeats, but I’m sure some of them will be…
Joe~peep show
Janet Jackson~Would you mind–>this song will have you naked before it’s done ;)
Keith Sweat~I’m not ready
Dave Matthews Band~lover lay down
Avant~read your mind
Usher~nice and slow
Tupac~thug n u thug n me
DJ Alligator Project~suck on your lollipop–>if you haven’t heard this song before, then I highly recommend listening to it…we’ll just say, that the song is not talking about candy…very hot lyrics!!
Glenn Lewis ft Kardinal Official~Back for more–> *sings* I feel your legs trembling, wrapped around me…wrapped around meeeeeeee!!

On 10 April 2004 (04:31 PM),
pssycat said:

Man oh man! what an awesome list of songs posted!! So many of my favs; ones that make me absolutely melt!
Thought I’d add in a few of my own, some that I don’t see on the list (or maybe I just missed them):
**Note-some of these songs I just listed b/c they have a nice slow groove to them, to…well… you know…set the tempo a bit ;)

Stereophonics-A Minute Longer
Jack Johnson-Fortunate Fool
Madonna-Human Nature
Keith Sweat-Come Into My Bedroom
The Flys-Got You Where I Want You
Prince-Purple Rain
Bob Marley & The Wailers-Waiting In Vain

and for a really dirty song with GREAT lyrics, and very different from my other suggestions:
KISS-Lick It Up

On 11 April 2004 (03:28 PM),
AlexDJ said:

I actually made a cd whit the most sexiest songs i found… and works great, u know if u want to get lucky whit someone (if u know what i mean) the track list is… some of them have been listed before, but all are really good stuff ;)

01.- Glen Lewis – Fall Again – Very romantic to start whit the kisses and touchin’
02.- B2K – Gots Ta Be – Kinda sweet and sexy
03.- Christina Aguilera – Loving Me 4 Me – Damn Hot Voice!!! and very nice lyrics
04.- Isyss – Single For The Rest Of My Life – so its kinda heartbreaking, but its nice and slow, very sexy to show true feelings
05.- Tyrese – What Am I Gonna Do – If u whisper this song to your girl… well try it and u’ll see
06.- Moby – Porcelain – I wasnt sure of this at first… mainly for the lyrics, but… the music is so sexy and its kinda a bridge
07.- Dru Hill – I Should Be Your Boyfriend (Steps) – Well the music is kinda bassy very sexy
08.- Craig David – Seven Days – kinda pop, but the guitar sounds exciting…
09.- Ginuwine – In Those Jeans – HOT HOT HOT
10.- Isyss – No Na Na – its about waiting… but i bet u it wont
11.- Alicia Keys – Slow Down – Well those songs are about waiting, but the waiting only makes want it more, dont ya think?
12.- Monica – Down 4 Whatever – And finally we got when everybody are down 4 whatever ;)
13.- Destiny’s Child – Temptation – Should u fall into temptations?
14.- Britney Spears – Breath On Me – well… shes hot, and the song has a little more beat than the other songs… but its sexy
15.- Toni Braxton – Maybe – DAMN HOT
16.- Avant – Making Good Love – Well the title says all
17.- Usher – Nice And Slow – Just take it nice and slow
18.- Toni Braxton – Makin’ Me High – we are almost there ;P
19.- Janet Jackson – Would You Mind – Orgasmic!

thats it… and remember the music its just a complement, the most important thing is the attitude… if you feel sexy, everything around u will be SEXY! ;)

On 17 April 2004 (10:14 PM),
Laura said:

Depeche Mode all the way!!! Stripped—I Feel You–World in my Eyes—Enjoy the Silence–Hell, the whole Violator album. So many others…not enought time…. Also, the soundtrack to Lost Highway……

On 25 April 2004 (09:07 PM),
mary said:

This list inspired me to make an “in the mood” cd: here’s my list

I’m on fire (Springsteen — how is this not on anyone’s list?)
essence (lucinda williams)
secret world (peter gabriel)
crush (dmb)
when doves cry (prince)
criminal (fiona apple)
sweet surrender (sarah mclaughlan)
blood of eden (peter gabriel)
porcelain (moby)
justify my love (madonna)
breathe on me (britney)

On 01 May 2004 (01:12 AM),
Jina said:

I Like the Way She Moves – Chris Isaak
Stuck in the Middle with You – Steeler Wheel
Sea of Love – Tom Waits (how is he not on here?)
Eau D’Bedroom Dancing – Le Tigre
Let’s Get Flat – Jimmie’s Chicken Shack
Aquaneous Transmission – Incubus
I Want You – Third Eye Blind
Colorblind – Counting Crows
Seven Nation Army – White Stripes
Pink – Aerosmith
I’m on Fire – Bruce Springsteen
Baby I Love Your Ways – Peter Frampton
I Think I’m Paranoid – Garbage

okay, most of these aren’t necissarily lovey type songs or have great lyrics, but the beats are insanely hot.

On 02 May 2004 (07:34 PM),
Kris said:

Just a few I didn’t notice but are soooooooo HOT!!!!!!
Twork it out-Usher
Sweet love-112
Lick u up and down-silk
My body- Keith Sweat
How do I say- Usher (his voice is soo sexy wooo)

On 16 May 2004 (05:12 PM),
Zulu said:

These songs either haven’t been mentioned or haven’t been mentioned enough.

Serge Gainsbourg -Je t’aime
Justin Timberlake – Cry me a River
Barry White – Practice what you preach
Boyz II Men – I’ll make love to you
Spice Girls (Don’t laugh) – 2 become 1
Dru Hill – How deep is your love
Freddie Jackson – Rock me tonight
Ginuwine – Pony And In those Jeans
LL Cool J – Doin It, Hey Lover and Who do you love
Prince – Purple Rain, Little Red Corvette, The most Beautiful girl in the world and Nothing compares to you
R Kelly – Bumb and Grind, Ignition (not the remix), 12 play and Your Body’s calling me
TLC – Red light Special

On 18 May 2004 (09:26 PM),
Darryl said:

I have not seen anyone post one of the all-time classics “Come and Get Your Love” by Native American 70’s band Redbone. Caution: Not for use by those who have been told they have a heart condition or high blood pressure. Use at your own risk.

On 20 May 2004 (01:37 AM),
J. said:

Some new ones that belong to the “how’s that those aren’t here” list:

Rolling Stones – Paint It Black
Leonard Cohen – I’m Your Man
Lenny Kravitz – Beyond the 7th Sky
Edwyn Collins – A Girl Like You
Roots – The Seed 2.0
Nancy Sinatra – These Boots Are Made For Walking
Boy George – The Crying Game (!!)
WASP – Wild Child ;-)

some not-so-famous ones:
Morphine – You Look Like Rain
Spike – Be Here Now
Dalbello – Gonna Get Close To You

surprise bonus – ever heard Sammy Hagar sing “Back Into You”?

On 21 May 2004 (07:01 PM),
delta said:

Edwin McCain – The promise of you

On 22 May 2004 (04:15 PM),
Emily said:

Another great one is ‘Time of the Seasons’ by The Zombies. just the beat gives me chills.

On 24 May 2004 (06:24 AM),
Yoda said:

Afternoon Delight
by The Starland Vocal Band

Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight
gonna grab some afternoon delight.
My motto’s always been; when it’s right, it’s right.
Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night.
When everything’s a little clearer in the light of day.
And you know the night is always gonna be there any way.

Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight.

Thinkin’ of you’s workin’ up my appetite
looking forward to a little afternoon delight.
Rubbin’ sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite
and the thought of rubbin’ you is getting so exciting.

Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight.

Started out this morning feeling so polite
I always though a fish could not be caught who wouldn’t bite
But you’ve got some bait a waitin’ and I think I might try nibbling
a little afternoon delight.

Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight.

Please be waiting for me baby when I come around.
We could make a lot of lovin’ ‘for the sun goes down.

Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight.

On 04 June 2004 (10:26 PM),
Wingsofhope said:

well i have a few sexy songs..

What would happen- Meredith Brooks
Is this real?- Lisahall
#1 crush- Garbage
Dont let go- En Vogue
Oops oh my- Tweet

On 08 June 2004 (09:02 PM),
Mandy said:

This is a sexy Combo of songs, Just use this and everyone will be in the mood.
2.Changing Faces, He’s Mine
4.Joe-Love Scence
5.Please Don’t Go-Immature
6.EnVogue-Giving Him Something He can Feel
8.Usher-Can You handle it
9.Giunuwine-I’ll do anything/I’m Sorry
10.Don’t say no-Avant

On 18 June 2004 (05:49 AM),
Michael said:

Do Me Baby, by Prince

On 23 June 2004 (11:39 AM),
Valerie Peterson said:

Oh so hot songs*

Bjork- Army of Me
(this song will make you want to take your clothes off and get dirty!!)
Led Zeppelin- Dazed and Confused
Van Morrison- Moondance
Bush- When it all comes down
Nine Inch Nails (NIN)- closer
NIN- theperfect drug
Brittany Spears- Everytime
Fiona Apple- Criminal
Deftones- Change
Damien Rice- Volcano
N.E.R.D- SHe wants to move
Deftones- No Ordinary Love

On 06 July 2004 (02:01 PM),
Lady Jayne said:

Here is my CD of sexy songs that makes me melt:

Hey Sexy Lady – Shaggy
#1 Crush – Garbage
Crimson & Clover – The Pretenders (best version)
Aerosmith – Pink
Cream – Prince
Say Goodbye – Dave Matthews Band
Sugar Sugar – Frankie J
Peaches & Cream – P Diddy
Ecstasy – Rusted Root
Return to Innocence – Enigma
Darling Nikki – Foo Fighters
Bump N Grind – R Kelly
Baby did a bad, bad thing – Chris Isaak
Fallin – Alicia Keys

Anything by Enigma or Evanescence.

On 30 July 2004 (10:40 AM),
Miss Tina said:

These are just a few of what I consider to be some of the sexiest, mostly unheard music out there…

The Way We Met – Morphine
I Got It Bad (And That Ain’t good) – Nina Simone
Whipping Boy – Ben Harper
All Blues – Miles Davis
I’m Blue – The Ikettes
Fuck The Pain Away – Peaches
Phone Went West – Morphine
You’ve Got Cum In Your Hair and Your Dick Is Sticking Out – Palace Music
Lovely Head – Goldfrapp
Reaction – Bob Marley
I Got It Bad and That Ain’t Good – Nina Simone
Mezzanine – Massive Attack
Wild Woman Have The Blues – Ida Cox

On 30 July 2004 (10:41 AM),
Miss Tina said:

These are just a few of what I consider to be some of the sexiest, mostly unheard music out there…

The Way We Met – Morphine
I Got It Bad (And That Ain’t good) – Nina Simone
Whipping Boy – Ben Harper
All Blues – Miles Davis
I’m Blue – The Ikettes
Fuck The Pain Away – Peaches
Phone Went West – My Morning Jacket
You’ve Got Cum In Your Hair and Your Dick Is Sticking Out – Palace Music
Lovely Head – Goldfrapp
Reaction – Bob Marley
I Got It Bad and That Ain’t Good – Nina Simone
Mezzanine – Massive Attack
Wild Woman Have The Blues – Ida Cox

On 21 August 2004 (12:48 PM),
elle said:

Good ones so for. Here are some more that nobody has said yet:

N.E.R.D – Lapdance (how has nobody mentioned this?)
Mase feat. Total – Tell me What you Want
Missy Elliot – Hot Boyz
Janet Jackson – Don’t Stop (All Nite)
Justin Timberlake and Timberland – What You Got (Oh no)
Dido – Here with me

and a little techno:
Mousse T. vs Hot N Juicy – Horny
Kristine W. – Some lovin’

On 27 August 2004 (06:12 AM),
Lereaux said:

What a fucking awesome list! Mostof these have been mentioned but I feel the need to reiterate…

Cry to Me – Solomon Burke (oh yeah….)
Son of a Preacher man – oldie but a fucking goodie
MArvin Gaye – get it on
Turn me on – Norah Jones
Je `Taime moi non plus – serge et al

Actually anything by Solomon Burke ;)

On 24 September 2004 (04:07 PM),
GOD said:

Air “Sexy Boy”
Peaches “Fuck the pain away”
Herbalizer “Sensual Woman”
Mandalay “Insensible”
Massive Attack “Dissolved girl”
Marvin Gaye “Sexual healing”
Don’t know the artist “All in your hands”
Barry White “i’m gonna love you just a little more”
Kings of convenience ” I don’t know what i can save Y”
Joy Division “Love will tear us apart”
Avril Lavigne “I’m with you”
David Gray “Sail Away”
Air “Venus”
Mandaly “Enough love”

On 02 October 2004 (04:12 AM),
Insomnia said:

Garbage – #1 Crush
Madonna – Erotica
Madonna – Justify My Love
Toni Braxton – You’re Making Me High
Jennifer Lopez – Come Over
Britney Spears – Breath On Me
Britney Spears – I’m A Slave 4 U
Janet Jackson – All Night
Janet Jackson – Anytime, Anyplace

On 13 October 2004 (08:10 PM),
Leslie said:

i haven”t seen anyone mention Adina Howards NASTY GRIND,gotta check it out ppl!!!!!

On 17 October 2004 (11:37 PM),
Guava said:

“Confession” by Supafuzz is the sexiest song ever (I get goosepimples thinking about it…)

On 18 October 2004 (08:45 AM),
J.D. said:

I don’t get it. What’s so sexy about #1 Crush by Garbage?

On 27 October 2004 (02:47 AM),
kbilly said:

Theres been a few Maxwell songs listed but if your after slow smooth sounds then look no further than:

Maxwell – “Ascension (Don’t ever wonder)”

Don’t doubt me… just get it.

On 02 December 2004 (05:00 PM),
Michael said:

Here are some extremely sexy songs,
I hope you enjoy the list, although some songs have already been mentioned, there it goes:
1. Marvin Gaye – Let’s Get It On
2. Marvin Gaye – Sexual Healing
3. Brian Ferry – Slave to Love
4. Huey Lewis and Gwyneth Paltrow – Cruisin’
5. The Temptations – Just My Imagination

what do you think about them?


On 02 December 2004 (05:00 PM),
Michael said:

Here are some extremely sexy songs,
I hope you enjoy the list, although some songs have already been mentioned, there it goes:
1. Marvin Gaye – Let’s Get It On
2. Marvin Gaye – Sexual Healing
3. Brian Ferry – Slave to Love
4. Huey Lewis and Gwyneth Paltrow – Cruisin’
5. The Temptations – Just My Imagination

what do you think about them?


On 07 December 2004 (05:02 PM),
Christie said:

I can’t believe I’m halfway through this and no one’s mentioned “Mad About You” by Sting…it’s so hot!!!! and as much as I can’t stand Britney, “I’m a Slave for You” is yummy.

On 07 December 2004 (05:11 PM),
Christie said:

Oh, and “Kasmir” by Zepplin would get anyone hot

On 13 December 2004 (10:33 PM),
Rhonda said:

Why hasnt anyone mentioned “NOBODY” by Keith Sweat……it makes me hot thats for sure!!!

On 13 December 2004 (11:27 PM),
Gretchen said:

I have a couple that I’d like to add…

Only You by Ashanti (very hot!!)
Believe in Me by Lenny Kravitz

and I can’t believe it, but I don’t think anyone has mentioned either of these songs by Janet Jackson (from All For You album)… When We Ooooo, and Would You Mind… both VERY VERY hot hot hot songs! They make me wild!!

By the way, this is an AMAZING list of songs. Thanks to this list, I’ve compiled 5 (yes FIVE) cd’s with all sexy songs on them! Thanks for all your input!

On 14 December 2004 (12:05 AM),
Gretchen said:

Oops, almost forgot to mention a couple metal songs. Remember these from the 80’s?? I think they’re both HOT!

Naughty Naughty by Danger Danger
Can’t Get Enuff by Winger

On 28 December 2004 (09:04 PM),
cool claire said:

anything by mazzy star, enigma & massive attack

On 09 January 2005 (08:17 PM),
MeL said:

Britney Spears – Breathe On Me
Sarah McLachlan & Delerium – Silence
Jessica Simpson – Loving You

those are defenitly sexy!!!

On 26 January 2005 (12:18 AM),
Nisha said:

“Are You A Hypnotist” By the Flaming Lips
“Closer” By Nine Inch Nails

But the Flaming Lips album is just generally great to steam things up with!!

On 22 April 2005 (05:47 PM),
Yana said:

i think basically a lot of r&b is so sexy some of da songs r
half from a baby by r. kelly(r.kelly got all sexy songs)
bumb n grind by r.kelly
u already know by 112
and a lot more i cant remember

On 08 May 2005 (04:21 PM),
trish said:

Adina Howard – Buttnaked
This Love – (Cruel Intensions Soundtrack)
Jeff Buckley – Everybody Here Wants You
Maxwell – The Suite Theme
Morphine – You Look Like Rain
Portishead – Roads
Sarah McLachlan – I Love You and Angel
Wallflowers – Closer To You
Air – How Does It Make You Feel

On 11 May 2005 (01:42 AM),
Tad said:

ive heard some of those songs you speak of people must say mostly are damn good

but just to add
Despeche mode – Dirty
Paco Ibañes – concierto de Aranjuez
raul Di’blasio – vals para mimi
choplin – nocturne for violin and piano
Carlos Santana ft. Everlast – Turn your lights on
Heroes del Silencio – con nombre de guerra
Enrique Bunbury – Mundo Feliz
Miguel Bose – Si tu no vuelves
Cafe Tacuba – eres
Cartel de Santa – El Arte del Engaño
Rata Blanca – Mujer Amante (acustica)

the best one of those ive listed in my opinion is Eres of Cafe Tacuba of course all are good

On 23 May 2005 (12:45 PM),
Counsel said:

Sexual Healing by Marvin Gaye
Rev22:20 by puscifer
Sexual Dwarf by Soft Cell
Taste You by Auf Der Maur

On 23 May 2005 (12:49 PM),
Counsel said:

. . . and when a girl told me that I made her feel like the song:

Then I met you by the Proclaimers


On 16 June 2005 (05:16 PM),
Ms Lucy said:

These are my favourite sexy ones:

Undress Me Now by Morcheeba
Bedroom Dancing By Day One
What Would Happen… by Meredith Brooks
Wish I was Your Lover by Sophie B. Hawkins
Better Man by Martina Sorbara (really great!)
Secret by Madonna
Glory Box by Portishead
Bubblegun by Placebo
Velvet by A-Ha
You’re Making Me High by Toni Braxton

…and hundreds of others! Sexy songs are the best ;-)

On 16 June 2005 (05:50 PM),
Ms Lucy said:

Oh, I forgot about 2 great songs:

This Mess We’re In by Thom Yorke & PJ Harvey
and, of course!
I’m on Fire by Bruce Springsteen – sometimes I think it’s actually The Sexiest Song Ever


On 20 June 2005 (02:47 AM),
Kelsey said:

“Faded” by Soul Decision
“Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac
“Toxic” by Britney Spears (I have no excuse)
“Genie in a Bottle” by Christina Aguilera
“Baby, Come Over (This is our night)” by Samantha Mumba
“Waiting for Tonight” by Jennifer Lopez
“I Need to Know” by Ricky Martin
“Brown Skin” by India Arie
“Promises” by Savage Garden
“Die Another Day” and “Like a Virgin” by Madonna
“Discovery Channel” by Bloodhoundgang

Some of these are sweet and some are just sexy- I made an effort to only mention previously unmentioned songs, so sorry about any repeats!

On 25 June 2005 (08:36 PM),
Doesn’t Matter said:

Elvis version of Fever
Serge Gainsbourg – Requiem Por Un Con
Ghost of an American Airman – Honeychild (listen to the lyrics)
Leona Naess – Moon & I
Siesta in Granada (don’t know the artist)
Margo Guryan (many of her songs)

On 14 July 2005 (08:36 AM),
Holly said:

Here’s a list I should charge for: It’s not a preteen list, it’s not overplayed 80’s music. These are timeless, fresh and sexy songs. Songs that will make you feel amazing, even if you’re alone.

“Ai Du” by Ali Farka Toure
“I’ve got a cold feeling” by Albert Collins
“You can leave your hat on” by Joe Cocker
“My funny Valentine” by Chet Baker
“We’ll be together again” by Billy Holiday
“My one and only love” by John Hartman and John Coltrane
“Jesus to a child” George Michael
“The very thought of you” by Nat King Cole

On 15 July 2005 (11:17 PM),
some guy said:


On 18 July 2005 (07:37 AM),
scot said:

Backdoor Man,Little Red Rooster, Light My Fire, The End-The Doors
Gloria- Van Morrison/ The Doors
King Bee- Any blues singer ( I like the Grateful Dead version w/Pigpen Singing)
Midnight Hour-not sure, alot of people cover it
Star Fucker, Honky Tonk Woman, Beast of Burden- Rolling Stones
Lemon Song-Led Zepplin (or did they bite that from someone?)
FOXY LADY, Wild Thing, – Jimmi Hendrix
Shook me All Night Long- AC/DC
Pour Some Sugar on Me-Def Leppard
Paradise by the Dashboard Light
Ice Cream Man-Van Halen
Caress Me Down-Sublime
SOUL TO SQUEEZE, Suck my Kiss,-Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Crush-Dave Matthews Band
Sexual Healing-Marvin Gay
Lets Get it On-
Why Don’t we Get Drunk and Screw-Jimmy Buffett
Lick My Lovepump-Spinal Tap (also Sex Farm Woman)

there’s more, but only so much room, probly forgot some good ones….oh well

On 18 July 2005 (08:09 AM),
Scot said:

forgot about:
Stir it Up, Mellow Mood-Bob Marley
Red, Red Wine-UB 41

On 11 August 2005 (05:42 AM),
Z said:

Splash Waterfalls Remix by Ludacris. The unedited version of course…lol. I melt every time I listen to this song! It’s hottt

On 13 August 2005 (07:28 PM),
raphael_brazil said:

mostly eletronica mood

portishead – glory box
dee joy – trust me ******* REALLY WORTH GETTING!!
massive attack – dissolved girl
massive attack – Tear Drop
deftones – change
sneaker pimps – becoming x
sneaker pimps – bloodsport

On 19 August 2005 (04:02 PM),
dana said:

i cant believe people are forgetting Janet’s “That’s the way love goes” It’s incredibly sexy song! and also Faith Evan’s “I love you” also is very good.

On 16 September 2005 (01:19 AM),
CBizkit said:

Foo Fighters – Everlong
Cold – Superstar
A Perfect Circle – Judith (Renholder mix)
Deftones – Minerva
GodSmack – Voodoo
Faith No More – Evidence
Skunk Anansie – Secretly
Dave Gahan – Hold on

On 03 October 2005 (10:41 AM),
Cyra said:

Here’s a few more

Ache for you – Ben Lee
Smoke Baby – Hawksley Workman
Buckcherry – Lit Up
Mono – Silicone
Massive Attack & Portishead – Teardrop
Ain’t no sunshine – Al Green

Best Clam Chowder Ever

I found a good clam chowder recipe in Bon Appétit a couple of years ago. Though it’s not a creamy chowder, it’s the best clam chowder recipe that we’ve been able to find. The ingredients produce a rich, hearty clam chowder with a complex mingling of flavors. I’m making myself hungry just writing about it.

Skipjack’s Clam Chowder
from November 2000 Bon Appétit
with modifications by J.D. Roth

  • Three 8-oz bottles of clam juice
  • One pound russet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch chunks (resist the urge to use Yukon Gold potatoes)
  • Two tablespoons (1/4 stick) butter
  • Three slices bacon, finely chopped (I use thick, hammy deli bacon — use six slices of bacon if you’re using the thin, pre-packaged stuff)
  • Two cups chopped onions (about one large yellow onion)
  • Three stalks (about 1-1/4 cups) of celery with leaves, chopped
  • Five garlic cloves, minced
  • One bay leaf
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • Six 6-1/2 oz cans minced clams, drained, juices reserved (chopped clams are fine — I use minced because Kris doesn’t like large, rubbery clam chunks)
  • 1-1/2 cups half-and-half
  • One teaspoon hot pepper sauce (we use Tapatío, but you might prefer Tabasco)
  • Optional: 1/2 teaspoon hickory smoke salt (hard-to-find, but great flavor!)

At the top of my recipe card I’ve written, in bold: NOTE: Prepare ingredients before starting! Experienced, or quick, cooks can ignore this advice. I’m neither experienced nor quick. If I don’t prepare the ingredients before starting the chowder, it’s a disaster.

  1. Bring the bottled clam juice and potatoes to a boil in a medium saucepan over high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low. Cover and simmer until potatoes are tender (about ten minutes). Remove from heat.
  2. Melt butter in heavy large pot over medium heat. Add bacon and cook until bacon begins to brown (about 8-10 minutes). Add onions, celery, garlic, and bay leaf. Sauté until vegetables soften, about six minutes.
  3. Stir in flour and cook two minutes. Do not allow flour to brown.
  4. Gradually whisk in reserved juices from clams. Add potato mixture, calms, half-and-half, hickory smoke salt, and hot pepper sauce. Simmer chowder to blend flavors, stirring frequently.
  5. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  6. Chowder can be served after as few as ten minutes of simmering, or it can sit on the stove contentedly for hours.

This is a damn good clam chowder, and it re-heats well. I made a double batch yesterday, so we’ll be eating it for a week or two, but with no complaints.

I sometimes make biscuits to go with the meal.

Cracked Pepper Biscuits
from November 1998 Bon Appétit

  • Two tablespoons unsalted butter
  • Two tablespoons chopped fresh thyme (or, if you’re forgetful like me, you might use rosemary instead)
  • 1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper (this might stand increasing)
  • 1/2 cup chilled whole milk (I used half-and-half leftover from the chowder)
  • One large egg
  • Two cups unbleached all-purpose flour
  • One tablespoon baking powder
  • One teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup (1-1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into small pieces

Preparation is straight-forward, though it does require a food processor.

  1. Preheat the oven to 475 degrees.
  2. Melt two tablespoons butter in heavy small skillet over medium heat. Add thyme (or rosemary) and cracked black pepper. Sauté until fragrant (about two minutes).
  3. Transfer thyme mixture to small bowl. Whisk in milk, then egg. Cover and chill until mixture is cold.
  4. Blend flour, baking powder, and salt in food processor.
  5. Add 3/4 cup butter. Using on/off pulses, process until the mixture resembles coarse meal.
  6. Add cold milk mixture. Using on/off pulses, process until moist clumps begin to form.
  7. Transfer dough to a floured work surface. Knead until the dough holds together (about six turns).
  8. Roll out dough to 1/2-inch thickness. Using two-inch diameter biscuit or cookie cutter, cut out biscuits. Reroll dough scraps and cut out additional biscuits, making sixteen biscuits total.
  9. Transfer biscuits to large baking sheet. Bake until golden brown, about twelve minutes. Serve biscuits warm.

You might think, looking at these two recipes, that I’m a huge fan of Bon Appétit, which isn’t the case. I subscribed for a couple of years, and clipped interesting recipes, but generally I find the magazine to ad-centric for my tastes. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m now partial to Cook’s Illustrated.


On 04 January 2004 (12:30 PM),
J.D. Roth said:

Over the past several months, I’ve made some refinements to the clam chowder recipe. Here are the most important:

  • The recipe calls for one pound of potatoes. Two cups of potatoes (or about three medium russets) is close enough.
  • I use more bacon than the recipe calls for. I like five slices of thick bacon instead of three.
  • I’ve increased the amount of half-and-half from 1-1/4 cups to 2 cups, but this may actually decrease the intensity of the flavors, so be careful.
  • Note that when you fry the bacon in the butter, the bacon fat will become gummy and stick to the bottom of the pan. Do not be alarmed. When you add the veggies in the next step, their juices will wash the bottom of the pan clean.
  • I’m not sure why you’re not supposed to let the flour brown. Anyone know?
  • Try not to let the chowder boil.

I still make this chowder all the time, and can never get enough of it.

On 24 January 2005 (06:38 PM),
J.D. said:

Here’s an important note: the beginning of step four is the key to transforming this chowder from simple excellence to the status of Best Ever. I only just learned this technique a few weeks ago, when Kris read the recipe for the first time. She guided my hand and showed me how to develop a roux.

If, in step four, one adds the reserved juices just a bit at a time, whisking vigorously between additions, the stuff in the pot thickens and develops into a sort of paste. This is the roux (pronounced “rue”). And a thick, gooey roux will yield a thick, delicious chowder.

Actually, the taste is left unchanged; the chowder is just as good without attention to this step. But the texture is much more appealing, and worth the minimal effort to achieve.

More insights a year or two from now.

Peter Jackson’s Helm’s Deep

Note: died recently, and is gradually being reconstructed. This entry has moved. The 72 comments from before the move can be found here.

I saw Peter Jackson’s Helms Deep twice on Wednesday. Though I liked the film better the second time, I was still disappointed. Much of that disappointment is a result of baggage that I bring as an audience-member and not a result of Jackson’s filmmaking; nearly every other review I’ve read or heard has been glowing.

I was going to write a proper paragraph-based review with nice transitions, etc. etc. etc. but I’m not up to the effort. Instead I’m going to provide a review which uses lots of bullet points. Warning: spoilers ahead!

Please keep in mind that I do not hate Peter Jackson’s Helms Deep; I’m just disappointed by it. I was also disappointed by The Fellowship of the Ring last year, though I’ve warmed to it after multiple viewings. Most of my review focuses on the negative aspects of Helms Deep, but that’s only because all of the other reviews are glowing and you can read them to find out about all that is good about the film.

Here are some disappointing features shared by The Fellowship of the Ring and Peter Jackson’s Helms Deep:

Intrusive music
Howard Shore‘s score isn’t bad, but it’s omnipresent, and sometimes overwhelms the action on the screen. Maybe this is a problem with me as an audience member. Perhaps others like it. I don’t.
Moving camera
I was sick last year when I saw The Fellowship of the Ring. The always-moving camera made me feel even more nauseated. Peter Jackson (and his unit directors) don’t seem to have enough confidence in their framing to allow a simple static shot. The camera pans and sweeps and soars and zooms and never stays in one place for long. It’s dizzying.
Yes, elves are wispy and mystic. But these films play them in such a languorous fashion that they nearly put me to sleep whenever they appear. The elves speak s-l-o-w-l-y. They move s-l-o-w-l-y. It gives the intended other-worldly effect, but it also slows the pacing. Rivendell and Lothlorien are the two slow points in Fellowship. The Arwen/Elronod/Galadriel section slows Helms Deep. I’m not suggesting that these scenes should not be in the films, just that they should have been done differently.
Because The Lord of the Rings is a huge story, it’s impossible for Peter Jackson to put everything on the screen. It’s inevitable that some things have to be cut. Tom Bombadil? Yes, I love him, too, but he’s not essential to the story. However, I don’t understand why essential bits were cut (or glossed over): Galadriel’s gifts in Fellowship (which, fortunately, are restored in the extended DVD), Merry and Pippin’s experiences with the orcs, the Ents, etc. Merry and Pippin are give rather short shrift in Helms Deep, which is unfortunate.
My least favorite parts of these films are the battle sequences. The book has battle sequences, and they are integral to the story. I am not opposed to battle sequences, even long ones, if they are done well. The battle scenes in these films are not done well. They’re long and nonsensical. Jackson spends a lot of time establishing that the orcs, especially the Uruk-Hai, are threatening, yet when they enter combat, they’re surprisingly ineffective. They’re like Star Wars stormtroopers with swords instead of blasters. In Ewoks Attack, pint-sized teddy bears are able to take out trained battle troops with rocks. In both Fellowship of the Ring and Helms Deep, Merry and Pippin take about trained battle troops with rocks. We’re supposed to find these villains threatening?

Here are my specific comments regarding Peter Jackson’s Helms Deep:


  • Despite the movie’s three hour length, things felt rushed. Important plot points are glossed over in favor of the epic final battle scene.
  • Some plot points, especially those related to the battle sequences, are ludicrous. From the sheer stupid:
    • Where do Merry and Pippin get the stones that they throw while perched upon Treebeard’s shoulders?
    • Why are they throwing stones again? They did it at the end of Fellowship; it was stupid then, it’s stupid now: these hobbits are hefting and throwing stones so large, and throwing them with such accuracy, that they kill orcs? Give me a break.

    to just silly on an abstract level:

    • If Saruman is such a mastermind, if he’s going to the trouble to mass ten thousands of orcs, then:
      • Why doesn’t he give them a little training so that they don’t fall like matchstick men at the first hint of combat. These Uruk-Hai are supposed to be tough and scary, yet they’re so delicate that two hobbits can hold off dozens of them. That’s not very scary. They’re no better than rats.
      • Why doesn’t he provide them with combined arms? The only weapons the Uruk-Hai seem to have are spears and those funny pseudo-carpenters squares. That’s fine for close combat, but it kind of sucks when your opponents have longbows, you know? At Helms Deep, there are two Uruk-Hai with crossbows, but they’re seen only briefly for dramatic effect. They certainly aren’t around when they’d actually be useful (as when Gimli and Aragorn are scaling the wall of the keep).
  • Wormtongue moans, “Where will we find an army large enough to storm Helms Deep” and Saruman takes him to the window to see tens of thousands of Uruk-Hai massed outside Isengard. Give me a break. What? Wormtongue doesn’t know anything of Saruman’s master plan? And somehow thousands of orcs managed to gather outside in hushed whispers and tiptoes? This is an example of the filmmakers choosing the nonsensical simply for dramatic effect.
  • Another example of the nonsensical in the service of the dramatic: as the Uruk-Hai march to Helms Deep they make an impressive thump-thump-thump marching-in-unison kind of sound. That’s great, except they are obviously not marching in unison. What we should hear is a chaotic shuffling of feet, but that just wouldn’t be as fun now, would it?
  • Gollum has no dangly bits where his dangly bits should be.
  • Theoden should speak in iambic pentameter.
  • People have complained that Gimli is relegated to comic relief. He certainly serves that purpose in Peter Jackson’s Helms Deep, but I don’t mind. I’m more miffed that Legolas doesn’t play a larger role. Legolas rocks. Also, Merry and Pippin’s story has been truncated. (Though I suspect we’ll see more of them in an extended DVD.)
  • Our heroes are girding themselves for battle. Gimli is in the middle of trying on a chainmail dress when elven archers march through the gates. Everyone rushes to greet them. When Gimli lumbers down the stairs, he is now clothed for combat. What? What happened to the chainmail dress he was just wearing?
  • Gandalf and the Rohirrim charge down an impossibly steep slope. Any horse galloping down this embankment would, in reality, lose its footing on the first stride and tumble headlong into the waiting army of orcs. The scene looks silly.
  • Theoden and Aragorn’s final charge knocks over orcs on the bridge as if they were bowling pins. These orcs look completely computer animated in the way they march exactly alike, the way none of them stand aside to let the riders pass, the way they’re simply there to be pushed off the bridge. It’s silly.
  • Did I mention I don’t like it when Merry and Pippin throw stones?
  • I don’t mind Peter Jackson making changes to the story to improve how it plays on the screen, but some of the changes seem to serve no purpose. Why have Faramir take Frodo to Gondor? What purpose does it serve? None that I can see. Worse is Aragorn’s faux death? Is this simply so he can enter a fugue state in which he dreams of Arwen? This side-plot seems contrived and unnecessary. (Indeed, it literally is contrived and unnecessary.)
  • Not to beat a dead horse but: the battle films are overlong and poorly staged. (And this is the primary reason that the other bits need to be glossed over). Yes, I know I’m a minority voice here. Most people love the battle scenes, especially Helms Deep. I’m not one of them. The final battle in Fellowship (the movie) is drawn from two pages in the book, yet lasts twenty minutes on screen. The film version features Merry and Pippin finding stones on the floor of a forest (problem one) that they heave (problem two), toppling orcs (problem three, especially since the orcs are, seemingly, killed by the throws). This is typical of all the battle scenes in both films so far. On Weathertop, Aragorn throws a torch at one of the Nazgul and it goes up in flames. What? did he bathe in kerosene? The battle of Helms Deep is rife with these kind of errors. I can’t help thinking that if Saruman had thought to construct more than two ranged weapons. Really, the battles are my biggest beef with the films. The other gripes I can forgive. It’s not even a problem with the script. I don’t mind battle scenes, and they could still follow the same script but just have the action on screen be more consistent, less preposterous, better edited.


  • It was clever to merge Gandalf’s voice with Saruman’s when Gandalf the White first appears. I like that.
  • The acting is uniformly excellent, especially that from the supporting players. Grima, Theoden and Eowyn are fantastic, almost Shakespearean. This is the element of the books and the films that I love: the literate epic drama, not the fantastic battle scenes. Pare down the battle scenes and give me more intrigue with Theoden and Grima and Saruman! Give me more acting, less fighting. This would make a better film. (For me.)
  • Generally, I’m not a fan of horses; they’re big clumsy beasts that step on young boys and scar them for life (literally and figuratively). However, I think horsemanship is a skill that transfers well to film and I want more. The little that is on screen is great, but give me more more more!
  • Wormtongue rocks. Well done!
  • Arwen has fantastic lips. Very kissable. They’re the best part of the film, really.
  • Gollum has no dangly bits where his dangly bits should be.
  • Jeremy says: “Those rocks actually fall like rocks instead of Styrofoam blocks.” (This is true of the bigger pieces, but the smaller “stones” in close-ups still fall like Styrofoam blocks.)
  • Treebeard: “That doesn’t make any sense to me. But, then, you are very small.”
  • Gollum’s internal conflict plays well on the screen. It’s written and performed well.
  • The song that plays over the end credits is by one of my favorite obscure artists, Emiliana Torrini. It’s great!

I like nearly every portion of Peter Jackson’s Helms Deep in isolation. If you were to show me any one scene, I’d like it. However, when the scenes are strung together into a film, something seems to be missing. The whole is less than the sum of its parts.

Remember: I do not hate this film. It’s above average in fact, meriting a 6.0 on J.D.’s Patented Move Rating Scale. I had hoped for more.

One of my favorite bits from Tolkien:

If you ask it of me, I will give you the One Ring.

You offer it to me freely? I do not deny that my heart has greatly desired this.

In place of a Dark Lord you would have a queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Treacherous as the sea! Stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and despair!

I pass the test. I will diminish and go into the west and remain Galadriel.


On 20 December 2002 (10:47 AM),
Dana said:

You and I frequently like or dislike the same things, but for vastly different reasons. In a surprising turn of events, I pretty much agree with your reasoning completely.

The presence or absence of Gollum’s dangly bits aside, he’s an amazing piece of work, and everybody involved with him deserves recognition. He’s pretty amazing.

I know that there is destined to be no Scouring of the Shire, too, in the third film, and I think this will rob the conclusion of a needed closure.

The Saruman/Gandalf blend was indeed quite neat, but I thought it would have worked much better if the previews hadn’t given away that Gandalf returns…

“Your talk of snuffling riders with invisible noses has unsettled me.” — Pippin, FotR

On 20 December 2002 (03:25 PM),
Dave said:

I have to take issue with some of what you bring up. Specifically:

* Where do Merry and Pippin get the stones that they throw while perched upon Treebeard’s shoulders?
-I believe that we clearly see Treebeard handing them rocks.

* these hobbits are hefting and throwing stones so large, and throwing them with such accuracy, that they kill orcs? Give me a break.
– My recollection is that the hobbits threw the rocks, knocked the orcs on the head and then Treebeard stepped on them, but I admit that this was a fairly small part. I did think that the rocks were fairly good sized for hobbit-sized folk, however. And by the way, have you ever been whacked in the head by a flying rock? Ask the Israeli’s why they wear helmets when dealing with rock throwing Palestinians. In addition, aren’t hobbits supposed to be really good with rock throwing?

* Why doesn’t he give them a little training so that they don’t fall like matchstick men at the first hint of combat. These Uruk-Hai are supposed to be tough and scary, yet they’re so delicate that two hobbits can hold off dozens of them. That’s not very scary. They’re no better than rats.
– Talk to Tolkien about this. In the book the hobbits do exactly as they did in the movie except that I don’t recall the chase into Fangorn Forest. Of course, in the movie the hobbits only survive because Treebeard squashes the orc first rather than the hobbits.

*The only weapons the Uruk-Hai seem to have are spears and those funny pseudo-carpenters squares. That’s fine for close combat, but it kind of sucks when your opponents have longbows, you know?
– Of course, it could be that none of our fair heros happen to be standing in places where orcs with crossbows are at and we therefore don’t see them. In other words, simply because we don’t see them doesn’t mean that they’re not there.

*What? Wormtongue doesn’t know anything of Saruman’s master plan? And somehow thousands of orcs managed to gather outside in hushed whispers and tiptoes?
-Why would he know of how many orcs Saruman has? He’s a soothsaying spy that just got tossed out on his ear, presumably rode hard to get to Isengard and probably has no idea how much strength Saruman has amassed.

* Gollum has no dangly bits where his dangly bits should be.
– His loincloth went underneath the whole way. I checked it out because the dangly bits thing bothered me, too. Hmmm, should I really be admitting that I was checking out Gollum?

* Gandalf and the Rohirrim charge down an impossibly steep slope. Any horse galloping down this embankment would, in reality, lose its footing on the first stride and tumble headlong into the waiting army of orcs. The scene looks silly.
-Oh yeah, you’re right on there. Of course, cavalry charging pikes usually doesn’t work out well for the first line of horses, either…

*Why have Faramir take Frodo to Gondor? What purpose does it serve? None that I can see.
– In The Return of the King, Faramir goes back to Minas Tirith and then goes out to fight the battle at Osgiliath. I think that Jackson compressed this into 2T’s in order to allow for more room in TROTK but still set the strategic stage for Minas Tirith being in jeopardy, allow for the siege of Minas Tirith, allow the hobbits to hook up with the Rohirrim, etc.

* Worse is Aragorn’s faux death? Is this simply so he can enter a fugue state in which he dreams of Arwen? This side-plot seems contrived and unnecessary. (Indeed, it literally is contrived and unnecessary.)
-Right again.

* Theoden and Aragorn’s final charge knocks over orcs on the bridge as if they were bowling pins. These orcs look completely computer animated in the way they march exactly alike, the way none of them stand aside to let the riders pass, the way they’re simply there to be pushed off the bridge. It’s silly.
-Right again. If it was that easy, why didn’t they do this at the outset?

I also agree with Dana’s assessment of the Scouring of the Shire. When I read the trilogy again this summer, I found that the Scouring was the portion that I liked the best, perhaps because of the obvious political undertones that it had. I remember thinking while sitting in the movie, “Damn, they’re going to skip the Scouring of the Shire, aren’t they?”

On 23 December 2002 (04:53 PM),
Tracie said:

Re: Faramir. I noticed but didn’t mind most of what was mentioned above. I agree with it, but it didn’t bother me too much (just a bit). But where I really was bothered wasn’t so much in Faramir taking the hobbits to Osgiliath, as Faramir initially “failing” the test of the ring–which he passed with flying colors in the book. Jackson gives the impression that Faramir is nearly JUST LIKE Boromir–he has to be bonked on the head by seeing the peril of the ring before he can understand it. BIG disservice to the character Tolkein created. When he says in the film that this is a test of his quality, he then decides to bring the ring to Gondor! FAILED! In the book, he gives Frodo and his companions safe passage through the land! As far as needing to get them to Gondor to meet up with the Rohirrim…Am I missing something? Why do they need to meet the Rohirrim? Frodo and Sam HAVE to move on to Mordor after this, and Merry and Pippin will meet Theoden in Isengard–as written by Tolkein, I would assume? Meanwhile, if Faramir does his thing at Osgiliath, then we won’t ever see the strain between him and his father–because that is what PROMPTS his riding out to Osgiliath–from which he comes back unconscious and seemingly dying. So, the character set-up and drama between Gandalf, Faramir, and Denethor won’t occur. PLUS, why would Denethor favor Boromir over Faramir now anyway? Since Jackson’s Faramir is just a Boromir clone…? I like your site! Thanks!

On 27 December 2002 (11:05 AM),
ME said:

I’ll tell you what bothers me about this review: the movie is called THE TWO TOWERS and not PETER JACKSON’S HELMS DEEP!!! You sound like a mouron everytime you say it, DJEEZES!!!

On 30 December 2002 (08:47 PM),
Rory said:

Does it really matter what he calls it?

I agree with about 80% of your points. Details such as the omnipresent music don’t bother me much, but I think it depends on the viewer. I will admit that I too was swayed by the Helms Deep battle scene, but even the badass-ness of it all doesn’t cover up the sheer unrealistic qualities. I understand that this is a fantasy, but you can’t take it to the point of imminent disbelief.

On 30 December 2002 (10:47 PM),
Gordon said:

Ok. I have seen the movie twice. I don’t mind the changes that Peter Jackson made to it. Except for Helms Deep. There were no elves at Helms Deep. They are too busy getting ready for Dol Guldur which is clearly stated in the book.

So Peter Jackson can’t afford the special effects of having the Huron’s do away with the Orcs (which is why Gandalf really went away from Rohan). He wants to have shiny silver men gallop to the rescue. I can live with that. I just don’t think the elves would even show up at Helms Deep even if they could. All they are doing is covering their asses as they head West. Why do directors insist on putting their mark on movies? He was doing such a good job of more or less accurately portraying the story.

On 30 January 2003 (11:49 AM),
Turbonut2003 said:

I don`t understand why Saruman,with tens of thousands of orcs at his disposal doesn`t keep any in reserve as home guard for Isengard.The film only shows about 50 at most.
Also,the second film is called “The two towers”,this is presumably a reference to Saruman`s dark tower and the white tower of helm`s deep?
But they don`t actually feature very strongly.
I can`t recall seeing either tower in it`s entirity……….
……….Perhaps it`s just me,I don`t know.

On 04 February 2003 (09:24 PM),
Bob said:

In reference to the actual “two towers”, Tolkein never stated what two towers the book was named after. In the movie the two towers that were mentioned were Orthanc and Barad-dur (Saruman states this while looking in the palantir or standing on the top of orthanc, i dont quite remember). Tolkein actually considered many of the towers in middle earth: Orthanc, Barad-dur, Minas Morgal, Cirith Ungol, etc…He never choose two specific towers…

Moving cameras? If you feel sick, you should have stayed at home. I feel haveing these constant moving camera shots, you get the feeling that the cameras are actually there and are not restricted; its like you are there and obversing the action as it happens. I feel it makes things more beleivable, as if you were just there, floating above the action.

The elves are great. I feel they are the best part of the movies and the books. The way Jackson and the writers decided to portray the elves is done is such a way to make them more knoble. They seem to demand more respect. They are so graceful and elegant. If they would have moved faster or talked faster, they would have lost this element. The elves would seem just like men, but with pointy ears and straight beautiful hair.

As for “Glossing”…Jackson was told by the producers (or someone along those lines) to make the movie under three hours. He had to cut the scenes that were not crutial to the plot. He did make an agreement with them though. He said he would take the scenes out as long as the extended version was out befor “The Two Towers” was released in theaters.

The quiest Orc army? Of course they didn’t have to tip toe to gather in front of Orthanc. Grima and Saruman do not actually hear the orcs until they reach the window in the tower. I guess the tower is sound proof….

Marching in unison? Of course you cant make that many orcs march in step. But what would have been better to hear, the orcs marching with a very “chaotic shuffling of feet” or the menacing thump-thump-thump? Think about it.

At Helms Deep, The Uruk Hai did have more than “spears and those funny pseudo-carpenters squares”. If you notice, when the orcs first charge the walls, many elves are hit and fall from the walls. There are more than just two crossbows at helms deep. You not only see then there, you also see them when the orcs break down the door. After they brake a portion of the door down, they began to shoot at those trying to baracade the door.

I know everyone is entitled to their opinions, as I am, but alot of the other comments made by jdroth are ludacris. Get over the rocks. Hey, they’re hobbits. They’re simple. Stick to simple things. Alot of the timing issues can be looked over. They dont ruin the story line. They are not even that noticable.

Over all I loved the movies. Both “The Fellowship of the Ring” and “The Two Towers”. The only things I feel they should not have added was the Ents (not gathering the hourns) and taking Frodo and Sam to Osgiliath. By taking them, Jackson took them far out of their way and he also totally changed Faramir’s character. He was more cruel in the movie and I dont think it was something Jackson had to change from the book.

On 05 February 2003 (01:43 AM),
M@TT said:

Has this guy ever read the book the two towers I mean he sounds like he’s winching about how poorly the scenes were staged. I mean what else do u expect ok they F*cked up with the characters and the film but that doesn’t mean this A*sshole can wine about it. So if anyone think the film sucked then read the book u clowns it’ll make sense i’ve read the a couple times and i saw the film 3 times and it’s better than the last one.

NOTE: read the return of kings if u think two towers sucks

On 08 February 2003 (05:47 PM),
Bob said:


On 08 February 2003 (10:41 PM),
J.D. said:

Because the last two commenters seem concerned that I’m unfamiliar with Tolkien: in the past twenty years, I’ve read the trilogy probably ten times. I’m by no means a detail geek (that’d be Dana), but I’m plenty familiar with the work.

I have no problem that Peter Jackson wants to change certain things with the book; I just want the changes to make sense, and to work on screen.

Also: Matt and Bob, I never said I disliked these films. They just didn’t live up to my (admittedly high) expectations, especially Peter Jackson’s Helms Deep. Just because somebody doesn’t worship a film that you think is great doesn’t make the other person wrong…

On 15 February 2003 (12:55 PM),
kingbridge said:

nice little debate lets talk about how jackson made and ruined certain characters king theoden whay is he such a wimp in the books he was a war monger wishing to go to his forefathers and not be embaresed by their deeds .then u have farimer the weak willed. ah dont get me wrong i liked bolth movies but these characters bugged me

On 14 March 2003 (06:14 PM),
heather said:

this is not about the movie but i need peter jackson’s e-mail address, if you happen to have i would love to have it i have to ask him a very important question! thanks

On 18 March 2003 (05:47 AM),
Susie said:

M@tt and Bob, you should be ashamed to post on the internet. I’m surprised you were even capable of reading the book! It’s just a shame you were apparently unable to learn anything about effective punctuation from Mr Tolkien.

And as for “me”, what kind of moron can’t even spell the word?

On 30 July 2003 (04:00 PM),
shooka said:

okay..this like 1 million years later…but first things first..

dude, quit griping about the movie. if you dont like it..dont watch it. :)

second…elves at helms deep..this wasn’t due to the fact that PJ didn’t have any money for the fact the Huorns are in the film.

last…dude, you’re a little too obsessed with Gollums bits…

On 03 August 2003 (11:01 PM),
frodofanatic said:

Ok, I don’t know why you did not like the music so much. It added to the battle perfectly, blending violins and bass instruments in splendid harmony. You must be deaf to think the music overdramatized the battle. You must have not listened to the way the music builds as the fight scened become more gruesome until Gandalf and the Rohirrim charge down the slopes. If you still don’t believe me, listen to the cd, without the battle. You will know what I am saying. You’re sick to be talking about Gollum’s-er-dangly bits. For likng the movie so much, you sure do like to post negative things about it.

On 04 August 2003 (07:12 PM),
dowingba said:

In frodofanaticism land it’s only possible to like 100% of something or hate 100% of something. Criticism is not allowed. One may only say “I do not like it” or “I do like it”; any variation is punishable by death, as well as every single other crime.

But I do agree the music is amazing, in both LOTR films so far.

On 07 August 2003 (06:49 PM),
Eric said:

It is quite clearly stated by Tolkein that the two towers were Orthanc and Minas Morgul. Minas Morgul, also know as Cirith Ungol was not even in Peter Jackson’s film. Further, in an interview, I heard him state that the two towers were Orthanc and Baradur…gah…he didn’t even know which towers were being referenced by the title of the book(s) he was making into a film. He isn’t qualified for this endeavour…Being as he only used one of the two towers in his film adaptation, I tend to refer to the second movie as, “Peter Jackson’s One Tower” It was an okay, if somewhat disjointed movie, with silly dumbed-down more modern dialouge and a lot of flashy effects in the big battle sequence, but I’m afraid the battle itself bored me…I agree very much that it wasn’t well done. Beyond that, there is the fact that because PJ played with the timeline and combined events (specifically–the refugees and Eowyn travelling with the King and his army to Helm’s Deep) that the battle of Helm’s Deep COULDN’T HAVE HAPPENED AT ALL! Theoden and his riders set out, rode hard (a forced march) and got to the keep just barely in time to be attacked. And that was only possible because it was a mounted force not burdened with any wagons or refugees on foot…..hence, Theoden and his forces would not have gotten there in time. Their travel time would have been easily doubled, if not tripled….and the orcs would have caught them in the open and slaughtered them… short, PJ’s depiction of the military campaign for Rohan (due to all his meddling with events, ignoring the timeline, and even geography)is intellectually insulting if you know even a little about medieval war and a good amount about Tolkein’s writings on the subject. The things he had happen in his movie are not possible given the structure and setup he used…

On 05 September 2003 (12:02 PM),
Ben Mead said:

Can you give me Peter Jackson’s e-mail address cos i’d really like to speak to him. I think the films are the best films i’ve ever seen.

On 13 September 2003 (03:06 PM),
Imrahil said:

Um, Eric? The tower of Cirith Ungol and the City of Minas Mogul are totally separate! Cirith Ungol is the name of the pass you idiot! Not aother name for Minas Morgul! By the way, the Uruk-hai pretty much kick the defenders @sses until Gandalf arrives. I agree about Faramir’s character being screwed up and about the Eomer and Gandalf charging down the hill. BUT, the causeway Theoden and his men charge down is barely wide enough for two horses, so the Uruks couldn’t get out of the way. Also, when the Rohirrim charge down the hill, the Uruks are blinded by the sun coming down the hill! It’s kind of hard to spear a horse when your blind. Yes, they could still have braced the pikes, but the horses could ride around them. And the sudden rising of the sun behind the hill would have suprised them so much they might have forgotten to brace their spears. As for the actual story, the Huorns and much more scenes w/Faramir will be in the extended edition dvd. Those dvds are for the purists who are whining because Treebeard has the wrong kind of moss beard! Oh, and for the record, the elves have composite bows, not longbows. Big difference.

On 26 September 2003 (05:14 PM),
jess said:

lord of the rings is a big loser movie, okay!!!!!!!!its dum!!!!!!!!!!!

On 26 September 2003 (08:56 PM),
dowingba said:

Remember that Orcs hate sunlight, too. Now, the Uruk Hai don’t hate it as much as normal Orcs, but they hate it nonetheless.

On 29 September 2003 (06:54 PM),
LegolasFan said:

When I saw Helmdeep, I wondered how they made it. I wanted to know if I could have a blueprint. You see some friends are working on a prodject, A movie, they wanted to know how to make Isengard, Mordor, Helmdeep, Rivendell, The Shire, Rohan, Gondor, and all those kinds of things, they are actually going to try and make a kids version of Lord of the rings, they will call it Prince of the Rings. No they aren’t going to copy all of it, They just like how Peter Jackson made the book come alive and they thought they should make a kids version of it. Have auditions and everything. We loved how he espesially made rivendall and helmsdeep.
Things that I thought needed allittle work:
Things that I loved about the movies:
Arwen (Liv Tyler) Awesome, I loved the way you talked in Elvish teach me.
Legolas (Orlando Bloom) I loved the way you said Elvish in The Two Towers while talking to Aragorn at the very end of the sentence.

On 24 October 2003 (09:25 AM),
Kyadoshi said:

I suggest you quit analysing story details and do what Sartre suggested.

Suspend your disbelief.

If the movie doesn’t do that for you, then I’m sorry. Go listen to rap.

On 25 October 2003 (09:33 AM),
Sandor jun. Simon said:

I’m from Germany and my Englisch isn’t very good. I admire Peter Jackson and the Lord of the Rings is really fantastic. I want to write a letter or an e-mail to Peter Jackson. Is this possible? The Lord of the Rings has change my life and I cannot stop thinking.

Thank you
Sandor jun. Simon

On 12 November 2003 (03:24 PM),
championangel121 said:

First of all, Sandor jun. Simon, for someone who’s moved here from Germany your English isn’t at all bad. You probably can write to Peter Jackson and get something back, even if not directly from him. Perhaps some others can help?

Now for the rest. First of all, I’m someone who actually likes the battle scenes and stuff. That said, I agree with many points, but disagree with some:

This is a fantasy movie. It may seem unrealistic, and in parts it is, but that’s because you’re looking at it from a 21st century person’s eye, not experiencing it from a pre-medieval viewpoint. Have you any idea just how powerful a few horses can be? The causeway is narrow; a bunch of thousand-pound beasts running much faster than humanoids can, and mounted men with swords; think about it. All they have to do is nduge them a few feet. Its overdone, but if it’s going to have that Shakespearean feel to it, then it needs to be overdone. From realistic viewpoints, its overdone. From the movie, pretty good. It was worth it, at least to me.

Throwing rocks: Well, duh it doesn’t kill them. They’re rocks. Still, even hobbits throwing rocks can knock people out. They actually didn’t throw rocks in the 1st movie, only in the EE. Remember the Hobbit? Hobbits are good at games, and Bilbo was “dangerous” with stones. I’d bet Merry and Pippin are even stronger than him and had larger stones. Again, maybe overdone and not really necessary, but pretty realistic.

Wormtongue: Well, probably not. That is pretty ignorant.
Marching: I’ve often wondered about this. Again, its supposed to be imposing. I don’t know what a massive horde marching sounds like, so I can’t really comment well.
I’m not even commenting on dangly bits.
Elf and Dwarf: Yes, Gimli is changed to comic relief in the movie, which is a prime complaint from many. Orlando Bloom is a great actor (not to mention really hot from a girl’s standpoints) and he has yet to have a starring role. Not even PotC really worked. But you have to keep attention where it belongs-like you’ve been saying over and over again. About the chain mail, all he has to do is slip it off; he doesn’t actually wear it, or I don’t remember the movie well enough.
Faramir: This was one of the worst changes in the movie from the book. They’ve changed Faramir from strong helper to obstacle. I think that they’re trying to build up his character, which you’ll see in TT EE and ROTK: how he’s always been second to Boromir and nearly despised by his father. How he’s pretty much banished to the backwoods with a small group of men and left to do whatever. How he’s still a proud man of Gondor who could control the Ring and who doesn’t know its true potential. Still, I disagree with what they did in this film.

Aragorn’s fake death: Again, I agree with you. Come on. VM broke his toes for this scene! They really didn’t need it, it probably fooled hardly anyone, and it took away valuable time.

Uruk-hai: I disagree entirely here. Just watch the movie: Orcs are guarding Isengard, not Uruk-hai. And the Uruk-hai aren’t being defeated easily; they’re trading nearly one to one with the Elves and Men of Rohan. They didn’t need crossbows, of which they almost certainly had more than the two seen; you can even tell from the number of Elves hit! Why use bows when you can just send massive amounts of troops through a blasted breach and over a wall? The Uruk-hai were doing very well, and didn’t at all tumble like matchstick men.
Horse Charge: One of the top two or three epic scenes in movie history. Enough said,
Music+Camera: If it was any other way, the movie would probably be worse. You can’t do much better.
Elves: Maybe so. But its worth it to gain insight into them. You have to build up the story and provide some background.

Enough. See my drift? Good comments, good positives. Arwen is awesome! Anyway, signing off. I’ll try to find PJ’s or the LOTR effort’s e-mail and/or mailing address. See ya!

On 16 November 2003 (02:46 PM),
Billy said:

Enough about the two towers, it’s time to tackle the problem of Christopher Lee’s character being dropped from the RotK. Sign the “Put the Saruman scene back into the Return of the King” at:

On 01 December 2003 (12:53 AM),
JJ said:

VM broke his toe when he kicked the orc helmet at the orc funeral pyre, that the rohirrim (?) made, thinking that the FS had failed to save the hobbits.

My interpretation of the Gandalf charge into the orcs was that at the last moment, Gandalf cast a blinding light against the Orcs, causing them to lose their line in the confusion and bewilderment.

Hated the Legolas surf board. That was just pandering to box-office.

Agree on Faramir subversion. That just did not make sense.

On 01 December 2003 (02:30 PM),
Ruthie;-) said:

Hey ya’ll….

Just a few little comments I’d like to make. I am by no means a *LOTR Fanatic*, but I do love and admire the books and love and admire the movies. But really…lighten up!! I mean, you don’t have to take it so seriously! First of all, it’s a fantasy. It doesn’t exhist!! Yeah, it’s a great book, and yeah, they changed some crucial stuff in the movie, but who honestly expected the movies to live up to the books anyway?
I agree mostly on the Faramir stuff. Don’t get me wrong…Faramir is my favorite character and I was extremely disapointed when I first saw the movie, but I can see what PJ was trying to do. It’s hard to show the inner struggle on the movie screen, and I think he was trying to bring that out a bit more. No, if I’d been in charge, I wouldn’t have even entertained the thought of doing it that way, but it’s not ALL that bad. It’s actually pretty good in the EE, because Faramir has all these flashbacks and extra conversations with Frodo and Sam. (Ok, I’m probably gonna get yelled at pretty bad now, but hey;-)
One last thing…Arwen’s lips the BEST part of the movie? Oh…wow. Right. Can you run that by me again? Arwen’s lips the…best…part of the movie. Sure. (Having a hard time grasping this here.) Personally, I think that’s the WORST part of the movie!! Woo…just thinking about those whoppers makes me feel a little sick! They must weigh 5 pounds each!! Did she get an injection or something? Wow.
Alright, I’m done.
Overview: I liked the movies a lot. They had flaws. They weren’t as good as the books (duh!) They were a little corny at points. They went a bit too fast at some points. SO WHAT?? I still love them;-)

On 01 December 2003 (06:19 PM),
Kevin Cheberenchick said:

I Love The Lord of the Rings. I’ve read all of The Lord of The Rings books. I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE AN ACTOR IN THE LORD OF THE RINGS. I have all of them on on DvD with nothing taking out and I always watch the movie before I see the next one. And I ALWAYS watch the Speical Features. Peter Jackson I say you should make “The Hobbit” since they dont have The Hobbit with people acting in it the have a cartoon Hobbit. You should use the people that acted in the the others movies like Gangdalf and if you need any other people that are only in “The Hobbit” YOU CAN ASK ME PLEASE (I put my e-mail)

On 01 December 2003 (06:19 PM),
Kevin Cheberenchick said:

I Love The Lord of the Rings. I’ve read all of The Lord of The Rings books. I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE AN ACTOR IN THE LORD OF THE RINGS. I have all of them on on DvD with nothing taking out and I always watch the movie before I see the next one. And I ALWAYS watch the Speical Features. Peter Jackson I say you should make “The Hobbit” since they dont have The Hobbit with people acting in it the have a cartoon Hobbit. You should use the people that acted in the the others movies like Gangdalf and if you need any other people that are only in “The Hobbit” YOU CAN ASK ME PLEASE (I put my e-mail)

On 01 December 2003 (06:22 PM),
Kevin Cheberenchick said:

Sorry I posted so many it to a while but Please still read my and if you do make “The Hobbit” you can choice me.

On 11 December 2003 (02:52 PM),
Adrimal Ardvark on board the Bolivian Navy Ships (currently on manuvers in the South Pacific) said:

Give me a break!?! Please!!
You’re ‘review’ is complete lies man! Yes the movies that Peter Jackson made are not infalliable but who the hell can make PERFECT movies, espically when you’re dealing with the greatest story ever told. The books were sublime and of course the film adaption won’t be as good, it never could but Jackson, Walsh, Boyens ,TAylor et al have done a brilliant job in adapting them.

I do see where you’re comin from cuz the uruks fell like little girls but it wuz needed, remember it was our heros that threw them! And as for how they got the rocks… use you’re imagination! Treebeard gave them to them.
All in all the movie is worth well more than a 6.0, 9.5 at least.

When citing it’s fault remember that the movies had to make money so they had to appeal to those that haven’t read the books and this justifys why (although I really disliked them both) Faramir being such a dick and Aragorn’s faux death.

I am completley confident that RotK will clean up at Oscars 2004. It couldn’t not. Can’t wait for Dec 17th.

On 16 December 2003 (07:03 PM),
Rachel Nipper said:

PJ did his best ( and his best was great!). I am in love with the movies and the books, and that does mean I may give it a little more credit. Not that I don’t agree with you at all, but I loved the movies (the books are better though). Here are my opinions (jeeze you guys are going to be yelling at me aren’t you?)

Moving Cameras-If the movies make you sick forget about watching them!The moving camera (like someone else said but I forgt, sorry) makes it seem like you are in the movie! It was awesome.

Actors- I agree with most of you there, the actors made a brilliant performance. (Although the whole “Arwen’s lips being the best part” thing was just stupid!) And why are you so obsessed with gollum’s dangly parts (kind of strange)?
Battle Scenes- I thought the battle scenes gave it something extra, I don’t want to go 2 indepth but dude, use your imagination about all those stuff, it is a fantasy movie.
Well I really could go on, and on, and on, but I’d rather not. Wait, before you move on to the next posted mail pleeeeeeeeeeeeease give me Peter Jackson’s address, e-mail address, anything that I could write to him on! I NEED to say something to him. And on Ruthie and the Kevin guy’s post, I am so dreaming of being in one of those movies too! Anyone have his address, anyone?

On 16 December 2003 (09:25 PM),
Courtney said:

I disagree with a lot of what you said.

No movie can ever live up to the book. When you read a book “your” imagination runs wild. Everyone’s imagination is different and therefore we get different interpretations about the book. However – P.J. did stray from the story, especially with Arwen and a few other things.

About the music. I think Howard Shore is an amazing composer. I remember watching TTT for the first time and hearing the music when the elves came to the battle of Helm’s Deep. The way Shore took the theme from Lothlorian and added a snare drum (among a few other things) to it to make it more warish was awesome. I’m a music person, so that just made my day because of his cleverness. I’m totally stoked about the ROTK’s soundtrack.

Also – you have to remember that the first two movies never reach the climax that is in the thrid movie. It’s all exposition and rising action.

And – I think P.J. has accomplished a great deal with what he’s done. No one else could have created a world that makes you feel like you could take a trip to. Considering Tolkien’s world was fantasy, P.J. has made it real. Imagine if the movie was made while Tolkien was alive. It would have been horrible and you probably would have thrown up, but not because of the camaras. They could not have made this movie then.

Congratulations to P.J. and the amazing cast and crew and to Howard Shore. I wish I could have been an extra or played in the orchestra for these amazing monumental movies.

Don’t knock things – especially if you can’t do any better or if Tolkien wrote them (i.e. the rocks and such). Just get over it.

On 22 December 2003 (09:35 AM),
Shane said:

I have to greatly disagree with some of what Courtney says. She’s is taking the role of an apologist and tries to deflect any criticism by saying that if you can’t do any better, don’t knock things.


People have all the right in the world to “knock” things. I do not have to be a computer engineer to know that an old 486 chip is slow compared to a new Pentium 4 or AMD processor. Just as I do not need to have skills matching or surpassing those of the inventors of these computer chips in order to understand this, I do not need to have skills matching or surpassing those of various directors or authors to notice failings or successes. Your way of arguing is a deflectionary method which is not worth anyone’s time. You yourself are knocking the opinions of people here by writing your comment. Are you equal or beyond them in their skills?

No. We will not get over it. We care about and love the books. If we see people perverting the very nature of the characters in the book or just simply notice a character wearing something different seconds later, that is not wrong. We are not simply discarding all the amazing work that has been done in the rest of the films but are only seeking to point out flaws in our never-ending quest for excellence. If you do not want to search for excellence then don’t, but please do not tell us to “get over it”.

Oh and there are plenty of people in the world who could have done worse, as good or perhaps even better than Peter Jackson. There are so many people in this world that you can never elevate one man and say that nobody else could do that as well. This is simply inaccurate. Not many who could have? That would have been likely but there are certainly others.

My own thoughts? I loved the movies in so many ways that I could not explain them all right here. The positive sides to the films are so great and obvious that we tend to not mention them as often as the flaws but there are there just the same. I was very, very disappointed with how they ruined the character of Farimir and reduced his honor and wisdom by making him falter to the degree that he did with regard to the ring. I disliked Peter Jackson going on a tangent with “Aragorn’s Death” and dream. I loved the scenery and the acting. I thoroughly enjoyed the costumes and was extremely impressed with the sight of Minas Tirith and Minas Morgul. Very nicely done to say the least.

I think Jackson and the cast and crew of the films should be saluted for their superb job. It was an excellent rendition, far surpassing those of the past. By no means perfect or without glaring flaw but excellent all the same. I commend them for their hard work and wish to drive others onto greater work by pointing out areas of improvement, rather than ignoring them and simply settling for what is. I will always remember these movies as a high quality benchmark for excellence but I cannot simply ignore they utter ruin they bestowed upon the very character of several individuals either. (Faramir’s ring-lust & Frodo being tricked by Gollum regarding Sam for example.)

On 27 December 2003 (09:24 AM),
Michael Hamill said:

after viewing the return of the king, i had to wonder WHY jackson ever left out bombadil of the whole trilogy. in the films i believe a character such as bombadil is required, i fully understand the concept of time and that the movie has to appeal to die hard fans and the less enthuastic tolkien followers but this was truly the biggest error leaving out bombadil (in my opinion).

On 05 January 2004 (05:17 PM),
Emily said:

Ok, I read all the stuff up above, but what i am really looking for is Peter Jacksons email or address or a site where i can write 2 him or something! If u have info please mail me at This is my moms email because mine is not working, so put To Emily under the subject. Thanks!

On 05 January 2004 (05:17 PM),
Emily said:

Ok, I read all the stuff up above, but what i am really looking for is Peter Jacksons email or address or a site where i can write 2 him or something! If u have info please mail me at This is my moms email because mine is not working, so put To Emily under the subject. Thanks!

On 18 January 2004 (02:42 PM),
Tulkas said:

I think Peter Jackson is to Lord of the Rings, what James Cameron was to the ship “Titanic,” i.e. he turned the story into a corny action chick-flick, but not even that much in that the characters in “Titanic” actually would have looked better in “Lord of the Rings” than the geeks cast as elves, kings, great warriors, wizards etc; in fact, Kate Winslett was originally supposed to play Arwen, but she was replaced by Olivia Tyler to shut up her screaming tantrums, when her dad, the lead guitarist for “Aerosmith,” used his connections to gave his little groupy-goof what she wanted– and to make all that plastic surgery pay off.
And speaking of Arwen, who the hell made the virgin goddess into Xena? Thank New Zealand for that!

Furthermore the entire movie looked like it was filmed in miniature, and in a cesspit with dirt and crap all over everything; people who read the books might like it, but people who UNDERSTAND the books should hate it.

On 28 January 2004 (04:45 PM),

hey well I think that PEOPLE should appreciate the movies and how much work was put in to them. come on, Peter Jackson worked for over 5 years on these!

On 07 February 2004 (01:20 PM),
Emily W. said:

First of all i disagree with many things that you said were “bad”.

“If Saruman is such a mastermind, if he’s going to the trouble to mass ten thousands of orcs, then:
Why doesn’t he give them a little training so that they don’t fall like matchstick men at the first hint of combat. These Uruk-Hai are supposed to be tough and scary, yet they’re so delicate that two hobbits can hold off dozens of them. That’s not very scary. They’re no better than rats.”
-First of all, in the books (of which this movie was written from) there’s no reference that Saruman gives training to his Uruk-Hai. Now i can see how they could have just “added” it in there, but it’s not that important or essensial to the movie. Remember, they were trying to focus the movies around the ring bearers journey. They didn’t have enough time to go into great detail.

“Where do Merry and Pippin get the stones that they throw while perched upon Treebeard’s shoulders?”
-is that really essential to the movie??!! who cares how they get the stones! That’s reading way too much into the scenes.

“Gandalf and the Rohirrim charge down an impossibly steep slope. Any horse galloping down this embankment would, in reality, lose its footing on the first stride and tumble headlong into the waiting army of orcs. The scene looks silly.”
-yes, some of that may be true, but the music combined with the climatic entry of the Rohirrim is just magnificent! Look past the impossiblities and just enjoy the scenes.

Now to get that over with, (i had to say my opinion!) i want to comend Howard Shore for his magnificent score!!! Bravo! When i saw the 1st movie i was thrilled with the music (i always pay attention to the music in films b/c i am a music person who plays the trumpet). The 2nd movie was kind of a let down compared to the 1st movie. The “theme” of TTT music seemed to be quite war-ish, alittle too war-ish for me (i think the battles in the 2nd movie were a little too long. They didn’t seem that long in the book!). But when i saw the 3rd movie i was thrilled! The brass parts were magnificent (oh and of course the other instruments were good too! lol :)) It topped the trilogy off well. Bravo Mr. Shore!

On 11 February 2004 (07:49 PM),
Sammy said:

I’m weirded out to see that you can find so many negatives in such a great film. Even if you see things you don’t like, try to focus on the positive more..I mean, c’mon…PLEASE! And what’s with this “battles scene were not well done” thing. Think YOU could have done a better job?
Doubt it.

On 12 February 2004 (06:43 PM),
Jacob D. said:

I have the first lord of the rings on vhs and the two towers on dvd. I think that they are brilliant movies! If you hate the storyline, they it is easier to see whats wrong with these movies! I enjoyed the plot and the graphics are very well detailed! I could barely spot all the mistakes that everyone posted online. I am not complaining!!! Could you get me the e-mails of orlando bloom, Viggo Mortensen (played Aragorn), and some others! they are my favorite actors! the movie is just a masterpiece!!! Thanx SO MUCH!!!!!!

On 13 February 2004 (12:52 PM),
Jacob said:

I am desperate for the Emails please!!!!!!!!! I want them so badly!! please respond to this anyone with info on viggo mortensen or orlando bloom please send them to me!!!!!!!!!

On 14 February 2004 (09:37 AM),
Emily W. said:

Hello Jacob! I love those characters too! I’m sorry i don’t have the e-mails of them, but i do have mailing addresses. If you’re looking for them to respond back, it’s probably unlikely seeing as i sent them a letter like 2 years ago and…. zip. Anyways, i did ask for an autographed picture from Elijah’s company thing, and they sent one back (the autograph is probably copied but it made my day :)). So here are the mailing addresses to some people.

Orlando Bloom:
c/o Artists Management group
9465 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA

c/o Chris Andrews
8942 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA

Viggo Mortensen:
c/o The Rawlins Company
3933 Patrick Henry Place
Agoura Hills, CA 91301 USA

Elijah Wood:
c/o Willam Morris Agency
151 El Camino Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA

Sean Astin:
P.O. Box 57858
Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 USA

If you need anyone else’s i’ll be happy to give it to you! untill then, hope you can use these.

-Emily W.

On 14 February 2004 (10:01 AM),
Emily W. said:

(one of my favorite scenes in TTT)

Frodo:”I can’t do this, Sam.”
Sam:”I know. It’s all wrong. By rights, we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end… because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was… when so much bad happened? But in the end it’s only a passing thing… this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will sine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you…that meant somethin’. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories… had lots of chances of turnin’ back, only they didn’t. They kept goin’…because they were holdin’ on to somethin’.”
Frodo:”What are we holding on to, Sam?”
Sam:”That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. An’ it’s worth fightin’ for.”

-I LOVE that scene!!!

On 19 February 2004 (03:44 PM),
Vaessa said:

Emily can you get Foromire’s adress(sp?) for my friend?

On 24 February 2004 (02:10 PM),
Emily W. said:

Hello Vaessa,
I’m sorry it’s been a while but i wanted to get a post up on here. You probably won’t get a mail address from me this week because i have like a bajillion and one things i have to do for school, so once the week-end comes i’ll search a little harder. So far i’ve found nothing. It will be hard to find his mailing address seeing as he’s not an actor from the usa. Thanks so much for you understanding. I’ll see what i can do :) I really only have the addresses for the fellowship but i’ll try. cyaz!

-Emily W.

On 28 February 2004 (01:41 PM),
Emily W. said:

Hey Vaessa!
After much searching i found David Wenham’s (Faramir) mailing address! It’s through a company so i’m not sure if you’ll get a response. But here it is anyway!

David Wenham
c/o Artists Independent Network Vanessa Pereira 32 Tavistock Street London WC2E 7PB United Kingdom

There ya go! I’m glad i could help!


On 01 March 2004 (05:51 AM),
TolkFanatic said:

So many of the comments here are like those on Amazon — if you don’t give a movie 5 stars you suck. The reason I didn’t like the movies is the destruction of the secondary charachters. The only one they got right was Boromir. Theoden, Faramir, even Eyowen were all de-emphasized for the sake of the primary characters. The other reason I was so pissed off was not that I can’t accept change between the books and the films, but that Peter Jacksopn et. al. made such a big deal about how “accurate” his portrayal was. I’m sorry, but you can’t make such claims, unless you’re going to try to be accurate.

In response to some posts above:

1. “* Why doesn’t he give them a little training so that they don’t fall like matchstick men at the first hint of combat. These Uruk-Hai are supposed to be tough and scary, yet they’re so delicate that two hobbits can hold off dozens of them. That’s not very scary. They’re no better than rats.
– Talk to Tolkien about this. In the book the hobbits do exactly as they did in the movie except that I don’t recall the chase into Fangorn Forest. Of course, in the movie the hobbits only survive because Treebeard squashes the orc first rather than the hobbits.”

Two things — Sauruman didn’t know which hobbit had the ring, so he told his orcs to capture, without harming or searching them. In the book, Merry slices off several of the orcs’ arms and hands before they’re taken. See, Merry and Pippin had swords, which they got from the wights after meeting Bombadil. So that got cut. Tolkein writes that Boromir is pierced by many orc arrows before he dies. I got the impression from the way Tolkein writes that most, if not all orcs carry bows. also, the Isengard Uruk-Hai were joined by orcs from Mordor.

2. *What? Wormtongue doesn’t know anything of Saruman’s master plan? And somehow thousands of orcs managed to gather outside in hushed whispers and tiptoes?
-Why would he know of how many orcs Saruman has? He’s a soothsaying spy that just got tossed out on his ear, presumably rode hard to get to Isengard and probably has no idea how much strength Saruman has amassed.

Wormtongue was in and out of Isengard many many times in the books, Gandald guesses. Like over years’ time. He must of known of most of Sauruman’s plans and plots.

3. In reference to the actual “two towers”, Tolkein never stated what two towers the book was named after.

It’s helpful if you understand that Tolkein’s inital publisher named the three books and he hated the titles.

4. nice little debate lets talk about how jackson made and ruined certain characters king theoden whay is he such a wimp in the books he was a war monger wishing to go to his forefathers and not be embaresed by their deeds .then u have farimer the weak willed. ah dont get me wrong i liked bolth movies but these characters bugged me

Theoden was ruined. In the book, all Gandalf did was shake the dark out of his eyes. But in the movie, he’s this naysayer all the way into the ROTK. In the book, Gandalf tells him to hide with his people in the hills, but he says – you don’t know your own strength, Gandalf, I ride to war. In the ROTK, he’s ready and willing to aid Gondor, and doesn’t pout about “they’ve never helped us.”

What kills me is the books was all about how the main charchters were sources of inspiration to the 2ndary charachters. They helped them past their doubts and returned them to their previous glory. Faramir, Theoden, Treebeard are all perfect examples. But that was too subtle for Jackson. He had to have people nag them to death about what was right. It was so surface it sickened me.

5. This is a fantasy movie. It may seem unrealistic, and in parts it is, but that’s because you’re looking at it from a 21st century person’s eye, not experiencing it from a pre-medieval viewpoint.

All movies have to live up to the reality of their own framework. What I mean is, if a movie is about dragons, fine, I’m not going to complain that they can’t fly because they’re too heavy. But if the dragon gets killed by the first arrow, then it’s unreal within its own setting. See? For great fantasy, watch Conan the Barbarian. Conan, though a highly-trained and strong warrior, is still just a man, and can only take on 1 guy at a time. The scene in ROTK with Sam and Shelob was so unispriring I almost laughed. Shelob was supposed to be the queen of all spiders, and all she can do is push him around on the wall? C’mon. I felt like I was watching the muppets there.

6. I will always remember these movies as a high quality benchmark for excellence but I cannot simply ignore they utter ruin they bestowed upon the very character of several individuals either. (Faramir’s ring-lust & Frodo being tricked by Gollum regarding Sam for example.)

I could have forgotten all the above and still enjoyed the movies, except for the way Frodo betrayed Sam. Always in the books, whenever the dark greed fell on Frodo, he quickly recovered and it bonded the two hobbits more closely. Having Frodo trust Gollum over Sam was absurd. I alomst walked out of the movie after that. It was Jackson’s final failure.

On 05 March 2004 (02:30 PM),
Emily W. said:

Hummm… So many things you said above were, well really harsh. I would’ve like to see if you could have done better. I agree with the part about how Frodo betrays Sam. It wasn’t in the book and the point?? But still, it wasn’t a failure! Look at the massive job that these people take on and it’s amazing that they even finished the movies. No, the movies weren’t perfect, but they were still a masterpiece.

On 17 March 2004 (08:00 PM),
Krishan Bhakta said:

Heelo can u e-mail me back 2 busy rite now thank you

On 18 March 2004 (04:46 PM),
gemma said:

hey im wonderind if i can please have Peter Jacksond address im am going to audition for a part in his next movie cause i thought that he maid three other great movies and i wanted a chance in being in king kong i have been in productions before and i realy want to send some information to him about me and i have looked everywere for his address and then i found this
pleeez can i hav it its important to me

On 18 March 2004 (04:57 PM),
gemma ward said:

the lord of the rings triliogy was the best movies that i have ever seen in my whole life i dont no why some people say harsh things about it. the first time i read the book was when i was 6 now im fourteen and desperate to be in his next move i have been in plays and productions before and i would appreciate it if you could send me peter jacksons address to my email. it would be great if i could just send him my info and i cant do this if you dont give me his address CAN YOU PLEEEZ SEND ME SOME INFORMATION ON HIM AND WHEN THE AUDITIONS ARE. IT WOULD BE A GREAT HELP THANK YOU SO MUCH DONT FOR GET


On 09 May 2004 (01:15 PM),
Emily w said:

Hey i don’t know if this will help but i only have his mailing address.

Peter Jackson
c/o ICM 8942 Wilshire Blvd. #219 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1908

It was the best i could do. Hope you get your chance in king kong!


On 09 May 2004 (01:19 PM),
Emily w said:

By the way, it doesn’t show your e-mail, Gemma. You have to type it.

On 29 November 2004 (08:43 AM),
Jessica said:

when are the audtions for the Hobbit going to be and where will they be held???

On 14 December 2004 (12:31 PM),
someone said:

Dear god, you people are pathetic. Half of you cannot spell good enough to pass third grade, and the other half are most likely IN third grade.
1. I like the movies, and I can see his points
2. You will NOT get a part in Peter Jackson’s next movie.
3. You will NOT get a personalized reply from any of the actors

On 14 December 2004 (03:08 PM),
Joel said:

Er, someone (if that is your real name), shouldn’t it be “Half of you cannot spell WELL enough to pass third grade…”?

On 27 December 2004 (02:56 PM),
Ezri Bloom said:

Hey SOMEONE Joel is correct so maybe you are the one who needs to go back to third grade and learn correct grammar!!

On 13 January 2005 (01:51 PM),
Emily W. said:

hahahaha!!! Y’all are so strange! :) Be happy! Hey the extended 2nd movie is out! And it shows i think the running into Fangorn forest. Remember, they couldn’t put EVERYTHING into the movie, it would be just way too long! Although, I wouldn’t mind if it were like 5 hours! lol :)

On 16 March 2005 (05:19 PM),
marcia said:


On 02 April 2005 (08:52 AM),
Ruben said:

i need Peter Jakcsons e-mail realy bad can you help.


On 23 April 2005 (10:39 AM),
Murray MacDonald said:

Dear Peter Jackson. My name is Murray MacDonald Im 12 years old. I am a Autistic boy and I live twelve miles from Oban in Scotland. I am a huge Lord of the Rings fan I have seen both origanal and Evtended edition’s of all three films on DVD. Please could I have your Email Address because I was wondering if I could come down to New Zealand with my parents and my two brothers who also like the trilgoy and meet you and some of the cast members who live there. Hope you are well from Murray MacDonald
Phone number 01631 750 231
Alder Cottage West
PA37 1RG

On 23 April 2005 (10:39 AM),
Murray MacDonald said:

Dear Peter Jackson. My name is Murray MacDonald Im 12 years old. I am a Autistic boy and I live twelve miles from Oban in Scotland. I am a huge Lord of the Rings fan I have seen both origanal and Evtended edition’s of all three films on DVD. Please could I have your Email Address because I was wondering if I could come down to New Zealand with my parents and my two brothers who also like the trilgoy and meet you and some of the cast members who live there. Hope you are well from Murray MacDonald
Phone number 01631 750 231
Alder Cottage West
PA37 1RG

On 23 April 2005 (10:39 AM),
Murray MacDonald said:

Dear Peter Jackson. My name is Murray MacDonald Im 12 years old. I am a Autistic boy and I live twelve miles from Oban in Scotland. I am a huge Lord of the Rings fan I have seen both origanal and Evtended edition’s of all three films on DVD. Please could I have your Email Address because I was wondering if I could come down to New Zealand with my parents and my two brothers who also like the trilgoy and meet you and some of the cast members who live there. Hope you are well from Murray MacDonald
Phone number 01631 750 231
Alder Cottage West
PA37 1RG

On 13 July 2005 (11:43 AM),
whodyanikabolokov said:

You all need to get a funkin life especially the sad old fuke who was moaning about not seeing gollums ‘dangly bits. Love to see you make a better film you tosser.

Me, myself and gollum

On 14 July 2005 (10:06 AM),
Will said:

I am a huge lotr fan and am even planning on going to live in NZ. I think Lotr is fantastic and I don’t know why people hate it so much as to make a web site about how much they hate it!
To be honest I think that any one who dislikes lotr should look at all of the facts.
– Lotr took a total of 6 years to complete, including all of the designing processes.
-Filming took 14 months.
-PJ hired the best cast to play the parts of all the characters.
-The best composer ever was making the music-Howard Shore.
-The best visual effects, prosthetics e.t.c producers were hired- WETA Workshops.
-Lotr won a total of 11 OSCARS. The world record.
so some one must like it!

It sad to think that it was nearly 2 years since lotr was finished and every one has calmed down about it. But one day, hopefully peter Jackson will make The Hobbit then all of the madness can start up once again.

From Will, Gollums twin.

On 27 August 2005 (03:24 PM),
Cassandra said:

I have been a huge fan of LOTR ever since i picked out the Hobbit picture book for my dad to read to me when i went to bed when i was four. Sure, some parts of the movie are a bit unessecary, but look at it this way… the orgins of this book started almost a hundred years ago when Tolkien enlisted in WWI. Guess were the dead marshes came from? The bodies in the water-filled trenches on the battle field. Tolkien had one of the most imaginative minds that I believe there ever was. It’s taken us almost a century to catch up with it. Because the master himself cannot preside over this project, Mr. Jackson did the best he could. It was a HUGE risk to take on this movie… and i believe he pulled it off very well. Your not supposed to pay attention to slightest detail and then rip on it. It’s the movie as an overall. It’s wonderful, it draws you in toward the characters, makes you feel for them. I believe a movie is not only about the camera angles, shots, and graphics, but how well the movie engages the audience. How it pulls them in and says, “Your in it now, too.” I’m rather fond of Legolas too, and was disappointed that he wasn’t it the movie as much as he should, but his time on screen was well managed and forgiving because of the “importance” of other characters at that moment. Mr. Jackson did an amazing job, much better than we could ever dare to dream. and if ur still disappointed, in about another 60 years, YOU re-make it and see how hard it is to translate the un-translatable onto the big screen without complains from fans like us.

On 08 September 2005 (08:11 AM),


On 08 October 2005 (06:30 PM),
Hillary said:

Hey i love Lord Of The Rings its my “ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIE” I hope that Peter Jackson pusses through and makes “The Hobbit Movie” iam waiting for this movie to some out and hopr it does!!!!!! Thanks alot *Hillary*