in Daily Life

Good Day, Bad Day

Wednesday got off to a lousy start. I rolled out of bed groggy and unrested. I was cold. My bath water was tepid.

When I got to work, things got worse. My eyes began to water and my nose began to run. I started sneezing uncontrollably. I was a mess. I wanted to go home sick, but Nick called to say he wouldn’t be in, and Jeff had a dentist appointment midday.

That might have been fine by itself, but then Lifehacker linked to my debt-free post at Get Rich Slowly, and things got even worse. Generally a link from Lifehacker is a good thing. In this case, however, my server came to a grinding halt. This isn’t the first issue I’ve had, which made things even more frustrating. It over three hours for things to get back to normal, and I was a nervous wreck the entire time.

Because I was too busy fretting, I couldn’t get anything written. It wouldn’t have mattered anyhow, because the phones kept ringing. Can you imagine? Actually having to deal with customers at a job?

By midday I realized that I had overbooked my evening. I had promised Mark and Tim that I would meet with them to discuss their new book, and to talk about publishing. But I had also told Paul and Amy Jo that I could help them move their appliances out of storage. Oops. I had to cancel my second engagement.

The day dragged on, and I seemed at my wits’ end.

In the evening, my luck changed.

Because I had to work late (to cover for the sick Nick), I skipped coming home and drove directly to dinner. As I travelled, I listened to Dostoevsky’s The Idiot, our book group choice for January. I love it. I haven’t read a book this good since Proust or Moby Dick. (“Oh great,” Kris muttered when I heaped this praise upon it.)

I ate at Cha Cha Cha, a cheap Mexican place that qualifies as “comfort food” for me. I ordered a lime Jarrito to go with my tacos, but just as my server was about to open it, I noticed they served a few mixed drinks. “I’ll take a mojito instead,” I said. A mojito sounded perfect.

The mojito wasn’t quite perfect, but it was strong! It seemed to be made of only rum and mint. When I stood up after finishing, I could tell I had a slight buzz. From one drink! I was plenty safe to drive, though, so I headed off to my meeting.

What a meeting! I don’t know what I had been expecting, but I came away inspired. I know Mark from the Writers Guild, but I had never met Tim before. He’s a confident, energetic entrepreneur. He came prepared with all sorts of notes, and he had articles and clippings to give to me. It was awesome. I left feeling excited about the directions Get Rich Slowly could take. (“Get Rich Slowly action figures!” Kris said when I told her about my evening.)

At home, I did a before-bedtime check of my site stats. It had been a good day. In fact, it had been a great day, especially from a financial perspective. My sites made $422.12 yesterday, surpassing an 8-month old mark. (On April 10th, my sites generated $384.88 in revenue. If only they would do this every day…)

Though I had started the day cranky, I went to bed happy.

  1. Speaking of writing, remember that it’s your turn to present at Writers Guild this month. We’re meeting on Monday. Got anything for us to read? :)

  2. I’m glad to hear that your day took a turn for the better. Mike and Paul managed without you just fine, and it sounds like you really needed an inspiring evening more than an evening of hard labor!

  3. Since I have no idea how to really generate money and since my site doesnt bring is as many people as yours I am not making nearly that amount. Lessee, Ive had my google ads up since October and Ive now made $63.00 Oh well, it’s moeny I wouldnt have otherwise!

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