Toto vomited on the bed again today. She does this all the time.
It’s not so bad if we discover the hairball midday, but it’s kind of a pain if we don’t notice it until we’re ready for bed. This time was sort of in between. Kris happened to wander into the bedroom just after dinner, and from her loud cursing, I could tell what had happened.
Sometimes Toto manages to get the outermost layer of bedclothes, which is fine. But often — like tonight — she pukes all over the fitted sheet.
“Can you help me take the covers off?” Kris hollered down to me. I was writing at the kitchen table.
“In a few minutes,” I called back. “I’m in the middle of something.” I had spent all day trying to craft a rare personal-finance article about credit cards. I couldn’t find the right tone. I was frustrated.
I continued to write while Kris watched the Republican National Convention. Half an hour later, she came downstairs.
“Do you need help with the bed?” I asked.
“It’s too late,” she muttered. “I’ve already done it.” Out of the corner of my eye, I could see she was carrying something in her arms. Oops.
Later, when it was time for bed, I went to the laundry room to fetch the sheet. It was dark, but I didn’t bother to turn on the light. The sheet was easy to spot amidst the socks and t-shirts. I also found a pillowcase. “Toto must have vomited on that, too,” I thought.
“Just one sheet and one pillowcase?” I asked Kris just to be certain.
“Yes,” she said. I went upstairs to make the bed.
When I got there, however, I noticed that both of my pillowcases were missing. (I sleep with two pillows, and have done so for most of my life: one for my head and one for my side.) I sighed and walked back to the laundry room to fetch the other one. I couldn’t complain, of course. If I’d helped Kris in the first place, I would have known how many pillowcases were in the dryer.
We made the bed. Kris fed the cats their bedtime treats. (Each cat gets three “greenies”, a sort of organic treat they love. Then they’re kicked out of the bedroom. Except on Cat Night. Cat Night occurs once or twice a week, and is a cause for much feline celebration. On that night, they’re allowed to sleep in the bedroom. Of course, during the summer it’s rare that all four cats are even ever in the house at the same time, even over night. Tonight, for example, Simon is outside and refuses to come when called.)
The bed made and the cats indulged, I went to my office to write.
“Aren’t you coming to bed?” Kris asked.
“I’m not done with tomorrow’s post,” I said. And I’m not. I can’t find the right tone, and I’m not sure if I should list specific credit cards. Hell — I’m not even sure I should cover credit cards at all. I’ve given them a wide berth so far.
“Oh,” Kris said sadly. Then she said, “Where’s my pillowcase?”
“What?” I asked.
“Where’s my pillowcase?” she said.
I got up from my desk and walked to the bedroom to gave her my best look of incredulity. Then I said, “When I asked you if there was just one sheet and one pillowcase, you told me yes.”
“I know,” she said.
“But then I came up here and I put that one pillowcase on my pillow, and I realized that you were wrong. My other pillow needed a pillowcase, too. So I walked back downstairs to fetch it.”
Kris realized what I was getting at. She started to laugh. I continued my lament: “And now you tell me there were actually three pillowcases in the laundry?” I let out a long, dramatic sigh and trudged downstairs.
“See how it is to live with you?” Kris called behind me as she continued to laugh. I confess that I laughed a little, too. Our roles in this sort of situation are usually reversed.
Now if only Kris could see how it is to live with her.
Disclaimer: I love my wife, and would not share these stories if I didn’t think they were fun.
I’m so glad my husband doesn’t have a blog. I’d be the world’s greatest idiot. I’ll grouse about him once in a while on mine, but he would just have a huge stockpile of “My wife is sometimes wrong” posts.
I would just like to point out that the above “wrongness” on my part resulted in not a single blister!
Unfortunately, we are going to need to cancel the “Kris is Always Right” t-shirts. We don’t want to promote false advertising. However, I still think we should have an annual “Kris is Always Right,” 1-mile barefoot run every July 31st. He he he.