in Television

Return to Galactica

When Alan‘s not harassing Tammy, he’s digging up gems like this silly-yet-effective tribute to/summary of Battlestar Galactica:

Fed up with long delays on Netflix, I purchased the first two seasons of the new BSG through the iTunes Music Store. Kris has been joining me as I rewatch them. Actually, I only every watched the first season, so the second season will be new once we reach it. At the moment, we’re stumbling through the first awkward episodes, gradually sinking into the show.

(Note: I think the cancellation rumors are just that — rumors. I wouldn’t put much credence in them.)

  1. Tammy doesnt even know what a Cylon is so she is sure she is not one!

    My goodness, JD, what away to ressurect the past! :)

  2. Tammy doesnt even know what a Cylon is so she is sure she is not one!

    My goodness, JD, what a way to ressurect the past! :)

  3. I didn’t really get Josh’s post until I thought about the “there are many copies” bit of the intro. Heh.

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