in Rants and Raves, Television

Rick Berman Sucks

Roger Ebert’s review of Star Trek: Nemesis is oustanding: hilarious, heart-wrenching. Spot-on. (Slashdot discussion.)

I used to love Star Trek. I grew up watching the original series in re-runs every Sunday at 4 p.m. on channel 12. For nearly two decades!

I video taped every episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. I audio taped every episode. I had little forms that I filled out as I watched the episodes, noting which recurring minor characters appeared in the episode (Lwaxana Troi! O’Brien!), which recurring subplots resurfaced (Worf’s family is dishonored! Data wants to be human!), etc. etc. I rated every episode. I was thrilled by the Borg, amused by Q. I even liked Wesley Crusher, and defended him to my friends. When Star Trek: Deep Space Nine debuted, I followed it with equal fanaticism.

Then came Star Trek: Voyager. The premise of the show seemed promising, but the first season was terrible. On 19 June 1995 I posted my disgust to rec.arts.startrek.current and basically gave up on the franchise.

Voyager limped through its seven year run with ever-dwindling audiences. Paramount tried to pimp the new series, Star Trek: Enterprise, as a return to the swashbuckling adventures of old. I watched half of the first season (and scattered episodes since), but from what I’ve seen, it’s just more of the same old shit.

Every Star Trek fan knows what needs to be done to fix the franchise: jettison Rick Berman, who has single-handedly destroyed that which we once loved.

I can’t wait to get Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn on DVD.


On 13 December 2002 (10:56 AM),
Dana said:


Dr. Who, though, is still fantastic. I think it’s because it’s british. Can you imagine Hollywood actually producing an SF/Action movie/show with an iconoclastic goofball as the main hero, who himself solves problems by figuring them out?

The closest I think they’ve come would be the short-lived, Asimov-inspired _Probe_. Or maybe _Max Headroom_, but that was developed by the british, too (the producer on MH was the same guy who did the “8th Doctor” episode on Fox).

On 13 December 2002 (02:34 PM),
Santa Claus said:

“I can’t wait to get Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn on DVD.”

Be patient there sonny-boy.

On 26 December 2002 (09:02 PM),
Victor Hugo said:

Greetings fellow,

I�m a brazilian illustrator and sci-fi fan and I was looking for info on NEMESIS (it will open here in Brazil only in February), and i found your site, but it seems that you (and many people disliked it very much). I also loved the classic trek, and i even gave proudly to Walter Koenig (when he came to Brazil in June 2002) a poster of my comic book line (
Since Deep Space Nine and Voyager didnt aired in brazilians TVs (only classic trek and TNG), just a bunch of episodes were released on video, on the Warner Channel we had a refreshing outing..BABYLON 5. I watched every episode during its 5 year run. I was dazzled, specially the third and fourth season, which set the standard for space battles for that time on. Its The Lord of the Rings in space. IMHO..on trying to follow the footsteps of Gene Roddenberty, Rick Berman tried, but it was J. Michael Straczynski which succeeded, Star Trek as it should be, its on BABYLON 5.

On 31 January 2003 (01:26 PM),
Cragg said:

Rick Berman belongs in prison.

On 01 June 2003 (02:59 PM),
Charles Banks said:

AN ABSOLUTE SHAME! How is that Rick Berman has been allowed to destroy Star Trek as he has without a eek or Scream from anyone around or above him?? My biggest fault with Star Tek has ALWAYS been that alought theysay their mission is to seek out NEW life, and to boldly go where no man/woman has gone befoe, they NEVER do this but instead we’ve been subjected to a time where it seems as if all of space has been commercialized except for the Neutral Zone. Nothing really shocks and Awes then, allof the races they encounter look the same! There is absolutely no attempt at creative thinking.
The Borg would have been an excellent plot for a full screen movie, but Berman screwed that away.
the only problem with Star Trek is that it’s in the hands of incompetence! There are those out there that could probly work wonders with it, a true shame and the end of an era. If there is a site thats sending letter to him please info me. many thanks
Charles Banks

On 01 June 2003 (03:00 PM),

AN ABSOLUTE SHAME! How is that Rick Berman has been allowed to destroy Star Trek as he has without a eek or Scream from anyone around or above him?? My biggest fault with Star Tek has ALWAYS been that alought theysay their mission is to seek out NEW life, and to boldly go where no man/woman has gone befoe, they NEVER do this but instead we’ve been subjected to a time where it seems as if all of space has been commercialized except for the Neutral Zone. Nothing really shocks and Awes then, allof the races they encounter look the same! There is absolutely no attempt at creative thinking.
The Borg would have been an excellent plot for a full screen movie, but Berman screwed that away.
the only problem with Star Trek is that it’s in the hands of incompetence! There are those out there that could probly work wonders with it, a true shame and the end of an era. If there is a site thats sending letter to him please info me. many thanks
Charles Banks

On 23 August 2003 (01:27 PM),
Robert said:

Maybe it’s time to start reminding Berman he once said he was planning to move on after season three of this series. Hopefull he can be persuaded to take Braga with him.
His comments can be found here.

On 26 August 2003 (03:42 PM),
Phil D. said:

Greetings , I have been and always will be a product of the intense mythical phenomenon we all know as STAR TREK! That being said-The originality of Gene’s vision is ingrained within a global society-The foundation is the most essential part of any construction and no matter what you add onto the structure it will remain secure in it’s place in time.We are very lucky to live within a real time of space exploration-I believe that all the people working in the fields of research and/or space related activity have been influenced by sci-fi.I consider myself to be an explorer and self educated science enthusiest always seeking intellectual and psysical adventure .The day will come when somehow all of mankind will be united for the common good -Today we are concerned with our own sence of security and wellbeing which is not a bad thing at all- we are still far too primitive.Perhaps in several thousand years we will atain a level of substance within our being that will unify the race-If we survive ourselves!

On 06 January 2004 (11:14 PM),
Arias said:

If anyone knows how to contact Rick Berman via email, please write to me at

Thank you,


On 30 January 2004 (08:31 PM),
Glen Gabel said:

I used to watch the old episodes too, I loved all the original cast movies, and even TNG had a lot of merit…but then Roddenberry died and Berman became King Retard of the Trek Universe. Now everything Trek sucks…I think Id rather sit through SW: Episode 1 again than ST: Nemesis…(b4..what the hell were they thinking?)

Rick Berman is a dimwit who wouldnt know a good script if it bit him in the arse. I hope the execs at Paramount get a clue and can him.

On 03 February 2005 (11:27 AM),
Hawk said:

It is with a sad heart that I announce Enterprise has been cancelled after four seasons and will not be back for a fifth year. The news was made official yesterday at Star I feel this could be the death of Star Trek and we have one person to blame- Rick Berman. He has sucessfully worked the Trek name into the ground, whereas ten years ago it was at its highest peak with the huge ratings grabber, The Next Generation. Too many trips to the well has proven to be ill advised and Berman should be removed from his position as keeper of the Roddenberry flame, by his Paramount superiors, as was threatened a year ago. I see no point for him and Brannon Braga to have anything further to do with the franchise. They have done enough.

On 09 March 2005 (07:51 PM),
Dr. Nose said:

I agree that Star Trek is in a state of crisis but I am of the minority opinion that the franchise is not suffering from overexposure–its suffering from some massive blunders. Enterprise was an ill conceived show. While a prequel might have worked for the mythological Star Wars series, Star Trek is about moving forward. Now, more than ever, the nation needs Roddenberry’s hopeful vision of the future but Enterprise did not give us much of one. It was dark. The ship was dark and many of the early story lines were dark. The backstory and casting were amiss as well. Think about all the interesting back stories to the characters on Next Generation and compare them to the thinly developed characters on Enterprise. Most of the cast was not that inspiring but they suffered through poor writing until Manny Coto came on board.

My recipe for the next Star Trek Series:

(1) Return to the 24th Century. There are too many opportunities for cross over characters and fun with holodecks to go back in time.

(2) License the show to the Sci Fi channel or perhaps HBO. Roddenberry’s concept is too heady for UPN. It needs creative breathing room.

(3) Stick to the basic values of Roddenberry’s optimistic vision of the future.

(4) Have fun. Enterprise was the most humorless of all the series.

I don’t know why Rick Berman has repeatedly rejected the Starfleet Academy Premise. I think it could be well done and perhaps bring in more young viewers.

I really care about Star Trek and would like to see it save.

Dr. Nose

  1. I just wish that there was away to get the people who have the power to listen, but their is no way. So much to teach and no students. The star trek world is going the way of our country. To the bottom, lead by people with no vision and not willing to listen.

  2. Hi I am fan from Germany and I really can’t believe why so much people hate Star Trek Enterprise. It was a very courageously project which was very good, I think. I hated all that episodes of unrealistic and unspectacular content, especialy in TNG. The first 2 Voyager seasons were quite borring. DSN9 became interesting when the Defiant arrived the station. The most interesting part was the Dominion Wars season. Enterprise broke with all this borring seek out for new life and civilization imbecility. It shows a part of us we don’t want to see. he dark sides of our selfes. I never understood the incompetence of starfleet in the 24th century. Their security teams are without bodyarmour, they even had no headsets and alltogether their equipment was very poor. It is a phenomenon that you even can see in Enterprise. Their computer systems have poor security options. And everyone who wants could get the control over the ship. There is much incompetence at work I must say.
    But the positive aspect of Enterprise is more wisdom about the political situation at this time. I wished the producers would have more consequent with the other series. Mankind looks very weak, inconsequent and naive in all the series. And everyone who watch it wants to believe humans are like that. But this would never be so. It is the AAmerican Dream or Way that should look honorable and the wisdom of a better world. Look at Iraq and see the American Dream. So will be our future too. Now look at Enterprise and you will see what it means to be a terrestrian.

  3. Rick Berman just destroyed the history… utterly. And the basic moral foundation that the Federation and Starfleet had once stood for. Now, they’re shady… not the utopia we once knew it to be. Like in “Time’s Arrow” when Twain goes on to Deanna Troi about the opulence of the Enterprise and asks how the poor people in squalor back on Earth… she told him about a vast Federaton of Planets that was united for the same reasons… to help other advanced civilizations… civilizations more advanced than anything humanity will ever achieve in its short time on Earth.

    Sure, I did enjoy the political intrigue of DS9… but it really disillusioned me as to what my beloved Federation stood for, sometimes.
    As for Voyager and Enterprise… I loved voyager, it was tits. And it kinda set the premise for the temporal… police. or whatever. You know it was gonna happen somehow… look at the Krenim. And the episodes with Captain Braxton featured in them.
    He (and his writers.. quite a few of whom have starred in the show) had given themselves the license to do so.
    Point is… in the Star Trek Universe there is Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.

    Sure, they screwed up Gene’s history line… but at least Star Trek lived on after Roddenberry.

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