in Writing

Site Statistics

This one’s for my little brother, who wanted to know how many people visit my Animal Intelligence site every day.

I crunched some numbers this morning, just for the fun of it. At my four active web sites (active as in “I post to them at least once a month”), I receive the following traffic. ~35,000 visitors/month, ~1200/day over the past month, 9200 in the past week [traffic at foldedspace is holding steady — on the rare occasions that I have an entry picked up, traffic soars for a month or two, but then it settles at around 35,000/month again] — foldedspace has ~350 subscribers (who are all you people?) ~1100 visitors/month, ~40/day over the past month, 280 in the past week [traffic at Four Color Comics is holding steady — traffic would improve substantially if I actually posted content] — I don’t track Four Color Comics subscribers yet ~800 visitors/month, ~30/day over the past month, 310 in the past week [traffic at Animal Intelligence is growing slowly but surely — I am happy with this site’s current state. It’s working exactly as intended. I post to it when I find something good (or when people send me things — Frykitty, I’m saving your cockie story for Valentine’s Day), and don’t feel bad if weeks go by without something to put up] — Animal Intelligence has ~25 subscribers ~105,000 visitors/month, ~4000/day over the past month, 42,500 in the past week [traffic at Get Rich Slowly is growing quickly — there’s no question that this is my primary focus now] — Get Rich Slowly has ~5,000 subscribers

In an ideal world, each of these sites would be growing quickly. But an ideal world doesn’t have all sorts of internet distractions. Or people wanting boxes. Or grapes to prune.

One of my goals for the next month is to actually bring Vintage Pop online. I just got Bibliophilic renovated the other day! Then I’ll have six seven active blogs (plus the flotch, plus my top-secret personal blog).

I’m a madman.

Addendum: In the past few days, I’ve resuscitated Bibliophilic and Money Hacks, which is a companion to Get Rich Slowly. Bibliophilic is averaging 4 visitors/day and Money Hacks is averaging 6 visitors/day. Bibliophilic has 2 subscribers; Money Hacks has 20.

  1. Secret blog? How dare you hint to it and not tell us where it is!

    And I dont even know if I want to read that tatoo thing over in your flotch. If it has you uncomfortable it cant be good for me!

  2. Tammy, I haven’t posted to my top-secret blog since October, so you’re not missing much. It was just a test platform, anyhow. Still, if you find it, I’ll make you a seven-layer beef pie as a prize.

  3. we’ve always assumed that your “top-secret” blog was devoted to content not suitable for polite company . . .

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