in Writing

The Write Stuff

I’ve always wanted to be a writer. And if a person is defined but what it is they do most often, what it is they love, I have, at last, become a writer.

I spend several hours each day writing. I write for this weblog. I write for Get Rich Slowly (which, for good or ill, is now my main blog). I used to write for Four Color Comics (which is not dead, I promise). I write even more for my own edification. In fact, I’d guess that only about half of what I write is ever seen by anyone but me.

If you had told me a decade ago that I would be a writer, but not for traditional media, I would have said you were crazy. But that’s what has happened. Custom Box is still my day job — no question — but writing is who I am, what I do. (I’m even beginning to make a little money at it!)

I haven’t had much time to write during the past ten days. We’ve been busy with friends and yard work. Yesterday I had finally had enough. “I’m spending all day Sunday writing,” I told Kris. “I’m finishing my chores tonight, and then I’m going to sit at the kitchen table all day. Writing.”

And here I am. And here I’ll be twelve hours from now.

I am writing.

I am a writer.

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